Test Report
终于迎来了Beta版的发布,现在大部分已知bug均以解决,但新bug还在不断地涌现中。我们的程序是基于插件的,每个插件实现一系列功能,插件之间互相独立,因此我把对每个插件的测试,作为一个test scenario, 每个插件的所有功能能就是各个test case,然后还有少部分测试与多个插件有关,如组合测试,框架测试。
接下来是我们的得到的Bug,每个bug最前面一栏记录了该bug属于哪个测试样例 ,凡是未解决的bug都用红色字体。可以看到,有记录的一共有69个bug,其中有10个尚未得到结局。(还有些bug没有记录在tfs上,因为可能bug很快就解决了或者我们不认为是bug)
1. 设置处没有确定按钮,但其实输入账号密码后不用点击确定
2. 有时状态为绿色但实际未登录,不用着急,再等3秒钟就ok了
3. 有时邮箱没有显示新邮件有点延迟,但不长,至多1分钟
4. 在工具栏中输入后点击回车键会发出响声
test id |
test scenario |
test cases |
1 |
测试框架显示 |
打开程序测试,期望显示完善的窗口 |
2 |
测试手动登录瀚海 |
输入账号密码,能正常登录 |
3 |
测试自动登录瀚海 |
输入一次账号密码后,期望第二次启动程序能自动登录 |
4 |
测试快捷键 |
测试alt+z/t/1/2/3/enter/F1是否有相应的功能,期望能实现相应快捷操作 |
5 |
测试鼠标手势 |
鼠标按住右键左拖动实现后退,右拖动实现前进 |
6 |
测试瀚海邮箱插件 |
登录后期望能显示瀚海新邮件,点击图标期望能查看邮件 |
7 |
测试收藏夹插件 |
期待登录后能在收藏夹标签中找到自己收藏的板块 |
8 |
测试好友插件 |
期待登录后能在好友标签中找到自己的好友 |
9 |
测试瀚海热门讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应的当前热门话题 |
10 |
测试水木热门讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应的当前热门话题 |
11 |
测试清华热门讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应的当前热门话题 |
12 |
测试小百合热门讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应的当前热门话题 |
13 |
测试瀚海讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应bbs的所有板块树形结构列表 |
14 |
测试清华讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应bbs的所有板块树形结构列表 |
15 |
测试水木讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应bbs的所有板块树形结构列表 |
16 |
测试小百合讨论区插件 |
期待运行后能在相应标签中看到相应bbs的所有板块树形结构列表 |
17 |
测试关注插件 |
在某页面点击关注图标后,当此页面有新帖或其他变化时弹窗提醒 |
18 |
测试工具拦 |
期望工具栏能实现相应的快捷功能 |
19 |
测试瀚海登录后正常功能 |
登录后应能发帖回帖删帖发信回信删信收消息发消息进限制访问的讨论区 |
20 |
测试设置按钮 |
期望能有登录、启用、禁用插件等设置功能 |
21 |
测试鼠标悬停切换标签 |
鼠标移动到非当前标签后,自动切换到该标签 |
22 |
组合测试 |
模拟日常使用,期待一切正常 |
23 |
测试安装程序 |
能正常安装卸载,当检测到没有.net4时,自动跳转到下载页面 |
test case |
ID |
Work Item Type |
Title |
Assigned To |
State |
1 |
37527 |
Bug |
拉伸右边界,TabControl不跟着变长 Ver 0.1 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
37532 |
Bug |
插件输出路径不对(Debug、Release) |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37596 |
Bug |
release编译成功后运行出错 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
7 |
37683 |
Bug |
收藏夹显示尺寸问题 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
7 |
37685 |
Bug |
有2个收藏夹 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
13 |
37686 |
Bug |
讨论区列表有重复 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37687 |
Bug |
build后,按F5运行时,会跳出一个报错框,但确认后仍可运行程序 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
9 |
37637 |
Bug |
open a link in "shi da"; click another tab; click "shi da" again. Then the link is disabled. |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37646 |
Bug |
12.26日4:48分不能运行-Gaoyao |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
20 |
37647 |
Bug |
配置返回后,配置功能没法再使用 |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
20 |
37649 |
Bug |
配置文件为空时,出现异常,程序不能运行 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
37706 |
Bug |
收藏夹 - 展开一个目录的时候关闭其它已经展开的目录 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37709 |
Bug |
状态栏没法显示 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37766 |
Bug |
右窗口 上方有一长条不明物 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37805 |
Bug |
ctl+z快捷键无效 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
2 |
37809 |
Bug |
登陆不上BBS,自动登录也登不上。。。没法发表文章 |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37764 |
Bug |
插件UserControl没法随窗口大小变化而变化 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
2 |
37812 |
Bug |
恩,可以登陆了,但是换一个用户是没法正常logout。。。 |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
2 |
37813 |
Bug |
您已经登录了3个窗口。为了保证他人利益,此次连线将被取消。! |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
22 |
37846 |
Bug |
debug程序退出时有错,详见附件截图 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37847 |
Bug |
Alt+3返回本版主页, 回帖时不能使用 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37848 |
Bug |
atl+f 本版查询功能,在看帖时使用是全局查询,建议改成本版查询 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37849 |
Bug |
release下左侧栏没有收藏夹和两个sample table |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37850 |
Bug |
alt+z 有时候反应很缓慢,可能是因为下载速度太慢的原因 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37872 |
Bug |
alt+3在某些板块无效 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
37873 |
Bug |
点击帖子中链接调用浏览器的问题 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
1 |
37874 |
Bug |
半小时不操作会自动掉线 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
1 |
37875 |
Bug |
状态栏不显示。建议自己读取信箱等状态单独显示? |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
37887 |
Bug |
乱码 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
37894 |
Bug |
快捷键无效 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
21 |
37979 |
Bug |
用鼠标悬停切换标签 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
38078 |
Bug |
release下快捷键无效 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
4 |
38080 |
Bug |
普通模式看帖时切换到主题模式 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
38087 |
Bug |
IWebBrowser.Url won't update in some case |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
19 |
38319 |
Bug |
发送消息出错 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
1 |
38320 |
Bug |
账号信息无法显示 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
3 |
37815 |
Bug |
当软件退出时没有自动logout,所以再次开启软件时,相当与再一次登陆,但是科大BBS只允许一个账号同时登陆三个窗口。。。所以会造成第四次打开软件时登不上 |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
38407 |
Bug |
导航区标签页悬念时选择错误页 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
38408 |
Bug |
窗口没有自动最大化 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
38465 |
Bug |
配置窗口,“好”按钮会飘出窗口,随着窗口高度变化 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
38466 |
Bug |
看不到“改改”和状态栏,当屏幕高度很小时 |
Gaoyao Xiao (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
1 |
38615 |
Bug |
屏幕高度小时,没法显示状态栏 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
8 |
38653 |
Bug |
登录时,收藏夹等不能及时更新 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
7 |
38654 |
Bug |
登录时,邮箱不能及时更新 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
3 |
38655 |
Bug |
自动登录选项不符合用户理解 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
1 |
38656 |
Bug |
控制台和朋友后面的输入框和下面的主界面区分不明显 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
8 |
38725 |
Bug |
收藏夹链接出现重复 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
7 |
38726 |
Bug |
邮箱不可用 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
10 |
38790 |
Bug |
热门插件:标题中的“&”,显示为“amp;” |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
39221 |
Bug |
XPTable 编译不通过,缺少授权文件 |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
8 |
38629 |
Bug |
我希望收藏夹中“我的收藏”一直展开 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
39178 |
Bug |
Debug情况下水木系列插件没载入 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
39374 |
Bug |
启动非常非常慢,停在南大的十大插件GetHMTL()上 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
7 |
39376 |
Bug |
信件个数时而为空(见贴图),时而正常 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
23 |
39444 |
Bug |
重新安装时没法卸载原来的程序 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
18 |
39445 |
Bug |
没法关注水木主题模式贴子 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
18 |
39450 |
Bug |
弹出窗口,信息显示不全 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
2 |
39218 |
Bug |
在填用户登录的时候没有确认按钮? |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
22 |
39428 |
Bug |
点百合热闹后,程序无响应了,见截图 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Resolved |
23 |
39598 |
Bug |
电脑未装.NET4时会转到Microsoft官网,而不是我们的网站 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
39599 |
Bug |
程序未最小化时点图标,会窗口变化,而不是显示 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
22 |
39601 |
Bug |
经常弹出网络超时,退出程序 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39614 |
Bug |
在最小化状态下,点托盘图标,软件不能保证自动在最前端出现 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39616 |
Bug |
搜索框输入后按回车,会引发系统音效(同在IE浏览器中未关闭警告框时点击网页上 ) |
Liuhang Zhang (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39622 |
Bug |
断网(可能也包含网络不稳定)的情况下,切换标签(也就是试图联网获取内容)会很久不响应 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39521 |
Bug |
切换工具栏时出现异常 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Closed |
1 |
39639 |
Bug |
状态绿色,但没登录 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39652 |
Bug |
登录超时引起关注插件误判 |
Hui Zhong (MSR Student-Person Consulting) |
Active |
22 |
39662 |
Bug |
Debug下,关注瀚海test版,弹出两次提示后,抛出异常 |
Hui Zhong |
Active |
--Posted by Gaoyao
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