1 什么是TIFF?
TIFF是Tagged Image File Format的缩写。在现在的标准中,只有TIFF存在, 其他的提法已经舍弃不用了。做为一种标记语言,TIFF与其他文件格式最大的不同在于除了图像数据,它还可以记录很多图像的其他信息。它记录图像数据的方式也比较灵活, 理论上来说, 任何其他的图像格式都能为TIFF所用, 嵌入到TIFF里面。比如JPEG, Lossless JPEG, JPEG2000和任意数据宽度的原始无压缩数据都可以方便的嵌入到TIFF中去。由于它的可扩展性, TIFF在数字影响、遥感、医学等领域中得到了广泛的应用。TIFF文件的后缀是.tif或者.tiff
2 TIFF文件结构
TIFF文件中的三个关键词是:图像文件头Image File Header(IFH), 图像文件目录Image File Directory(IFD)和目录项Directory Entry(DE)。每一幅图像是以8字节的IFH开始的, 这个IFH指向了第一个IFD。IFD包含了图像的各种信息, 同时也包含了一个指向实际图像数据的指针。
Byte 0-1: 字节顺序标志位, 值为II或者MM。II表示小字节在前, 又称为little-endian。MM表示大字节在前,又成为big-endian。
Byte 2-3: TIFF的标志位,一般都是42
Byte 4-7: 第一个IFD的偏移量。可以在任意位置, 但必须是在一个字的边界,也就是说必须是2的整数倍。
Byte 0-1: 表示此IFD包含了多少个DE,假设数目为n
Byte 2-(n*12+1): n个DE
Byte (n*12+2)-(n*12+5): 下一个IFD的偏移量,如果没有则置为0
Byte 0-1: 此TAG的唯一标识
Byte 2-3: 数据类型。
Byte 4-7: 数量。通过类型和数量可以确定存储此TAG的数据需要占据的字节数
Byte 8-11: 如果占用的字节数少于4, 则数据直接存于此。 如果超过4个,则这里存放的是指向实际数据的指针
1 = BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer.
2 = ASCII 8-bit byte that contains a 7-bit ASCII code; the last byte
must be NUL (binary zero).
3 = SHORT 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.
4 = LONG 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
5 = RATIONAL Two LONGs: the first represents the numerator
6 = SBYTE An 8-bit signed (twos-complement) integer.
7 = UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that may contain anything, depending on
the definition of the field.
8 = SSHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer.
9 = SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer.
10 = SRATIONAL Two SLONG’s: the first represents the numerator of a
fraction, the second the denominator.
11 = FLOAT Single precision (4-byte) IEEE format.
12 = DOUBLE Double precision (8-byte) IEEE format.
一、图像文件头(Image File Header)
表一 IFH结构描述
名称 字节数 数据类型 说明
Byteorder 2 Integer TIF标记,其值为4D4D或4949
Version 2 Integer 版本号,其值恒为2A00
Offset to first IFD 4 Long 第一个IFD的偏移量
3.Offset to first IFD:第一个IFD相对文件开始处的偏移量(因为可能会有多个顺序排列的IFD)。
二、图像文件目录(Image File Directory)
表二 IFD结构描述
名称 字节数 数据类型 说明
Directory Entry Count 2 Integer 本IFD中DE的数量
Directory Entry(1) 12 简称DE,中文译义“目录项”
Directory Entry(2) 12
Directory Entry(N) 12
Offset to next IFD 4 Long 下一个IFD的偏移量
1.Directory Entry Count:指出在该IFD中DE的个数;
2.Directory Entry:共12个字节,结构见表三。需要指出的是,DE的个数是不定的,因为每个DE只标识了图像的一个属性,那么这幅图像有N个属性就会有N个DE,用户甚至可添加自定义的标记属性,这就是为什么称TIF格式文件为“可扩充标记的文件”的原因。
3.Offset to next IFD Or NULL:下一个IFD相对于文件开始处的位置,这是一个链式构成。如果该数字为0,表示已经是最后一个IFD。当然,如果该TIF文件只包含了一幅图像,那么就只有一个IFD,显然这个偏移量也会等于0。
表三 DE结构描述
名称 字节数 数据类型 说明
tag 2 Integer 本属性的标签编号
type 2 Integer 本属性值的数据类型
length 4 Long 该类型数据的数量
valueOffset 4 Long 属性值的存放偏移量
表四 DE中标签编号的含义
TagID 属性名称 type 说明
0100 图像宽 0003
0101 图像高 0003
0102 颜色深度 0003 值=1为单色,=4为16色,=8为256色。
0103 图像数据是否压缩 0003 值=05表示压缩
0106 图像是否采用反色显示0003 值=01表示反色,否则表示不反色
0111 图像扫描线偏移量 0004 图像数据起始字节相对于文件开始处的位置
0116 图像扫描线的数量 0004 表示图像有几行扫描线,实际上等于图像高度
0117 图像数据字节总数 0003 如果不是偶数,那么实际存放时会在后面加0
011A 水平分辩率偏移量 0005 常用计量单位是:像素/英寸
011B 垂直分辩率 偏移量 0005 常用计量单位是:像素/英寸
0131 生成该图像的软件名 0002 文本类型
0132 生成该图像的时间 0002 文本类型
0140 调色板偏移量 0003 256色和16色图像才有此属性,而且有连续2个
表五 DE中的数据类型
type值 数据类型 说明
0001 Byte
0002 Ascii 文本类型,7位Ascii码加1位二进制0
0003 Integer
0004 Long
0005 RATIONAL 分数类型,由两个Long组成,第1个是分子,第2个是分母
#pragma once #include "proj_api.h" #define PROJ4_COUNT 1024 #define coord_wgs84 "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" #define coord_google "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" /* 北京54 +proj=tmerc +a=6378245.000000 +b=6356863.018800 +x_0=39500000.000000 +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=117.000000 +units=m +k=1.000000 +towgs84=0,-0,0,0,0,0,0 西安80 +proj=tmerc +a=6378140.000000 +b=6356755.288158 +x_0=39500000.000000 +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=117.000000 +units=m +k=1.000000 +towgs84=0,-0,0,0,0,0,0 国家2000 +proj=tmerc +a=6378137.000000 +b=6356752.314140 +x_0=39500000.000000 +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=117.000000 +units=m +k=1.000000 +towgs84=0,-0,0,0,0,0,0 */ class CoordTrans { public: CoordTrans(); public: void define_coord_sys( const int coord_sys ); void define_ellps( const int ellps ); void define_proj_zone( const int maj_zone ); void define_7_trans( double dx , double dy , double dz , double rx , double ry , double rz , double k ); void trans_2_des( double&left , double&top , double&right , double&bottom ); void trans_2_des( double&left , double&top ); void trans_back_src( double&left , double&top ); public: bool init_proj( const char* src_ ,const char* des_ = coord_google ); void xy_2_latlong( double&x , double&y ); void xy_2_xy( double&x , double&y ); void longlat_2_xy( double&x , double&y ); private: void deinit(); private: void* _source; void* _des; char* _sz_source; char* _sz_des; private: int _coord_sys; int _ellps; int _maj_zone; double _dx; double _dy; double _dz; double _rx; double _ry; double _rz; double _k; };
#include "coord_trans.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "windows.h" #include <string> using namespace std; struct _ellps_type_data_ { TCHAR* name; double a; double b; }; const _ellps_type_data_ ellps_list[]= { {L"WGS84" , 6378137.0 , 6356752.3142 }, {L"西安80" , 6378140.0 , 6356755.288157528}, {L"北京54" , 6378245.0 , 6356863.0188 }, {L"国家2000", 6378137.0 , 6356752.31414}, {L"web墨卡托",6378137.0 , 6378137.0}, {NULL , 0 , 0 } }; typedef struct _proj_type_data_ { TCHAR* name; int zome_number; double pl; double pb; double pfe; double pfn; double pk; } ProjData; ProjData theProj[]= { {L"(6度带)13-中央经线 75" ,13,75,0,13500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)14-中央经线 81" ,14,81,0,14500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)15-中央经线 87" ,15,87,0,15500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)16-中央经线 93" ,16,93,0,16500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)17-中央经线 99" ,17,99,0,17500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)18-中央经线 105" ,18,105,0,18500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)19-中央经线 111" ,19,111,0,19500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)20-中央经线 117" ,20,117,0,20500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)21-中央经线 123" ,21,123,0,21500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)22-中央经线 129" ,22,129,0,22500000,0,1}, {L"(6度带)23-中央经线 135" ,23,135,0,23500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)25-中央经线 75" ,25,75,0,25500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)26-中央经线 78" ,26,78,0,26500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)27-中央经线 81" ,27,81,0,27500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)28-中央经线 84" ,28,84,0,28500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)29-中央经线 87" ,29,87,0,29500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)30-中央经线 90" ,30,90,0,30500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)31-中央经线 93" ,31,93,0,31500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)32-中央经线 96" ,32,96,0,32500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)33-中央经线 99" ,33,99,0,33500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)34-中央经线 102" ,34,102,0,34500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)35-中央经线 105" ,35,105,0,35500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)36-中央经线 108" ,36,108,0,36500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)37-中央经线 111" ,37,111,0,37500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)38-中央经线 114" ,38,114,0,38500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)39-中央经线 117" ,39,117,0,39500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)40-中央经线 120" ,40,120,0,40500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)41-中央经线 123" ,41,123,0,41500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)42-中央经线 126" ,42,126,0,42500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)43-中央经线 129" ,43,129,0,43500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)44-中央经线 132" ,44,132,0,44500000,0,1}, {L"(3度带)45-中央经线 135" ,45,135,0,45500000,0,1}, /*{L"自定义",39,117,0,500000,0,1},*/ {NULL ,0,0,0,0,1} }; CoordTrans::CoordTrans() { _source = NULL; _des = NULL; _sz_source = new char[PROJ4_COUNT]; memset( _sz_source , 0 , PROJ4_COUNT ); _sz_des = new char[PROJ4_COUNT]; memset( _sz_des , 0 , PROJ4_COUNT ); } void CoordTrans::define_coord_sys( const int coord_sys ) { _coord_sys = coord_sys; } void CoordTrans::define_ellps( const int ellps ) { _ellps = ellps; } void CoordTrans::define_proj_zone( const int maj_zone ) { _maj_zone = maj_zone; } void CoordTrans::define_7_trans( double dx , double dy , double dz , double rx , double ry , double rz , double k ) { _dx = dx; _dy = -dy; _dz = dz; _rx = rx; _ry = ry; _rz = rz; _k = k; } void CoordTrans::trans_2_des( double&left , double&top , double&right , double&bottom ) { double left2 = left; double right2 = right; double top2 = top; double bottom2 = bottom; string proj ; if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { proj = "+proj=longlat "; } else if ( _coord_sys == 1 ) { proj = "+proj=tmerc "; } //椭球体 char ch_ellps[128]; memset( ch_ellps , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_ellps , "+a=%f +b=%f " , ellps_list[_ellps].a , ellps_list[_ellps].b ); string ellps( ch_ellps ); //投影带 char ch_zone[512]; memset( ch_zone , 0 , 512 ); sprintf ( ch_zone ,"+x_0=%f +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=%f +units=m +k=1.000000 " , theProj[_maj_zone].pfe , theProj[_maj_zone].pl ); string zone( ch_zone ); //towgs84 char ch_wgs84[128]; memset( ch_wgs84 , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_wgs84 , "+towgs84=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" , _dx , _dy , _dz , _rx , _ry , _rz , _k ); string towgs84( ch_wgs84 ); sprintf ( _sz_source ,"%s%s%s%s" , proj.c_str() , ellps.c_str() , zone.c_str() , towgs84.c_str() ); init_proj( _sz_source ); if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { longlat_2_xy( left , top ); longlat_2_xy( right , bottom ); } else { xy_2_xy( left , top ); xy_2_xy( right , bottom ); } /*init_proj( _sz_source , coord_wgs84 ); xy_2_latlong( left2 , top2 ); xy_2_latlong( right2 , bottom2 ); init_proj( coord_wgs84 , coord_google ); longlat_2_xy( left2 , top2 ); longlat_2_xy( right2 , bottom2 );*/ } void CoordTrans::trans_2_des( double&left , double&top ) { double left2 = left; double top2 = top; string proj ; if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { proj = "+proj=longlat "; } else if ( _coord_sys == 1 ) { proj = "+proj=tmerc "; } //椭球体 char ch_ellps[128]; memset( ch_ellps , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_ellps , "+a=%f +b=%f " , ellps_list[_ellps].a , ellps_list[_ellps].b ); string ellps( ch_ellps ); //投影带 char ch_zone[512]; memset( ch_zone , 0 , 512 ); sprintf ( ch_zone ,"+x_0=%f +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=%f +units=m +k=1.000000 " , theProj[_maj_zone].pfe , theProj[_maj_zone].pl ); string zone( ch_zone ); //towgs84 char ch_wgs84[128]; memset( ch_wgs84 , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_wgs84 , "+towgs84=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" , _dx , _dy , _dz , _rx , _ry , _rz , _k ); string towgs84( ch_wgs84 ); sprintf ( _sz_source ,"%s%s%s%s" , proj.c_str() , ellps.c_str() , zone.c_str() , towgs84.c_str() ); init_proj( _sz_source ); if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { longlat_2_xy( left , top ); } else { xy_2_xy( left , top ); } } void CoordTrans::trans_back_src( double&left , double&top ) { double left2 = left; double top2 = top; string proj ; if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { proj = "+proj=longlat "; } else if ( _coord_sys == 1 ) { proj = "+proj=tmerc "; } //椭球体 char ch_ellps[128]; memset( ch_ellps , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_ellps , "+a=%f +b=%f " , ellps_list[_ellps].a , ellps_list[_ellps].b ); string ellps( ch_ellps ); //投影带 char ch_zone[512]; memset( ch_zone , 0 , 512 ); sprintf ( ch_zone ,"+x_0=%f +y_0=0.000000 +lat_0=0.000000 +lon_0=%f +units=m +k=1.000000 " , theProj[_maj_zone].pfe , theProj[_maj_zone].pl ); string zone( ch_zone ); //towgs84 char ch_wgs84[128]; memset( ch_wgs84 , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( ch_wgs84 , "+towgs84=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f" , _dx , _dy , _dz , _rx , _ry , _rz , _k ); string towgs84( ch_wgs84 ); sprintf ( _sz_des ,"%s%s%s%s" , proj.c_str() , ellps.c_str() , zone.c_str() , towgs84.c_str() ); init_proj( coord_google , _sz_des ); if ( _coord_sys == 0 ) { longlat_2_xy( left , top ); } else { xy_2_xy( left , top ); } } bool CoordTrans::init_proj( const char* src_ ,const char* des_ ) { deinit(); _source = pj_init_plus( src_ ); if ( !_source ) { return false; } _des = pj_init_plus( des_ ); if ( !_des ) { return false; } return true; } void CoordTrans::xy_2_latlong( double&x , double&y ) { pj_transform( _source,_des, 1, 0, &x , &y , 0 ); x *= RAD_TO_DEG; y *= RAD_TO_DEG; } void CoordTrans::xy_2_xy( double&x , double&y ) { pj_transform( _source,_des, 1, 0, &x , &y , 0 ); } void CoordTrans::longlat_2_xy( double&x , double&y ) { x *= DEG_TO_RAD; y *= DEG_TO_RAD; pj_transform( _source ,_des , 1, 0, &x , &y , 0 ); } void CoordTrans::deinit() { if ( _source ) { pj_free( _source ); _source = NULL; } if ( _des ) { pj_free( _des ); _des= NULL; } }
#pragma once #include "tiflib.h" #include "coord_trans.h" #include <math.h> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include<Windows.h> #define TIFF_HEADER_SIZE 8 //文件头字节数 #define DE_START 10 //tiff TAG开始的位置 #define ONE_DE_SIZE 12 //每个TAG的大小 #define IDF_END_FLAG_SIZE 4 //IFD最后结尾的4个空字节 typedef struct { int i_tag; const char* text; }TagText; typedef struct { TIFF_UINT16_T type; char* type_name; TIFF_UINT16_T type_size; }DataType; typedef struct { TIFF_UINT16_T tag; TIFF_UINT16_T type; TIFF_UINT32_T count; TIFF_UINT32_T offset; }DirectoryEntry; typedef struct { DirectoryEntry de; int data_source; //0 - offset本身值 1 - offset对应的源文件偏移量 2 - 来自内存 TIFF_UINT8_T* mem_data; //当 data_soure = 2 时 ,指向内存 }deInfo; typedef struct { int diff_x ; int diff_y ; }DiffValue; class tiffDeform { public: tiffDeform(); tiffDeform( string tiff_path , string proj4_str ); ~tiffDeform(); public: int open( string tiff_path , string proj4_str , int coord_type ); bool arrangement(); void save( string src_file , string save_name = "" ); private: void src_coord_box( ); double zone_number( double left_right ); int get_zone_num( string proj4_str ); double src_geo_xy( double left_right ); void to_web_mector( geoRECT&rect , bool b );//b - true 取最内侧的范围 false - 取最外侧范围 void to_web_mector( geoRECT&rect , bool b , double&x1 , double&y1, double&x2 , double&y2, double&x3 , double&y3, double&x4 , double&y4 ); void get_pixel_scale(); int get_src_tag_list(); int cts_new_tag_list(); void print_tag_info_list(); const char* tag_text( int i_tag ); deInfo* cts_strip_offsets(); deInfo* cts_rows_per_strip(); deInfo* cts_strip_byte_counts(); deInfo* cts_line_tag(); void mix_proj_de_list( deInfo* coord_list ); void write_file_header( ); string new_tiff_name(); void modify_strip_offset(); void sort_byte_order( TIFF_UINT8_T* buf , TIFF_UINT16_T data_type , TIFF_UINT16_T data_count ); TIFF_UINT64_T file_disk_data( DirectoryEntry de , TIFF_UINT64_T buffer_size ); void write_tag_list(); void write_img_data(); //单个像素写入 void write_img_data_ex(); //提高写入像素的速度,整行写入 void write_img_data_th(); //采用多行读取当行写入来提高效率 void write_img_data_th_ex(); //采用多行读取当行写入来提高效率,并且记录TXT像素差值 void write_img_data_mul_th();//采用多线程 void write_img_by_record(); //通过事先记录好的规则填写数据 void write_img_by_block_record();//分块计算规则 void write_img_by_sin(); //通过斜率填写数据 TIFF_UINT64_T double_to_long( double d_ ); void point_to_by_geo( double x , double y , int&pt_x , int&pt_y ); void point_to_by_geo_ex( double x , double y , int&pt_x , int&pt_y ); void cs_coord( deInfo* coord_list ); void cs_tie_point( double x , double y ); void cs_pixel_scale( double cx , double cy ); void des_geo_to_src_range( geoRECT des_geo , geoRECT&src_range );//通过目标地理范围获得原图片的像素范围 void to_src_proj( geoRECT&des_geo , bool b );//b - true 取最内侧的范围 false - 取最外侧范围 void des_geo_to_src_range_first( geoRECT des_geo , geoRECT&src_range , int&first_x , int&first_y );//通过目标地理范围获得原图片的像素范围,并得到第一个点坐标值 void to_src_proj_first( geoRECT&des_geo , bool b , double&first_x , double&first_y );//b - true 取最内侧的范围 false - 取最外侧范围 private: HANDLE m_htiff_write; static DWORD WINAPI tiff_write_thread( LPVOID lpParameter ); private: TiffFile* _tiff_file; string _tiff_path; string _proj4_str; CoordTrans _coord_trans; int _coord_type; geoRECT _geo_rect_src , _geo_rect_des; //图片的边界 double _scaleX_src,_scaleY_src; double _scaleX_des,_scaleY_des; int _new_tiff_width; int _new_tiff_height; FILE* _line_tiff; deInfo* de_list; TIFF_UINT16_T _de_num; //标签的数量 TIFF_UINT32_T _strip_offset_pos; //TAG StripOffset的文件偏移位置 TIFF_UINT64_T pixel_scale[3];//像元比例 TIFF_UINT64_T tie_point[6];//控制点坐标对 TIFF_UINT32_T* _height_start; TIFF_UINT32_T _file_size; HANDLE _hMutex; };
#include "tiffDeform.h" TagText tag_text_list[] = { { 254 , "NewSubfileType" }, { 256 , "ImageWidth" }, { 257 , "ImageLength" }, { 258 , "BitsPerSample" }, { 259 , "Compression" }, { 262 , "PhotometricInterpretation" }, { 273 , "StripOffsets" }, { 274 , "相对于图像的行和列的方向" }, { 277 , "SamplesPerPixel" }, { 278 , "RowsPerStrip" }, { 279 , "StripByteCounts" }, { 282 , "XResolution" }, { 283 , "YResolution" }, { 284 , "PlanarConfiguration" }, { 296 , "ResolutionUnit" }, { 305 , "Software" }, { 306 , "DateTime" }, { 322 , "TileWidth" }, { 323 , "TileLength" }, { 324 , "TileOffsets" }, { 325 , "TileByteCounts" }, { 339 , "SampleFormat" }, { 33550 , "ModelPixelScaleTag" }, { 33922 , "ModelTiepointTag" }, { 34264 , "ModelTransformationTag" }, { 34735 , "GeoKeyDirectoryTag" }, { 34736 , "GeoDoubleParamsTag" }, { 34737 , "GeoAsciiParamsTag" }, { -1 , "" } }; DataType data_type_list[] = { { 0 , "NULL" , 0 },//NULL { 1 , "BYTE" , 1 },//BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer { 2 , "ASCII" , 1 },//ASCII 8-bit byte that contains a 7-bit ASCII code; the last byte must be NUL (binary zero) { 3 , "SHORT" , 2 },//SHORT 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer { 4 , "LONG" , 4 },//LONG 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer { 5 , "RATIONAL" , 8 },//RATIONAL Two LONGs: the first represents the numerator { 6 , "SBYTE" , 1 },//SBYTE An 8-bit signed (twos-complement) integer. { 7 , "UNDEFINED", 1 },//UNDEFINED An 8-bit byte that may contain anything, depending on the definition of the field. { 8 , "SSHORT" , 2 },//SSHORT A 16-bit (2-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer { 9 , "SLONG" , 4 },//SLONG A 32-bit (4-byte) signed (twos-complement) integer { 10 , "SRATIONAL", 8 },//SRATIONAL Two SLONG’s: the first represents the numerator of afraction, the second the denominator { 11 , "FLOAT" , 4 },//FLOAT Single precision (4-byte) IEEE format { 12 , "DOUBLE" , 8 } //DOUBLE Double precision (8-byte) IEEE format. }; /* Geo Key : 1024 = 1 Geo Key : 1025 = 1 Geo Key : 1026 = Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator Geo Key : 2048 = 32767 Geo Key : 2049 = Popular Visualisation CRS Geo Key : 2050 = 32767 Geo Key : 2054 = 9102 Geo Key : 2056 = 32767 Geo Key : 2057 = 6378137.000000 Geo Key : 2058 = 6378137.000000 Geo Key : 3072 = 32767 Geo Key : 3074 = 32767 Geo Key : 3075 = 7 Geo Key : 3076 = 9001 Geo Key : 3080 = 0.000000 Geo Key : 3081 = 0.000000 Geo Key : 3082 = 0.000000 Geo Key : 3083 = 0.000000 Geo Key : 3092 = 1.000000 */ unsigned char geotiff_web_mercator_tag_dir[]= { /*目录版本号(2 bytes),修订版本号(2 bytes),副版本号(2 bytes),地理键的个数(2 bytes)*/ 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13, 0x00, // /*地理键ID(2 bytes),存放位置(2 bytes),元素的个数(2 bytes),值/索引(2 bytes) */ 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0xb1, 0x87, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x01, 0x08, 0xb1, 0x87, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x25, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x8e, 0x23, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x09, 0x08, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x08, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x29, 0x23, 0x08, 0x0c, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x09, 0x0c, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x14, 0x0c, 0xb0, 0x87, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00 }; unsigned char geotiff_double_param[]= { 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , //0.0 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , //0.0 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xf0 , 0x3f , //1.0 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , //0.0 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , //0.0 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x40 , 0xa6 , 0x54 , 0x58 , 0x41 , //6378137.0000000000 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x40 , 0xa6 , 0x54 , 0x58 , 0x41 //6378137.0000000000 }; unsigned char geotiff_ascii_param[]= /*Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator|Popular Visualisation CRS|*/ { 0x50 , 0x6f , 0x70 , 0x75 , 0x6c , 0x61 , 0x72 , 0x20 , 0x56 , 0x69 , 0x73 , 0x75 , 0x61 , 0x6c , 0x69 , 0x73 , 0x61 , 0x74 , 0x69 , 0x6f , 0x6e , 0x20 , 0x43 , 0x52 , 0x53 , 0x20 , 0x2f , 0x20 , 0x4d , 0x65 , 0x72 , 0x63 , 0x61 , 0x74 , 0x6f , 0x72 , 0x7c , 0x50 , 0x6f , 0x70 , 0x75 , 0x6c , 0x61 , 0x72 , 0x20 , 0x56 , 0x69 , 0x73 , 0x75 , 0x61 , 0x6c , 0x69 , 0x73 , 0x61 , 0x74 , 0x69 , 0x6f , 0x6e , 0x20 , 0x43 , 0x52 , 0x53 , 0x7c , 0x00 }; tiffDeform::tiffDeform() { _tiff_file = NULL; _tiff_file = new TiffFile; memset( _tiff_file , 0 , sizeof(TiffFile) ); } tiffDeform::tiffDeform( string tiff_path , string proj4_str ) { _tiff_path = tiff_path ; _proj4_str = proj4_str ; _tiff_file = new TiffFile; memset( _tiff_file , 0 , sizeof(TiffFile) ); } tiffDeform::~tiffDeform() { if( _tiff_file == NULL ) { delete _tiff_file; _tiff_file = NULL; } } bool tiffDeform::arrangement() { return _tiff_file->tile.is_tile; } int tiffDeform::open( string tiff_path , string proj4_str , int coord_type ) { _tiff_path = tiff_path ; _proj4_str = proj4_str ; _coord_type = coord_type; return tif_open ( tiff_path.c_str() , _tiff_file ); } void tiffDeform::save( string src_file , string save_name ) { delete _tiff_file; _tiff_file = NULL; _tiff_path = src_file; _tiff_file = new TiffFile; memset( _tiff_file , 0 , sizeof(TiffFile) ); tif_open( _tiff_path.c_str() , _tiff_file ); //1.获得原始图片的范围坐标 src_coord_box( ); //2.计算转换为WebMector的坐标范围 _geo_rect_des = _geo_rect_src; _geo_rect_des.left = zone_number( _geo_rect_des.left ) ; _geo_rect_des.right = zone_number( _geo_rect_des.right ) ; double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; to_web_mector( _geo_rect_des , true ,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 ); //3.获得像元比例 get_pixel_scale(); //4.计算新生成的图片的长度和宽度 _new_tiff_width = (int)(( _geo_rect_des.right - _geo_rect_des.left )/_scaleX_des + 0.5 ); _new_tiff_height= (int)(( _geo_rect_des.top - _geo_rect_des.botton )/_scaleY_des + 0.5 ); //5.获得原图片的TAG列表 get_src_tag_list(); //6.构造新的TAG列表 cts_new_tag_list(); string temp_path; if ( save_name == "" ) { temp_path = new_tiff_name() ; } else { temp_path = save_name; } _line_tiff = fopen( temp_path.c_str() , "wb" ); if ( _line_tiff == NULL ) { return ; } //7.写入文件头 write_file_header( ); //8.写入tag的数量 fwrite( &( _de_num ) , 1 , 2 , _line_tiff ); //9.写入空的DE占位空间 TIFF_UINT8_T* place_holder = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _de_num * ONE_DE_SIZE + IDF_END_FLAG_SIZE ]; memset( place_holder , 0 , _de_num * ONE_DE_SIZE + IDF_END_FLAG_SIZE ); fwrite( place_holder , 1 , _de_num * ONE_DE_SIZE + IDF_END_FLAG_SIZE , _line_tiff ); TIFF_UINT64_T write_file_size = ftell( _line_tiff ); //10.写入具体的TAG内容和对应的偏移量 write_tag_list(); //11.修改图像数据的偏移量 modify_strip_offset(); //12.写入图像数据 //write_img_data(); //write_img_data_ex(); //write_img_data_th(); //write_img_data_th_ex(); //write_img_data_mul_th( ); write_img_by_record(); //write_img_by_sin(); //write_img_by_block_record(); //13.关闭文件 //Sleep( 1000 ); fclose( _line_tiff ); } void tiffDeform::write_img_data() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { system("cls"); printf( " %s \n Coord Trans %d / %d \n" , _tiff_path.c_str() , i_height + 1 , _new_tiff_height ); for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x ); int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { TIFF_UINT32_T pos = height_start[pixel_y] + pixel_x*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel; fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[pixel_y] + pixel_x*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , SEEK_SET ); fread( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _line_tiff ); } else { fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _line_tiff ); } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; } } } void tiffDeform::write_img_data_ex() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { //system("cls"); //printf( " %s \n Coord Trans %d / %d \n" , _tiff_path.c_str() , i_height + 1 , _new_tiff_height ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); //TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ]; //memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { TIFF_UINT32_T pos = height_start[pixel_y] + pixel_x*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel; fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[pixel_y] + pixel_x*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , SEEK_SET ); fread( temp_buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); //fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _line_tiff ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { //fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , 1 , _line_tiff ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } //delete[] buf; //buf = NULL; } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); delete[] buf; buf = NULL; } printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } void tiffDeform::to_src_proj_first( geoRECT&des_geo , bool b , double&first_x , double&first_y ) { /* (1) (2) +-----+ | | | | +-----+ (3) (4) */ //_coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; x1 = des_geo.left; y1 = des_geo.top; x2 = des_geo.right; y2 = des_geo.top; x3 = des_geo.left ; y3 = des_geo.botton; x4 = des_geo.right; y4 = des_geo.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x1 , y1 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } first_x = x1 ; first_y = y1 ; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x2 , y2 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x3 , y3 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x4 , y4 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } if ( b ) { des_geo.left = x1 < x3 ? x3 : x1; des_geo.top = y1 > y2 ? y2 : y1; des_geo.right = x2 > x4 ? x4 : x2; des_geo.botton = y3 < y4 ? y4 : y3; } else { des_geo.left = x1 > x3 ? x3 : x1; des_geo.top = y1 < y2 ? y2 : y1; des_geo.right = x2 < x4 ? x4 : x2; des_geo.botton = y3 > y4 ? y4 : y3; } } void tiffDeform::to_src_proj( geoRECT&des_geo , bool b ) { /* (1) (2) +-----+ | | | | +-----+ (3) (4) */ //_coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; x1 = des_geo.left; y1 = des_geo.top; x2 = des_geo.right; y2 = des_geo.top; x3 = des_geo.left ; y3 = des_geo.botton; x4 = des_geo.right; y4 = des_geo.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x1 , y1 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x2 , y2 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x3 , y3 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( x4 , y4 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } if ( b ) { des_geo.left = x1 < x3 ? x3 : x1; des_geo.top = y1 > y2 ? y2 : y1; des_geo.right = x2 > x4 ? x4 : x2; des_geo.botton = y3 < y4 ? y4 : y3; } else { des_geo.left = x1 > x3 ? x3 : x1; des_geo.top = y1 < y2 ? y2 : y1; des_geo.right = x2 < x4 ? x4 : x2; des_geo.botton = y3 > y4 ? y4 : y3; } } void tiffDeform::des_geo_to_src_range( geoRECT des_geo , geoRECT&src_range ) { to_src_proj( des_geo , false ); src_range.left = ( des_geo.left - _geo_rect_src.left ) / _scaleX_src - 0.5 ; if ( src_range.left < 0 ) { //src_range.left = 0 ; } src_range.right = ( des_geo.right - _geo_rect_src.left ) / _scaleX_src + 0.5 ; if ( src_range.right > _tiff_file->tif_width ) { //src_range.right = _tiff_file->tif_width ; } src_range.top = ( _geo_rect_src.top - des_geo.top ) / _scaleY_src - 0.5; if ( src_range.top < 0 ) { src_range.top = 0; } src_range.botton = ( _geo_rect_src.top - des_geo.botton ) / _scaleY_src + 0.5; if ( src_range.botton > _tiff_file->tif_height ) { src_range.botton = _tiff_file->tif_height ; } } void tiffDeform::des_geo_to_src_range_first( geoRECT des_geo , geoRECT&src_range , int&first_x , int&first_y ) { double fx = 0.0 , fy = 0.0 ; to_src_proj_first( des_geo , false , fx , fy ); first_x = (int)(( fx - _geo_rect_src.left ) / _scaleX_src - 0.5 ) ; first_y = (int)(( _geo_rect_src.top - fy ) / _scaleY_src - 0.5); src_range.left = ( des_geo.left - _geo_rect_src.left ) / _scaleX_src - 0.5 ; if ( src_range.left < 0 ) { src_range.left = 0 ; } src_range.right = ( des_geo.right - _geo_rect_src.left ) / _scaleX_src + 0.5 ; if ( src_range.right > _tiff_file->tif_width ) { src_range.right = _tiff_file->tif_width ; } src_range.top = ( _geo_rect_src.top - des_geo.top ) / _scaleY_src - 0.5; if ( src_range.top < 0 ) { src_range.top = 0; } src_range.botton = ( _geo_rect_src.top - des_geo.botton ) / _scaleY_src + 0.5; if ( src_range.botton > _tiff_file->tif_height ) { src_range.botton = _tiff_file->tif_height ; } } void tiffDeform::write_img_data_th() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); #if 1 if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } #else int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } #endif } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); delete[] buf; buf = NULL; delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } void tiffDeform::write_img_data_th_ex() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width; FILE* pf = fopen( "1.txt" , "w" ); char* pwrite = new char[128]; int first_x = 0 , first_y = 0; for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; memset( pwrite , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( pwrite , "第 %d 行\n" , i_height ); fwrite( pwrite , strlen(pwrite) , 1 , pf ); for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_width == 0 ) { first_x = pixel_x; first_y = pixel_y; } memset( pwrite , 0 , 128 ); sprintf( pwrite , "(%d,%d)" , pixel_x - first_x , pixel_y - first_y ); fwrite( pwrite , strlen(pwrite) , 1 , pf ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); fwrite( "\n" , 1 , 1 , pf ); delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } void tiffDeform::write_img_data_mul_th() { _height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( _height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , _height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); _file_size = ftell( _line_tiff ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width; TIFF_UINT32_T new_line_bytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width; _hMutex = CreateMutex( NULL,FALSE,L"MyFileMutex" ); m_htiff_write = CreateThread( NULL , 0 , tiff_write_thread , this , 0 , NULL );//启动新线程 for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height / 2 ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , _height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } TIFF_UINT64_T temp_file_size = _file_size ; temp_file_size += /*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width*/new_line_bytes * i_height ; WaitForSingleObject( _hMutex ,INFINITE );// //等待临界资源,即锁定文件 TIFF_UINT64_T ret = /*fseek*/_fseeki64( _line_tiff , temp_file_size , SEEK_SET ); int write_ret = fwrite( buf , /*_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width*/new_line_bytes , 1 , _line_tiff ); ReleaseMutex( _hMutex );//释放互斥量,解除锁定 delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } DWORD WINAPI tiffDeform::tiff_write_thread( LPVOID lpParameter ) { tiffDeform* pApp=( tiffDeform* )lpParameter; printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_new_tiff_width ); //pApp->_coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , pApp->_proj4_str.c_str() ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = pApp->_geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = pApp->_geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_tiff_file->tif_width ; TIFF_UINT32_T new_line_bytes = pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_new_tiff_width; for ( int i_height = pApp->_new_tiff_height / 2 ; i_height < pApp->_new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = pApp->_geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * pApp->_scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; pApp->des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( pApp->_tiff_file->pfile , pApp->_height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , pApp->_tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < pApp->_new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = pApp->_geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * pApp->_scaleY_des ); double new_x = pApp->_geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * pApp->_scaleX_des ); if ( pApp->_coord_type == 0 ) { pApp->_coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { pApp->_coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = pApp->src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; pApp->point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } TIFF_UINT64_T temp_file_size = pApp->_file_size ; temp_file_size += /*pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_new_tiff_width*/new_line_bytes * i_height ; WaitForSingleObject( pApp->_hMutex ,INFINITE );// //等待临界资源,即锁定文件 TIFF_UINT64_T ret = /*fseek*/_fseeki64( pApp->_line_tiff , temp_file_size , SEEK_SET ); int write_ret = fwrite( buf , /*pApp->_tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * pApp->_new_tiff_width*/ new_line_bytes , 1 , pApp->_line_tiff ); ReleaseMutex( pApp->_hMutex );//释放互斥量,解除锁定 delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; return 0; } void tiffDeform::write_img_by_record() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 8 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } _fseeki64( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width; //计算中间行的斜率 double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( _tiff_file->tif_height / 2 * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); _fseeki64( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); int *diff_x = new int[ _new_tiff_width ] ;memset( diff_x , 0 , _new_tiff_width ); int *diff_y = new int[ _new_tiff_width ] ;memset( diff_y , 0 , _new_tiff_width ); int first_x = 0 , first_y = 0; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { double new_y = new_line_rect.top; double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_width * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo_ex( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_width == 0 ) { diff_x[0] = 0 ; diff_y[0] = 0 ; first_x = pixel_x ; first_y = pixel_y ; } else { diff_x[ i_width ] = pixel_x - first_x; diff_y[ i_width ] = pixel_y - first_y; } } for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { int pixel_first_x = 0 , pixel_first_y = 0 ; double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range_first( new_line_rect , src_range , pixel_first_x , pixel_first_y ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); _fseeki64( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; pixel_x = /*( int )src_range.left*/pixel_first_x + diff_x[ i_width ]; pixel_y = /*( int )src_range.top*/pixel_first_y + diff_y[ i_width ]; if ( pixel_y < (int)src_range.top || pixel_y > (int) src_range.botton ) { pixel_y = -1; } if ( pixel_x < 0 || pixel_x > _tiff_file->tif_width ) { pixel_x = 0; } if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; //printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } void tiffDeform::write_img_by_block_record( ) { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof( TIFF_UINT32_T ) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); int bc = 0; int blockCount = 64; DiffValue** diff = (DiffValue **)malloc(blockCount * sizeof(DiffValue *));; for(bc=0; bc<blockCount; bc++){ diff[bc] = new DiffValue[ _new_tiff_width ]; memset( diff[bc] , 0 , sizeof( DiffValue ) ); } //分成四部分分别计算差值 /* DiffValue* diff1 = new DiffValue[ _new_tiff_width ]; memset( diff1 , 0 , sizeof( DiffValue ) ); DiffValue* diff2 = new DiffValue[ _new_tiff_width ]; memset( diff2 , 0 , sizeof( DiffValue ) ); DiffValue* diff3 = new DiffValue[ _new_tiff_width ]; memset( diff3 , 0 , sizeof( DiffValue ) ); DiffValue* diff4 = new DiffValue[ _new_tiff_width ]; memset( diff4 , 0 , sizeof( DiffValue ) );*/ int block_interval = _new_tiff_height / blockCount ; /* TIFF_UINT16_T height_pos[4] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ; //每部分的中间位置 height_pos[0] = block_interval / 2; //第一部分的中间行 height_pos[1] = block_interval + block_interval / 2; //第二部分的中间位置 height_pos[2] = _new_tiff_height / 2 + block_interval / 2;//第三部分的中间位置行 height_pos[3] = _new_tiff_height - block_interval / 2; //第四部分的中间位置行*/ TIFF_UINT16_T *height_pos = (TIFF_UINT16_T *)malloc(sizeof(TIFF_UINT16_T) * blockCount); for(bc=0; bc<blockCount; bc++) { height_pos[bc] = block_interval / 2 + block_interval * bc; //第一部分的中间行 } _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() );//初始化proj4 /* geoRECT temp_geo2 , temp_geo1 , temp_geo3 , temp_geo4 ; memset( &temp_geo1 , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); memset( &temp_geo2 , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); memset( &temp_geo3 , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); memset( &temp_geo4 , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); temp_geo1.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; temp_geo1.top = _geo_rect_des.top ; temp_geo1.top -= ( height_pos[0] * _scaleY_des ); temp_geo2.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; temp_geo2.top = _geo_rect_des.top ; temp_geo2.top -= ( height_pos[1] * _scaleY_des ); temp_geo3.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; temp_geo3.top = _geo_rect_des.top ; temp_geo3.top -= ( height_pos[2] * _scaleY_des ); temp_geo4.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; temp_geo4.top = _geo_rect_des.top ; temp_geo4.top -= ( height_pos[3] * _scaleY_des ); int first1_x = 0 , first1_y = 0 ; int first2_x = 0 , first2_y = 0 ; int first3_x = 0 , first3_y = 0 ; int first4_x = 0 , first4_y = 0 ;*/ geoRECT *temp_geo = (geoRECT *)malloc(sizeof(geoRECT) * blockCount); int *first_x = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * blockCount); int *first_y = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * blockCount); for(bc=0; bc<blockCount; bc++) { memset( &temp_geo[bc] , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); temp_geo[bc].left = _geo_rect_des.left ; temp_geo[bc].top = _geo_rect_des.top ; temp_geo[bc].top -= ( height_pos[bc] * _scaleY_des ); first_x[bc] = 0; first_y[bc] = 0; } TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width; for ( int i_new_w = 0 ; i_new_w < _new_tiff_width ; i_new_w ++ ) { for( bc = 0 ; bc < blockCount ; bc ++ ) { double new_y = temp_geo[bc].top; double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_new_w * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_new_w == 0 ) { double new_y = temp_geo[bc].top; double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( _new_tiff_width /2 * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); diff[bc][_new_tiff_width /2].diff_x = 0 ; diff[bc][_new_tiff_width /2].diff_y = 0 ; first_x[bc] = pixel_x ; first_y[bc] = pixel_y ; } else { diff[bc][ i_new_w ].diff_x = pixel_x - first_x[bc] ; diff[bc][ i_new_w ].diff_y = pixel_y - first_y[bc] ; } } /* //第一部分 double new_y = temp_geo1.top; double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_new_w * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_new_w == 0 ) { diff1[0].diff_x = 0 ; diff1[0].diff_y = 0 ; first1_x = pixel_x ; first1_y = pixel_y ; } else { diff1[ i_new_w ].diff_x = pixel_x - first1_x ; diff1[ i_new_w ].diff_y = pixel_y - first1_y ; } //第二部分 new_y = temp_geo2.top; new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_new_w * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_new_w == 0 ) { diff2[0].diff_x = 0 ; diff2[0].diff_y = 0 ; first2_x = pixel_x ; first2_y = pixel_y ; } else { diff2[ i_new_w ].diff_x = pixel_x - first2_x ; diff2[ i_new_w ].diff_y = pixel_y - first2_y ; } //第三部分 new_y = temp_geo3.top; new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_new_w * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_new_w == 0 ) { diff3[0].diff_x = 0 ; diff3[0].diff_y = 0 ; first3_x = pixel_x ; first3_y = pixel_y ; } else { diff3[ i_new_w ].diff_x = pixel_x - first3_x ; diff3[ i_new_w ].diff_y = pixel_y - first3_y ; } //第四部分 new_y = temp_geo4.top; new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; new_x += ( i_new_w * _scaleX_des ); if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x );//添加带号 pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; point_to_by_geo( new_x , new_y , pixel_x , pixel_y ); if ( i_new_w == 0 ) { diff4[0].diff_x = 0 ; diff4[0].diff_y = 0 ; first4_x = pixel_x ; first4_y = pixel_y ; } else { diff4[ i_new_w ].diff_x = pixel_x - first4_x ; diff4[ i_new_w ].diff_y = pixel_y - first4_y ; }*/ } geoRECT new_line_rect ; memset( &new_line_rect , 0 , sizeof( geoRECT ) ); new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; DiffValue* ptemp = NULL ; for(bc=0; bc<blockCount; bc++) { if(i_height <= block_interval * (bc+1) && i_height >= block_interval * (bc)) { ptemp = diff[bc]; } } if(!ptemp) break; /* if ( i_height <= block_interval ) { ptemp = diff1; } else if ( i_height > block_interval && i_height <= _new_tiff_height/2 ) { ptemp = diff2; } else if ( i_height > _new_tiff_height/2 && i_height < ( _new_tiff_height/2 + block_interval ) ) { ptemp = diff3 ; } else if ( i_height >= ( _new_tiff_height/2 + block_interval ) ) { ptemp = diff4; }*/ for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width++ ) { int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; //if( i_width <= _new_tiff_width/2 ) /*{ pixel_x = ( int )src_range.left - ptemp[i_width].diff_x ; pixel_y = ( int )src_range.botton - ptemp[i_width].diff_y ; }*/ /*else*/ { pixel_x = ( int )src_range.left + ptemp[i_width].diff_x ; pixel_y = ( int )src_range.botton + ptemp[i_width].diff_y ; } if ( pixel_y < (int)src_range.top || pixel_y > (int) src_range.botton ) { pixel_y = -1; } if ( pixel_x < 0 || pixel_x > _tiff_file->tif_width ) { pixel_x = 0; } if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } /* delete[] diff1; diff1 = NULL ; delete[] diff2; diff2 = NULL ; delete[] diff3; diff3 = NULL ; delete[] diff4; diff4 = NULL ;*/ } void tiffDeform::write_img_by_sin() { TIFF_UINT32_T* height_start = new TIFF_UINT32_T[ _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ]; memset( height_start , 0 , _new_tiff_height * sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T) ); int bits = _tiff_file->bit_per_samples ; if ( bits >= 24 ) { if ( !_tiff_file->tile.is_tile )//不是瓦片数据 { fresh_line_start( _tiff_file , height_start ); } } fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); printf( "转换中请稍后... \n" ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ]; memset( buf , 0 , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width ); _coord_trans.init_proj( coord_google , _proj4_str.c_str() ); geoRECT new_line_rect ; new_line_rect.left = _geo_rect_des.left ; new_line_rect.right = _geo_rect_des.right ; TIFF_UINT32_T LineBytes = _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _tiff_file->tif_width; //计算中间行的斜率 double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( _tiff_file->tif_height / 2 * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT new_line_rect_2 = new_line_rect ; to_src_proj( new_line_rect_2 , /*true*/false ); //倾斜角的正切值 double slope_tan = ( new_line_rect_2.top - new_line_rect_2.botton ) / ( new_line_rect_2.right - new_line_rect_2.left ); //倾斜角的正弦值 double hypotenuse_line = sqrt( ( new_line_rect_2.top - new_line_rect_2.botton )*( new_line_rect_2.top - new_line_rect_2.botton ) + ( new_line_rect_2.right - new_line_rect_2.left )*( new_line_rect_2.right - new_line_rect_2.left ) ); double slope_sin = ( new_line_rect_2.top - new_line_rect_2.botton ) / hypotenuse_line ; //倾斜角的余弦值 double slope_cos = ( new_line_rect_2.right - new_line_rect_2.left ) / hypotenuse_line; //X方向上的放大比例 double scale_x = ( double )_tiff_file->tif_width / _new_tiff_width ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); for ( int i_height = 0 ; i_height < _new_tiff_height ; i_height++ ) { double line_y = _geo_rect_des.top; line_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); new_line_rect.top = line_y ; new_line_rect.botton = line_y ; geoRECT src_range; des_geo_to_src_range( new_line_rect , src_range ); int src_top = ( int )src_range.top; int src_bottom = ( int )src_range.botton; TIFF_UINT32_T src_buf_size = LineBytes * ( src_bottom - src_top + 1 ); TIFF_UINT8_T* src_buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[ src_buf_size ]; memset( src_buf , 0 , src_buf_size ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , height_start[src_top] , SEEK_SET ); fread( src_buf ,src_buf_size , 1 , _tiff_file->pfile ); //计算第一个点坐标 int pixel_first_x = 0 , pixel_first_y = 0 ; { double new_y = _geo_rect_des.top; new_y -= ( i_height * _scaleY_des ); double new_x = _geo_rect_des.left; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.xy_2_latlong( new_x , new_y ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( new_x , new_y ); } new_x = src_geo_xy( new_x ); point_to_by_geo_ex( new_x , new_y , pixel_first_x , pixel_first_y ); } TIFF_UINT8_T* temp_buf = buf ; for ( int i_width = 0 ; i_width < _new_tiff_width ; i_width ++ ) { int pixel_x = 0 , pixel_y = 0 ; pixel_x = /*( int )src_range.left*/( int )( pixel_first_x + ( i_width * scale_x + 0.5 )) ; pixel_y = /*( int )src_range.botton*/( int )( pixel_first_y - ( pixel_x * slope_tan + 0.5 )) ; if ( pixel_y < (int)src_range.top || pixel_y > (int) src_range.botton ) { pixel_y = -1; } if ( pixel_x < 0 || pixel_x > _tiff_file->tif_width ) { pixel_x = 0; } if ( !( pixel_y == -1 || pixel_x == -1 ) ) { memcpy ( temp_buf , src_buf + ( pixel_y - src_top ) * LineBytes + pixel_x * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ); temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } else { temp_buf += _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; } } fwrite( buf , _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel * _new_tiff_width , 1 , _line_tiff ); delete[] src_buf; src_buf = NULL ; } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; //printf( "转换完成! \n" ); } void tiffDeform::point_to_by_geo( double x , double y , int&pt_x , int&pt_y ) { pt_x = (int)(( x - _geo_rect_src.left )/_scaleX_src + 0.5 );//计算像素点的在原始图片的范围 pt_y = (int)( ( _geo_rect_src.top - y ) / _scaleY_src + 0.5 ); if ( !(pt_x <= _tiff_file->tif_width && pt_x >= 0) )//像素点出了范围 { pt_x = -1; } if( !(pt_y <= _tiff_file->tif_height && pt_y >= 0 ) )//像素点出了范围 { pt_y = -1; } } void tiffDeform::point_to_by_geo_ex( double x , double y , int&pt_x , int&pt_y ) { pt_x = (int)(( x - _geo_rect_src.left )/_scaleX_src + 0.5 );//计算像素点的在原始图片的范围 pt_y = (int)( ( _geo_rect_src.top - y ) / _scaleY_src + 0.5 ); } string tiffDeform::new_tiff_name() { int pos = _tiff_path.rfind( '\\' ); string tiff_name = _tiff_path.substr( pos + 1 ); string dir = _tiff_path.substr( 0 , pos + 1 ); string temp_name = "line_"; temp_name += tiff_name ; return ( dir + temp_name ) ; } void tiffDeform::write_tag_list() { for ( int i = 0 ; i < _de_num ; i++ ) { fseek( _line_tiff , DE_START + ONE_DE_SIZE * i , SEEK_SET ); fwrite( &( de_list[i].de.tag ) , 2 , 1 , _line_tiff ); //TAG 2字节 fwrite( &( de_list[i].de.type ) , 2 , 1 , _line_tiff ); //数据类型 2字节 fwrite( &( de_list[i].de.count ) , 4 , 1 , _line_tiff ); //count 4字节 if( de_list[i].de.tag == 273 )//Strip offset { fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); _strip_offset_pos = ftell( _line_tiff ); } //写入offset if( de_list[i].data_source == 0 )//直接写入值 { fwrite( &( de_list[i].de.offset ) , 4 , 1 , _line_tiff ); } else if ( de_list[i].data_source == 1 )//文件对应的偏移量 { fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); TIFF_UINT32_T pos = ftell( _line_tiff ); TIFF_UINT64_T buffer_size = data_type_list[de_list[i].de.type].type_size * de_list[i].de.count; file_disk_data( de_list[i].de , buffer_size ); //修改TAG对应的数据存放的地址 fseek( _line_tiff , DE_START + ONE_DE_SIZE * i + 8 , SEEK_SET ); fwrite( &pos , 1 , 4 , _line_tiff ); } else if ( de_list[i].data_source == 2 )//内存 { fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); TIFF_UINT32_T pos = ftell( _line_tiff ); fwrite ( de_list[i].mem_data , 1 , data_type_list[de_list[i].de.type].type_size * de_list[i].de.count , _line_tiff ); //修改TAG对应的数据存放的地址 fseek( _line_tiff , DE_START + ONE_DE_SIZE * i + 8 , SEEK_SET ); fwrite( &pos , 1 , 4 , _line_tiff ); if ( de_list[i].de.tag == 33550 || de_list[i].de.tag == 33922 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34735 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34736 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34737)//这些属于静态内存不需要释放 { continue; } delete[] de_list[i].mem_data; } } } TIFF_UINT64_T tiffDeform::file_disk_data( DirectoryEntry de , TIFF_UINT64_T buffer_size ) { fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , de.offset , SEEK_SET ); TIFF_UINT8_T* buf = new TIFF_UINT8_T[1024]; memset( buf , 0 , 1024 ); TIFF_UINT64_T fs = 0; TIFF_UINT16_T read_size = 0; if ( buffer_size <= 1024 )//若小于1024字节,则读取之后直接写入即可 { read_size = fread( buf , 1 , buffer_size , _tiff_file->pfile ); if( _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order == TIFF_BIGENDIAN && data_type_list[de.type].type_size != 1 ) { sort_byte_order( buf , de.type , de.count ); } fs += fwrite ( buf , 1 , read_size , _line_tiff ); } else//若大于1024字节,则分批写入1024字节,最后写入不足1024的字节 { TIFF_UINT16_T tile_num = ( int )(buffer_size / 1024) ; TIFF_UINT16_T last_num = buffer_size % 1024; for ( int i = 0 ; i < tile_num ; i++ ) { read_size = fread( buf , 1 , 1024 , _tiff_file->pfile );//注意参数的顺序 if( _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order == TIFF_BIGENDIAN && data_type_list[de.type].type_size != 1 ) { sort_byte_order( buf , de.type , de.count ); } fs += fwrite ( buf , 1 , read_size , _line_tiff ); } read_size = fread( buf , 1 , last_num , _tiff_file->pfile ); if( _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order == TIFF_BIGENDIAN && data_type_list[de.type].type_size != 1 ) { sort_byte_order( buf , de.type , de.count ); } fs += fwrite ( buf , 1 , last_num , _line_tiff ); } delete[] buf; buf = NULL; return fs; } void tiffDeform::sort_byte_order( TIFF_UINT8_T* buf , TIFF_UINT16_T data_type , TIFF_UINT16_T data_count ) { TIFF_UINT8_T* p = buf; for ( TIFF_UINT16_T i = 0 ; i < data_count ; i++ ) { if ( data_type == 3 || data_type == 8 )//SHORT { TIFF_UINT16_T ret = sget2( p , TIFF_BIGENDIAN ); memcpy( p , &ret , 2 ); p += 2; } else if ( data_type == 4 || data_type == 9 || data_type == 11 )//LONG { TIFF_UINT32_T ret = sget4( p , TIFF_BIGENDIAN ); memcpy( p , &ret , 4 ); p += 4; } if ( data_type == 5 || data_type == 10 ) { TIFF_UINT32_T ret = sget4( p , TIFF_BIGENDIAN ); memcpy( p , &ret , 4 ); p += 4; ret = sget4( p , TIFF_BIGENDIAN ); memcpy( p , &ret , 4 ); p += 4; } else if ( data_type == 12 )//DOUBLE { TIFF_UINT64_T ret = sget8( p , TIFF_BIGENDIAN ); memcpy( p , &ret , 8 ); p += 8; } } } //修改strip offset所对应的值 void tiffDeform::modify_strip_offset() { fseek( _line_tiff , 0 , SEEK_END ); TIFF_UINT32_T current_size = ftell( _line_tiff ); fseek( _line_tiff , _strip_offset_pos , SEEK_SET ); TIFF_UINT32_T width_bytes = _new_tiff_width * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < _new_tiff_height ; i++ ) { TIFF_UINT32_T height_start = current_size + i * width_bytes; fwrite( &height_start , 1 , 4 , _line_tiff ); } } void tiffDeform::write_file_header( ) { //字节序 fwrite( "II" , 2 , 1 , _line_tiff ); //版本号 TIFF_UINT16_T ver = 0x002a; fwrite( &ver , 2 , 1 , _line_tiff ); //Tag偏移量 TIFF_UINT32_T offset = 0x00000008; fwrite( &offset , 4 , 1 , _line_tiff ); } void tiffDeform::src_coord_box( ) { geoRECT pixel_rect; pixel_rect.left = 0 ; pixel_rect.top = 0; pixel_rect.right = _tiff_file->tif_width; pixel_rect.botton = _tiff_file->tif_height ; geo_coord( _tiff_file , pixel_rect , _geo_rect_src ); } double tiffDeform::zone_number( double left_right ) { if( _coord_type == 0 ) { return left_right; } if( left_right/10000000 > 1 ) { return left_right; } else { int zone_n = get_zone_num( _proj4_str ); left_right += ( zone_n * 1000000 ); return left_right; } } int tiffDeform::get_zone_num( string proj4_str ) { int pos = proj4_str.find("+x_0="); string str = proj4_str.substr( pos + 5 ); return atoi( str.substr( 0 , 2 ).c_str() ); } double tiffDeform::src_geo_xy( double left_right ) { if( _coord_type == 0 ) { return left_right; } if ( _geo_rect_src.left / 10000000 > 1 ) { return left_right; } else { int zone_n = get_zone_num( _proj4_str ); left_right -= ( zone_n * 1000000 ); return left_right; } } void tiffDeform::get_pixel_scale() { if( _coord_type == 0 )//经纬度坐标 { _scaleX_src = _tiff_file->geo_tiff.pixel_scale.scaleX; _scaleY_src = _tiff_file->geo_tiff.pixel_scale.scaleY; _scaleX_des = ( _geo_rect_des.right - _geo_rect_des.left )/_tiff_file->tif_width; _scaleY_des = ( _geo_rect_des.top - _geo_rect_des.botton ) / _tiff_file->tif_height; } else//平面投影坐标 { _scaleX_src = _tiff_file->geo_tiff.pixel_scale.scaleX; _scaleY_src = _tiff_file->geo_tiff.pixel_scale.scaleY; _scaleX_des = _scaleX_src; _scaleY_des = _scaleY_src; } } void tiffDeform::to_web_mector( geoRECT&rect , bool b ) { /* (1) (2) +-----+ | | | | +-----+ (3) (4) */ _coord_trans.init_proj( _proj4_str.c_str() ); double x1 ,y1,x2 ,y2,x3 ,y3,x4 ,y4; x1 = rect.left; y1 = rect.top; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } x2 = rect.right; y2 = rect.top; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } x3 = rect.left; y3 = rect.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } x4 = rect.right; y4 = rect.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } if ( b ) { rect.left = x1 < x3 ? x3 : x1; rect.top = y1 > y2 ? y2 : y1; rect.right = x2 > x4 ? x4 : x2; rect.botton = y3 < y4 ? y4 : y3; } else { rect.left = x1 > x3 ? x3 : x1; rect.top = y1 < y2 ? y2 : y1; rect.right = x2 < x4 ? x4 : x2; rect.botton = y3 > y4 ? y4 : y3; } } void tiffDeform::to_web_mector( geoRECT&rect , bool b , double&x1 , double&y1, double&x2 , double&y2, double&x3 , double&y3, double&x4 , double&y4) { /* (1) (2) +-----+ | | | | +-----+ (3) (4) */ _coord_trans.init_proj( _proj4_str.c_str() ); //double x1 ,y1,x2 ,y2,x3 ,y3,x4 ,y4; x1 = rect.left; y1 = rect.top; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x1 , y1 ); } x2 = rect.right; y2 = rect.top; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x2 , y2 ); } x3 = rect.left; y3 = rect.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x3 , y3 ); } x4 = rect.right; y4 = rect.botton; if ( _coord_type == 0 ) { _coord_trans.longlat_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } else { _coord_trans.xy_2_xy( x4 , y4 ); } if ( b ) { rect.left = x1 < x3 ? x3 : x1; rect.top = y1 > y2 ? y2 : y1; rect.right = x2 > x4 ? x4 : x2; rect.botton = y3 < y4 ? y4 : y3; } else { rect.left = x1 > x3 ? x3 : x1; rect.top = y1 < y2 ? y2 : y1; rect.right = x2 < x4 ? x4 : x2; rect.botton = y3 > y4 ? y4 : y3; } } int tiffDeform::get_src_tag_list() { TIFF_UINT32_T ifd_offset; //第一个IFD的偏移量 fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , 0 , SEEK_SET ); fseek( _tiff_file->pfile ,4 ,SEEK_SET ); ifd_offset = get4( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ) ; //定位到IFD的位置 fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , ifd_offset , SEEK_SET ); //得到IFD的数量 _de_num = get2( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); de_list = new deInfo[ _de_num ]; memset( de_list , 0 , _de_num * sizeof( deInfo ) ); //循环得到DE for ( TIFF_UINT16_T i = 0x0000 ; i < _de_num ; i++ ) { fseek( _tiff_file->pfile , ifd_offset + ONE_DE_SIZE * i + 2 , SEEK_SET );//文件指针复原指向 de_list[i].de.tag = get2( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); de_list[i].de.type = get2( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); de_list[i].de.count = get4( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); //如果是大端字节序并且是short类型,则只会读取四个字节中的前两个字节 if ( de_list[i].de.type == 3 && _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order == 0x4d4d/*Motor*/ && de_list[i].de.count == 1 ) { de_list[i].de.offset = (TIFF_UINT32_T)get2( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); } else { de_list[i].de.offset = get4( _tiff_file->pfile , _tiff_file->tiff_byte_order ); } //如果是 SHORT 或者 LONG 并且数量为1,则直接存储在Offset中,并不存储地址 if( ( de_list[i].de.type == 3 || de_list[i].de.type == 4 ) && de_list[i].de.count == 1 ) { de_list[i].data_source = 0 ; } else { de_list[i].data_source = 1 ; } } print_tag_info_list(); return _de_num ; } void tiffDeform::print_tag_info_list() { printf( "\n" ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < _de_num ; i++ ) { char outStr[1024]; memset( outStr , 0 , 1024 * sizeof( char ) ); sprintf( outStr , "0x%04x[ %5d %-26s ] , 0x%02x , 0x%04x( %5d ) , 0x%08x , %d \n" , de_list[i].de.tag , de_list[i].de.tag , tag_text( de_list[i].de.tag ) , de_list[i].de.type , de_list[i].de.count , de_list[i].de.count , de_list[i].de.offset , de_list[i].data_source ) ; printf( outStr ); } } const char* tiffDeform::tag_text( int i_tag ) { int i = 0 ; while ( tag_text_list[i].i_tag != -1 ) { if ( tag_text_list[i].i_tag == i_tag ) { return tag_text_list[i].text; } i++; } return ""; } deInfo* tiffDeform::cts_strip_offsets() { deInfo* temp_de = new deInfo; temp_de->de.tag = 273; temp_de->de.type = 4;//long temp_de->de.count = _new_tiff_height; temp_de->de.offset = 0; temp_de->data_source = 2; TIFF_UINT32_T* mem = new TIFF_UINT32_T[_new_tiff_height]; memset( mem , 0 , sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T)*_new_tiff_height ); temp_de->mem_data = (TIFF_UINT8_T*)mem; return temp_de; } deInfo* tiffDeform::cts_rows_per_strip() { deInfo* temp_de = new deInfo; temp_de->de.tag = 278; temp_de->de.type = 3;//short temp_de->de.count = 1; temp_de->de.offset = 1; temp_de->data_source = 0; temp_de->mem_data = NULL; return temp_de; } deInfo* tiffDeform::cts_strip_byte_counts() { deInfo* temp_de = new deInfo; temp_de->de.tag = 279; temp_de->de.type = 4;//short temp_de->de.count = _new_tiff_height; temp_de->de.offset = 0; temp_de->data_source = 2; TIFF_UINT32_T* mem = new TIFF_UINT32_T[_new_tiff_height]; memset( mem , 0 , sizeof(TIFF_UINT32_T)*_new_tiff_height ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < _new_tiff_height ; i++ ) { mem[i] = _new_tiff_width * _tiff_file->samples_per_pixel; } temp_de->mem_data = (TIFF_UINT8_T*)mem; return temp_de; } deInfo* tiffDeform::cts_line_tag() { deInfo* temp_line_tag_list = new deInfo[3]; memset( temp_line_tag_list , 0 , sizeof(deInfo) * 3 ); deInfo* temp = cts_strip_offsets(); memcpy( temp_line_tag_list , temp , sizeof(deInfo) ) ; delete temp; temp = cts_rows_per_strip(); memcpy( temp_line_tag_list + 1 , temp , sizeof(deInfo)); delete temp; temp = cts_strip_byte_counts(); memcpy( temp_line_tag_list + 2 , temp , sizeof(deInfo)); delete temp; temp = NULL; return temp_line_tag_list; } int tiffDeform::cts_new_tag_list( ) { deInfo* temp_line = cts_line_tag(); deInfo* temp_de_list = new deInfo[ _de_num ];//tile 4个标签 line 只需要3个标签 memset( temp_de_list , 0 , sizeof(deInfo)*( _de_num ) ); int tag_num = 0; int j = 0 , k = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < _de_num ; i++ ) { if ( de_list[i].de.tag == 33550 || de_list[i].de.tag == 33922 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34735 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34736 || de_list[i].de.tag == 34737) { continue; } tag_num ++; if ( k < 3 )//line只有三个标签 { if ( de_list[i].de.tag < temp_line[k].de.tag ) { memcpy( temp_de_list + j , de_list + i , sizeof( deInfo ) ); j++; } else { memcpy( temp_de_list + j , temp_line + k , sizeof( deInfo ) ); j++; k++; //i--; } } else { memcpy( temp_de_list + j , de_list + i , sizeof( deInfo ) ); j++; } int n = j - 1; if ( temp_de_list[n].de.tag == 256 )//ImageWidth { temp_de_list[n].de.offset = _new_tiff_width; } if ( temp_de_list[n].de.tag == 257 )//ImageHeight { temp_de_list[n].de.offset = _new_tiff_height; } } delete[] de_list; de_list = NULL; de_list = temp_de_list; _de_num = tag_num; cs_pixel_scale( _scaleX_des , _scaleY_des ); cs_tie_point( _geo_rect_des.left , _geo_rect_des.top ); deInfo geo_coord_list[5]; memset( geo_coord_list , 0 , 5 * sizeof( deInfo ) ); cs_coord( geo_coord_list ); mix_proj_de_list( geo_coord_list ); print_tag_info_list(); return _de_num; } void tiffDeform::mix_proj_de_list( deInfo* coord_list ) { deInfo* new_de_list = new deInfo[ _de_num + 5 ]; memset( new_de_list , 0 , sizeof( deInfo ) * ( _de_num + 5 ) ); int i_des = 0 ; int i_coord = 0 ; if ( _de_num < 5 ) { return ; } int count = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < _de_num ; i++ ) { if ( de_list[i].de.tag < coord_list[i_coord].de.tag ) { new_de_list[i_des] = de_list[i]; i_des ++; count ++; } else if ( de_list[i].de.tag >= coord_list[i_coord].de.tag ) { new_de_list[i_des] = coord_list[i_coord]; i_des++; i_coord++; count++; } } if ( i_coord < 5 ) { int temp = i_coord; for ( int i = temp ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { new_de_list[ i_des ] = coord_list[ i_coord ]; i_des ++; i_coord ++; count++; } } delete[] de_list; de_list = NULL; de_list = new_de_list; _de_num = count; } TIFF_UINT64_T tiffDeform::double_to_long( double d_ ) { union { TIFF_UINT64_T i; double f; } u; u.f = d_ ; return u.i ; } void tiffDeform::cs_pixel_scale( double cx , double cy ) { pixel_scale[0] = double_to_long ( cx ); pixel_scale[1] = double_to_long ( cy ); pixel_scale[2] = 0 ; } void tiffDeform::cs_tie_point( double x , double y ) { tie_point[0] = 0; tie_point[1] = 0; tie_point[2] = 0; tie_point[3] = double_to_long( x ) ; tie_point[4] = double_to_long( y ) ; tie_point[5] = 0; } void tiffDeform::cs_coord( deInfo* coord_list ) { coord_list[0].de.tag = 33550;//GeoTagPixelScale coord_list[0].de.type = 12;//double coord_list[0].de.count = 3 ; coord_list[0].data_source = 2;//内存数据 coord_list[0].mem_data = ( TIFF_UINT8_T* )pixel_scale; coord_list[1].de.tag = 33922;//GeoTagTiePoint coord_list[1].de.type = 12;//double coord_list[1].de.count = 6 ; coord_list[1].data_source = 2;//内存数据 coord_list[1].mem_data = ( TIFF_UINT8_T* )tie_point; coord_list[2].de.tag = 34735;//GeoTagDirectory coord_list[2].de.type = 3;//short coord_list[2].de.count = 80; coord_list[2].data_source = 2;//内存数据 coord_list[2].mem_data = ( TIFF_UINT8_T* )geotiff_web_mercator_tag_dir; coord_list[3].de.tag = 34736;//GeoDoubleParamsTag coord_list[3].de.type = 12;//double coord_list[3].de.count = 7; coord_list[3].data_source = 2;//内存数据 coord_list[3].mem_data = ( TIFF_UINT8_T* )geotiff_double_param; coord_list[4].de.tag = 34737;//GeoAsciiParamsTag coord_list[4].de.type = 2;//ascii coord_list[4].de.count = 64; coord_list[4].data_source = 2;//内存数据 coord_list[4].mem_data = ( TIFF_UINT8_T* )geotiff_ascii_param; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "MainH.h" #include "tiffDeform.h" int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if ( argc < 4 ) { print_help_info(); return -1; } string tiff_path( argv[1] ); int coord_type = 0; string proj4_str = parse_proj4 ( argc , argv , coord_type ); tiffDeform tiff_deform; tiff_deform.open( tiff_path , proj4_str , coord_type ); string src_tiff = tiff_path; string save_name; if ( tiff_deform.arrangement() ) { string cmd_sz = get_exe_dir( argv[0] ); cmd_sz += "Tile2Line.exe \"-t\" "; cmd_sz += "\""; cmd_sz += tiff_path ; cmd_sz += "\""; cmd_sz += " "; cmd_sz += "\""; cmd_sz += argv[2]; cmd_sz += "\""; system( cmd_sz.c_str() ); src_tiff = deal_tiff_name( argv[2] , tiff_path ); } save_name = new_tiff_name( argv[2] , tiff_path ); tiff_deform.save( src_tiff , save_name ); printf( "转换完成!" ); return 0; } string new_tiff_name( string save_dir ,string src_name ) { int pos = src_name.rfind( '\\' ); string tiff_name = src_name.substr( pos + 1 ); string temp_name = "\\new_"; temp_name += tiff_name ; return ( save_dir + temp_name ) ; } string deal_tiff_name( string save_dir ,string src_name ) { int pos = src_name.rfind( '\\' ); string tiff_name = src_name.substr( pos + 1 ); string temp_name = "\\line_"; temp_name += tiff_name ; return ( save_dir + temp_name ) ; } string get_exe_dir( char* argv ) { string str( argv ); int pos = str.rfind('\\') ; return str.substr( 0 , pos + 1 ); } void print_help_info() { printf("-?/H/h 显示帮助信息 \n"); printf("参数:[tiff图片完整的路径][保存TIFF的文件夹] [坐标类型 0-经纬度坐标 1-平面投影坐标] [当前tiff图片坐标信息的proj4字符串] \n"); printf(" 例 :D:\\beijing.tif D:\\xxx 0 +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs\n" ); } string parse_proj4( int argc , char* argv[] ,int&coord_type ) { coord_type = atoi( argv[3] ); string temp_sz; for ( int i = 4 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { temp_sz += argv[i]; temp_sz+=" "; } return temp_sz.substr( 0 , temp_sz.size() -1 ); }
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