原文链接 Chain of Responsibility: Problem Example: an online ordering system 示例:在线订购系统 – The request must pass a series of checks – New requirements: vali 阅读全文
原文链接 Flyweight: Problem Each particle, such as a bullet, a missile or a piece of shrapnel was represented by a separate object containing plenty of da 阅读全文
Index • Why and What? 为什么和什么? • Understanding Architecture 了解架构 • Typical Architecture Views 典型架构视图 • On Software Architects 论软件架构师 • Diagraming and P 阅读全文
原文链接 Composite: Problem Using the Composite pattern makes sense only when the core model of your app can be represented as a tree. 仅当应用程序的核心模型可以表示为树时, 阅读全文