当客户端用GBK来调用服务时,出现错误:Charset from HTTP Content-Type US-ASCII does not match encoding from XML declaration GBK,意思是说,客户端的请求中,HTTP Content-Type的字符集是US-ASCII,而soap请求的XML声明里,字符集是GBK,两者不匹配。检查soap client的request变量,HTTP Content-Type的值也是GBK,怎么会变成了US-ASCII呢?有点莫名其妙了。于是只好跟踪nusoap的源码,发现nusoap在处理HTTP Content-Type时把US-ASCII,ISO-8859-1,UTF-8以外的字符集都默认为US-ASCII。最终发现其原因是因为nusoap使用了xml parser,而xml parser只支持这几种字符集。所以客户端在调用时,当采用GBK编时,调用的HTTP Content-Type 和 soap request的字符集都应该换成ISO-8859-1。
稍后在封装客户端时,也遇到一个类似的问题。客户端字符集声明为GBK,服务端在返回SOAP调用结果时 HTTP Content-Type和soap request都声明字符集为GBK,客户端没有获取任何值。查看soap client的response对象,发现服务端返回正确。为解决这个问题,只好修改服务端,把HTTP Content-Type和soap response的字符集都声明为ISO-8859-1。
PHP Web Service Server端:
- <?php
- //header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8");
- // Pull in the NuSOAP code
- require_once('./lib/nusoap.php');
- // Define the method as a PHP function
- function hello($name) {
- return '你好! ' . $name;
- }
- // Create the server instance
- $server = new soap_server;
- $server->configureWSDL('hellowsdl', 'urn:hellowsdl');
- $server->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = 'urn:hellowsdl';
- // Register the method to expose
- $server->register('hello',
- array('name'=>'xsd:string'),
- array('return'=>'xsd:string'),
- 'urn:hellowsdl',
- 'urn:hellowsdl#hello',
- 'rpc',
- 'encoded',
- 'Say hello to somebody'
- );
- // Use the request to (try to) invoke the service
- $server->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);
- ?>
Client 端:
- <?php
- //header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=GB2312");
- // Pull in the NuSOAP code
- require_once('./lib/nusoap.php');
- // Create the client instance
- $client = new soapclient('http://localhost/soapTest/helloService.php?wsdl',true);
- // Call the SOAP method
- $param = array("name"=>"安迪");
- $result = $client->call('hello', $param);
- // Display the result
- //print_r($result);
- if(!$err=$client->getError()){
- print_r($result );
- print('</br>');
- echo "程序返回: ", htmlentities($result,ENT_QUOTES,GB2312);
- }
- else{
- echo "错误: ", htmlentities($result,ENT_QUOTES,GB2312);
- }
- echo ' <h2> Request </h2> <pre> ' . htmlspecialchars($client-> request, ENT_QUOTES,GB2312) . ' </pre> ';
- echo ' <h2> Response </h2> <pre> ' . htmlspecialchars($client-> response, ENT_QUOTES,GB2312) . ' </pre> ';
- echo ' <h2> Debug </h2> <pre> ' . htmlspecialchars($client-> debug_str, ENT_QUOTES,GB2312) . ' </pre> ';
- ?>
注意: 要使用Axis1.x, 去官网不要下载了Axis2。好像Axis1.x 和 Axis2还是差别很大的,而且目前Axis1.x的文档比较全点。这些是网上搜到的说法。
如果需要使用中文参数调用Web Service,必须使用ISO-8859-1编码参数,返回的Response再解码。不要使用别的编码,会出错!
- import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
- <span style="color: #464646; font-family: simsun; line-height: 21px; text-align: left; white-space: normal; background-color: #ffffff;">import org.apache.axis.client.Call;</span>
- public class WebServiceTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- String endpoint = "http://localhost/soapTest/helloService.php";
- //String endpoint = "";//该段就是上面刚将的地址
- Service service = new Service();
- Call call;
- try {
- call = (Call) service.createCall();
- call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new;
- call.setOperationName("hello");
- String param = new String("安迪".getBytes(),"ISO-8859-1");//如果没有加这段,中文参数将会乱码
- //String param = new String("中文");
- String s = (String) call.invoke(new Object[] {param});
- s = new String(s.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));//如果没有转换编码,中文也会乱码
- System.out.println(s);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }