

ACCUMULATE Player accumulates quantity resources. 该玩家积累多少资源时
ALWAYS Always. 总是
BRING Player brings quantity units to location. 该玩家带多少单位到特定区域时
COMMAND Player commands quantity units. 该玩家控制多少单位时
COMMAND THE LEAST Current player commands the least units. 当前玩家最少控制多少单位时
COMMAND THE LEAST AT Current player commands the least units at location. 当前玩家在特定区域最少控制多少单位时
COMMAND THE MOST Current player commands the most units. 当前玩家最多控制多少单位时
COMMAND THE MOST AT Current player commands the most units at location. 当前玩家在特定区域最多控制多少单位时
COUNTDOWN TIMER Countdown timer is duration game seconds. 游戏时间倒数计时多少秒时
DEATHS Player has suffered quantity deaths of unit. 该玩家损失多少单位时
ELAPSED TIME Elapsed scenario time is duration game seconds. 游戏时间经过多少秒时(游戏时间)
HIGHEST SCORE Current player has highest score points. 当前玩家得分最高时
KILL Player kills quantity units. 该玩家杀死一定数量的单位时
LEAST KILLS Current player has least kills of unit. 当前玩家杀死单位最少时
LEAST RESOURCES Current player has least resources. 当前玩家积累资源最少时
LOWEST SCORE Current player has lowest score points. 当前玩家得分最低时
MOST KILLS Current player has most kills of unit. 当前玩家杀死单位最多时
MOST RESOURCES Current player has most resources. 当前玩家积累资源最多时
NEVER Never. 从不
OPPONENTS Player has quantity opponents remaining in the game. 该玩家在游戏拥有多少对手时
SCORE Player score type score is quantity. 该玩家得分是多少时
SWITCH Switch is set. 开关被设置或清除时


CENTER VIEW Center view for current player at location. 将画面转至某特定区域
COMMENT Comment: comment. 对触发器加以说明,使之便于阅读
CREATE UNITS Create quantity unit at location for player 在特定区域为玩家创造一定数量的单位
PROPERTIES Create quantity unit at location for player. Apply properties 在特定区域为玩家创造一定数量的具有一定属性(如隐形,钻地等)的单位
DEFEAT End scenario in defeat for current player. 当前玩家任务失败
DISPLAY TEXT MESSAGE Display for current player: text. 为当前玩家显示一些交代文字
DRAW End the scenario in a draw for all players. 所有玩家平手
GIVE UNITS TO PLAYER Give quantity units owned by player at location to player. 将特定区域的一个玩家(前者)的一定数量的部队给另一个玩家(后者)
KILL UNIT Kill all units for player. 杀死玩家的所有单位
KILL UNITS AT LOCATION Kill quantity units for player at location. 杀死玩家的在特定区域的一定数量的单位
LEADER BOARD (CONTROL ATLOCATION) Show Leader Board for most control of units at location. Display label: label 显示目前特定区域里的单位控制情况
LEADER BOARD (CONTROL) Show Leader Board for most control of unit. Display label: label 显示目前单位控制情况
LEADER BOARD (GREED) Show Greed Leader Board for player closest to accumulation of number ore and gas. 显示目前总的资源收集情况
LEADER BOARD (KILLS) Show Leader Board for most kills of unit. Display label: label 显示目前杀死单位的情况
LEADER BOARD (POINTS) Show Leader Board for most points. Display label: label 显示目前得分情况
LEADER BOARD (RESOURCES) Show Leader Board for accumulation of most resource. Display label: label 显示目前资源收集情况
LEADER BOARD GOAL(CONTROL AT LOCATION) Show Leader Board for player closest to control of number of units at location. Display label: label 显示还需在特定区域里控制多少单位可达目标
LEADER BOARD GOAL(CONTROL) Show Leader Board for player closest to control of number of unit. Display label: label 显示还需控制多少单位可达目标
LEADER BOARD GOAL (KILLS) Show Leader Board for player closest to number kills of unit. Display label: label 显示还需杀死多少单位可达目标
LEADER BOARD GOAL (POINTS) Show Leader Board for player closest to number points. Display label: label 显示距离目标得分还差多少
LEADER BOARD GOAL(RESOURCES) Show Leader Board for player closest to accumulation of number resource. Display label: label 显示还需收集资源可达目标
LEADER BOARD COMPUTER PLAYERS Set use of computer players in leaderboard calculations. 关闭或打开电脑的情况显示
MINIMAP PING Show minimap ping for current player at location. 当前玩家的小地图显示警告框
MODIFY UNIT ENERGY Set energy points for quantity units owned by player at location to percent%. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的能量
MODIFY UNIT HANGAR COUNT Add at most quantity to hangar for quantity units at location owned by player. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的弹药(如航母,金甲虫)
MODIFY UNIT HIT POINTS Set hit points for quantity units owned by player at location to percent%. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的生命值
MODIFY UNIT RESOURCE AMOUNT Set resource amount for quantity resource sources owned by player at location to quantity. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的能量
MODIFY UNIT SHIELD POINTS Set shield points for quantity units owned by player at location to percent%. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的护盾
MOVE LOCATION Center location labeled location on units owned by player at location. 将一个特定区域移动到另一个特定区域
MOVE UNITS Move quantity units for player at location to destination. 将玩家一定数量的单位由一个特定区域移动到另一个特定区域
MUTE UNIT SPEECH Mute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player. 关闭当前玩家所有非触发单位的声音
ORDER Issue order to all units owned by player at location: order to destination. 命令玩家的单位在从一个特定区域里移动.攻击.巡逻到另一个特定区域
PAUSE GAME Pause the game. 暂停游戏
PAUSE TIMER Pause the countdown timer. 暂停倒计时
PLAY WAV Play WAV file 播放一段声音
PRESERVE TRIGGER Preserve Trigger. 循环执行当前触发
REMOVE UNIT Remove all units for player. 移除玩家所有单位
REMOVE UNITS AT LOCATION Remove quantity units for player at location. 移除玩家在特定区域里的一定数量的单位
RUN AI SCRIPT Execute AI script script. 运行一个人工智能
RUN AI SCRIPT AT LOCATION   Execute AI script script at location. 在特定区域运行一个人工智能
SET ALLIANCE STATUS Set Player to Ally status. 设置当前玩家与另一个玩家同盟或敌对
SET COUNTDOWN TIMER Modify Countdown Timer: Set duration seconds. 设置倒计时时间
SET DEATHS Modify death counts for player: Set quantity for unit. 设置玩家的死亡单位计数
SET DOODAD STATE Set doodad state for units for player at location. 特定区域里小物件的设置
SET INVINCIBILITY Set invincibility for units owned by player at location 设置特定区域里的玩家单位无敌
SET MISSION OBJECTIVES Set Mission Objectives to: text. 设定本关任务
SET NEXT SCENARIO Load scenario after completion of current game. 设定当前任务结束后读取的地图
SET RESOURCES Modify resources for player: Set quantity resource. 为玩家设定一定数量的资源
SET SCORE Modify score for player: Set quantity points. 设定玩家得分
SET SWITCH Set switch. 开关设置
TALKING PORTRAIT Show unit talking to current player for duration milliseconds. 为当前玩家显示单位肖像一段时间
TRANSMISSION Send transmission to current player from unit at location.Play WAV file.Modify transmission duration: Set number milliseconds.Display the following text: Text 设置一段对话。包括小地图上单位的地点显示,伴随的声音及文字
UNMUTE UNIT SPEECH Unmute all non-trigger unit sounds for current player. 解除当前玩家所有非触发单位的声音的关闭
UNPAUSE GAME Unpause the game. 解除游戏暂停
UNPAUSE TIMER Unpause the countdown timer. 解除倒计时暂停
VICTORY End scenario in victory for current player. 当前玩家任务胜利
WAIT Wait for duration milliseconds. 等待一段时间(千分之一秒)


posted @ 2010-05-14 13:58  Max Woods  阅读(1357)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报