C# 1.x 实现 "强类型元素唯一的 ArrayList"

//本文参阅 CSDN ccat 的 MarchLibrary 修改
// C# 1.x 实现 "强类型元素唯一的 ArrayList"
using System;
using System.Collections;

/// 任何元素的 Type 都应当等于指定的类型或为指定类型的子类。
/// 对于值类型,最好先行装箱再使用。
/// 作为 C# 1.x 语言实现泛型功能之前的代用品(运行时错误)

//方法1: 通过继承于 System.Collections.ArrayList 实现
public class StrongTypeUniqueArrayList : ArrayList
 private Type _type;
 /// <summary>
 /// 禁止默认构造。
 /// </summary>
 private StrongTypeUniqueArrayList()
 /// <summary>
 /// 在容器初始化时指定其元素类型
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ElementType">ArrayList (元素)类型</param>
 public StrongTypeUniqueArrayList(System.Type ElementType)
  _type = ElementType;
 /// <summary>
 /// 不能再更改其内部元素类型。
 /// </summary>
 public Type Type
   return _type;
 private bool IsMatchType(Type eType)
  return (eType == _type)|(eType.IsSubclassOf(_type));

 public override object this[int index]
   if (IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
    if (base.Contains(value))
     if (base.IndexOf(value) == index)
      base[index] = value;
      throw new ArgumentException(value.ToString() + " 元素重复","value");
     base[index] = value;
    throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误", "value");

 public override int Add(object value)
  if (!base.Contains(value) && IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
   return 1;
   throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + value.ToString() + " 元素重复", "value");
   //return -1;
 public override void Insert(int index, object value)
  if (!base.Contains(value) && IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
   throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + value.ToString() + " 元素重复", "value");

 public override void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c)
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = c.GetEnumerator();
  while (ie.MoveNext())
   if (base.Contains(ie.Current) || !IsMatchType(ie.Current.GetType()))
    throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + ie.Current.ToString() + " 元素重复", "c");
 public override void SetRange(int index, ICollection c)
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = c.GetEnumerator();
  int i = 0;
  while (ie.MoveNext())
   if (IsMatchType(ie.Current.GetType()))
    if (base.Contains(ie.Current) && base.IndexOf(ie.Current) != i)
     throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.ToString() + " 元素重复","c");
    throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误", "c");
 public override void AddRange(ICollection c)
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = c.GetEnumerator();
  while (ie.MoveNext())
   if (base.Contains(ie.Current) || !IsMatchType(ie.Current.GetType()))
    throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + ie.Current.ToString() + " 元素重复", "c");
public class Class1
 private static int i = 0;
 public string xxx = "test";
 public Class1()
 static void Main(string[] args)
  System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
  Class1 c1 = new Class1();
  Class1 c2 = new Class1();
  Class1 c3 = new Class1();
  Class1 c4 = new Class1();
  //StrongTypeUniqueArrayList x = new StrongTypeUniqueArrayList(typeof(Class1));
  StrongTypeUniqueArrayList x = new StrongTypeUniqueArrayList(System.Type.GetType("Class1"));
  //x.Add(new Class1());
//  x[2]= new Object();
  //x.Insert(2,new Object()); //类型错误
  //  x.Add(c2); //元素重复

//方法2: 不通过继承于 System.Collections.ArrayList 实现
//《Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code》
// 3.21 Refused Bequest: Replace Inheritance with Delegation

using System;
using System.Collections;
public class Class1
 private static int i = 0;
 public string xxx = "test";
 public Class1()
  xxx = i.ToString();
 public override string ToString()
  return xxx;
 static void Main(string[] args)
  System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
  System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
  Class1 c1 = new Class1();
  Class1 c2 = new Class1();
  Class1 c3 = new Class1();
  Class1 c4 = new Class1();
  StrongTypeUniqueArrayList x = new StrongTypeUniqueArrayList(System.Type.GetType("Class1"));
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = x.GetEnumerator();
  while (ie.MoveNext())
  x[0]= c4 ;
  while (ie.MoveNext())
  foreach(Object o in x)
   System.Console.WriteLine(o.ToString() + "each");

public class StrongTypeUniqueArrayList : System.Collections.IEnumerator//,System.Collections.IEnumerable // 支持 foreach
 private ArrayList al;
 private Type _type;
 private int _index = -1;

 public StrongTypeUniqueArrayList(System.Type ElementType)
  al = new ArrayList();
  _type = ElementType;

 public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() // 支持 迭代 和 foreach
  return this;

 public bool MoveNext() // 支持 foreach
  return ++ _index < al.Count;
 public void Reset() // 支持 foreach
  _index = -1;
 public Object Current // 支持 foreach
   return al[_index];

 public Type Type
   return _type;
 private bool IsMatchType(Type eType)
  return (eType == _type)|(eType.IsSubclassOf(_type));
 public object this[int index]
   if (IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
    if (al.Contains(value))
     if (al.IndexOf(value) == index)
      al[index] = value;
      throw new ArgumentException(value.ToString() + " 元素重复","value");
     al[index] = value;
    throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误", "value");
   return al[index];
 public int Add(object value)
  if (!al.Contains(value) && IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
   return 1;
   throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + value.ToString() + " 元素重复", "value");
 public void Insert(int index, object value)
  if (!al.Contains(value) && IsMatchType(value.GetType()))
   throw new ArgumentException(value.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + value.ToString() + " 元素重复", "value");
 public void InsertRange(int index, ICollection c)
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = c.GetEnumerator();
  while (ie.MoveNext())
   if (al.Contains(ie.Current) || !IsMatchType(ie.Current.GetType()))
    throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + ie.Current.ToString() + " 元素重复", "c");
 public void SetRange(int index, ICollection c)
  System.Collections.IEnumerator ie = c.GetEnumerator();
  int i = 0;
  while (ie.MoveNext())
   if (IsMatchType(ie.Current.GetType()))
    if (al.Contains(ie.Current) && al.IndexOf(ie.Current) != i)
     throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.ToString() + " 元素重复","c");
    throw new ArgumentException(ie.Current.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误", "c");
 public void AddRange(ICollection c)
  foreach(Object o in al)
   if (al.Contains(o) || !IsMatchType(o.GetType()))
    throw new ArgumentException(o.GetType().FullName + " 类型错误 或 " + o.ToString() + " 元素重复", "c");

posted @ 2004-11-08 16:51  于斯人也  阅读(309)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报