
    1. SSMS Tools Pack
  1.    一个SQL Server Management的小插件,我一直都在用,感觉还不错。具体功能如下:
  2. Uppercase/Lowercase keywords.
    Run one script on multiple databases.
    Copy execution plan bitmaps to clipboard.
    Search Results in Grid Mode and Execution Plans.
    Generate Insert statements for a single table, the whole database or current resultsets in grids.
    Query Execution History (Soft Source Control).
    Text document Regions and Debug sections.
    Running custom scripts from Object explorer's Context menu.
    CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) stored procedure generation.
    New query template.

  3. Dataset Visualizer
  4. 调试的时候,可以以表格的形式查看DataSet的数据
    RightHand.Dataset.Visualizer v0.9.12 for VS2005
    RightHand.Dataset.Visualizer v0.9.12 for VS2008
  5. 正则表达式
  6. RegexBuddy
      regexbuddy whitelist example      RegexBuddy: Learn, Create, Understand, Test, Use and Save Regular Expressions
  7. Expresso
      这个工具是我最喜欢的正则表达式工具,常用的标记不需要你去输入,解析表达式,并生成语法树等等。。 Expresso 3.0

  9. SQL相关
  10. Data Dictionary Creator

      Data Dictionary Creator (DDC) is a simple application which helps you document SQL Server databases. It stores all the information in Extended Properties, so it's easier to keep the documentation in sync with the database as it changes.


  11. SQL 2005 Service Manager
    Download SQL2005 Service Manager
  12. SQL Server 2005: TableDiff.exe

      You can download it here.

  13. T-SqlUnit
      SQL Server的单元测试,
      相关blog介绍:Unit testing a database
  14. SqlTac


  15. wilcob的 Toolbox工具集
  16. 包含很多有用的工具,如代码格式化和着色,Web控件等
    Syntax Highlighter
  17. Jeff KeySnippet Compiler
  18. Jeff Key的blog有很多有用的工具集,其中包括他自己写的,以及他收集的,都很不错,我特别喜欢Snippet Compiler
posted @ 2009-11-19 16:29  MaxIE  阅读(480)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报