Retinex  Retinex Image processing  NASA Langley Research Center
 发音're-tin-ex, 'ret-nex;
复数形式(pl) retinexes;
解释:from Medieval Latin retina and Latin cortic. Edwin Land coined word for his model of human color vision, combining the retina of the eye and the cerebral cortex of the brain. More specifically defined in image processing as a process that automatically provides visual realism to images.(retinex 是来自于中古拉丁文Retina 和拉丁文 Cortic,Edwin Land 为他提出的人类色彩视觉模型,结合眼睛的视网膜(retina)和大脑的头皮层(cortex)而创新出来的一个词。更加明确的定义了人类的视觉成像过程中,图像的处理过程。)
posted @ 2006-10-17 14:40  MichaeL  阅读(1291)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报