ajaxed - free classic ASP Ajax Library (VBScript)

ajaxed: free classic ASP Ajax Library (VBScript)。一个为ASP编写的ajax类库,类似于php下的xajax ,包括了prototype,json还封装了数据库操作,非常优秀!

  • Do you think classic ASP is old and not up to date?
  • Do you think there is no recent development done anymore with classic ASP?
  • Do you think recent technologies like Ajax are a mission to implement within classic ASP?

That is all not completely true. Read on…

DEMO: Adding up two numbers, Simple RSS reading

The ajaxed Library comes up with an unique Ajax technique which can be used within your classic ASP applications. You will be able to create Rich Web Applications with not much effort.

The magic behind ajaxed: ajaxed lets you call server side VBScript code directly from client side. In other words it means that you are able to bind e.g. an click event of a button directly to a server side function.

You call a server side function and the functions return value(s) are passed to a JavaScript functions. Thats it!

  • Easy installation in less than 3 minutes
  • Short learning curve (about 20 minutes)
  • Uses one of the most popular JavaScript Libraries: Prototype
  • Object Oriented (OO) Approach
  • Works with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox (the only tested yet)
  • No low level Ajax skills required
  • Includes a complete ASP JSON generator. This is useful if you are using other JavaScript libraries such as EXT or script.aculo.us
  • Additionally it includes a handful of useful and conventient server side functions which are needed in everyday ASP development
  • It includes a lot additional & useful ASP functionality
  • Free for use (LGPL license)

Download latest version:

Documentation: included with the download

Feature requests (please post as comments):

  • no yet.

Similar library in PHP: xajax

posted @ 2008-07-18 00:32  MaxIE  阅读(538)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报