深度学习专题 - 计算机视觉中的目标检测
深度学习专题 - 计算机视觉中的目标检测
目标检测从图像中找出所有感兴趣的目标的instances (detecting instances of semantic objects of certain classes),并用bounding box框住它们。
- 多目标
- 在哪里? -> 定位
- 是什么? -> 分类
mAP (mean Average Precision)
- fps: frames per second
- how long it takes to process one image
Two Shots Solution: Region Proposal and then Classification
Viola-Jones Detector
- Year
- 2000
- Author
- Main Idea
- Haar-like 特征是一个表达能力很强的人脸描述子。
- Haar-like特征可以用积分图来共享计算,大大加快特征提取速度。
- Cascade逐级过滤的想法大大降低了分类时间。
- How
- Framework
- Scale-invariance is from same sliding window on multiple scale image
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- 天下武功,唯快不破!
- 人脸识别第一次走出实验室,可以工业化应用
- Cons
- 只适用于刚体, 如人脸,汽车……
- 特征普适性不强。要么给一个普适的特征,要么给一个普适的特征生成方法。
- Pros
Deformable Parts Models(DPM)
- Year
- 2009
- Author
- Ross Girshick
- Main Idea
使用Pictorial Structures Framework解决非刚体的检测问题。
- How
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- 解决了非刚体问题, 准确率更高。
- Cons
- 慢了。
- 还是没解决普适特征的问题。
- Pros
- Year
- 2014.10
- Author
- Ross Girshick
- Main Idea
- How
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- 引入CNN解决普适特征的问题
- Cons
- Multi-stage: fine-tune CNN + SVM training + bounding box regression
- Disk starving: feature file need store to disk firstly
- Slow while inference: redundant feature extraction per ROI, VGG-16 need 47s w/ GPU
- Pros
SPP-Net (Spatial Pyramid Pooling)
- Year
- 2015.4
- Author
- He Kaiming
- Main Idea
- How
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- Faster: introduce SPP to share feature extraction across ROIs
- Cons
- 没解决RCNN的另外两个问题
- SPP-NET在微调网络的时候固定了卷积层,只对全连接层进行fine-tune,而对于一个新的任务,有必要对卷积层也进行微调。(分类的模型提取的特征更注重高层语义,而目标检测任务除了语义信息还需要目标的位置信息)
- Pros
- Year
- 2015.9
- Author
- Ross Girshick
- Main Idea
- How
- inherit SPP‘s ROI pooling idea w/ single scale
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- joint optimize classification & regression
- Cons
- Now, speed bottleneck is in selective search. [WHY? People say because it’s done by CPU, :( ]
- Pros
Faster RCNN - 里程碑式的工作
- Year
- 2016.6
- Author
- Ke Kaiming
- Main Idea
- 引入anchor的概念
- How
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- End-2-end solution makes faster
- Less region proposal makes faster (~2k -> ~300)
- Pros
- Year
- 2016.1
- Author
- Ke Kaiming (MSRA)
- Ross Girshick (MSRA)
- Main Idea
- Not only share computation in image level, but also share computation across ROIs
- Propose position-sensitive ROI pooling to attain this target.(both share computation and translation variant.)
- How
- Pros & Cons
- fatser at the cost of accuracy
Mask R-CNN - New Baseline
- Year
- 2017.3
- Author
- Ke Kaiming (FAIR)
- Ross Girshick (FAIR)
- Main Idea
- Combine detection + segmentation into one
- Use skeleton of faster-rcnn
- Introduce ROIAlign layer to mitigate the misalignment issue brought by quantization in Faster-RCNN
- Parallelize BB regression and classification to accelerate speed
- Use binary Sigmoid rather than SoftMax while segmentation.
- How
- Pros & Cons
- Faster
- More Accurate
Single Shot Solution
YOLO (You Only Look Once)
- Year
- 2016
- Author
- Joseph Redmon
- Ali Farhadi
- Ross Girshick
- Main Idea
- How
- 图像缩放为448x448
- 把图像划分为7x7 grid
- 对每个grid预测两个BB的位置和类别
- 用NMS去冗余
- Pros & Cons
- Pros
- FPS: 45 !!!
- Cons
- recall低, 最多只能检测49个目标
- 小目标比较难搞定
- Pros
SSD (Single-Shot Multi-Box Detector)
- Year
- 2016
- Author
- Wei Liu
- Main Idea
- 用局部卷积patch而不是全图信息(YOLO)去回归BB位置
- 重新引入anchor box的概念
- multi-scale,对小目标是个福音
- How
- Pros & Cons
- N/A
- Year
- 2016.12
- Author
- Joseph Redmon
- Ali Farhadi
- Main Idea
- Put all prior best-practice together
- How
- Batch Normalization - from GoogleNet
- High Resolution Classifier, fine-tune classifier network to 448x448 images
- Convoluiotnal with Anchor Boxes - from SSD
- Dimension Clusters while choosing bounding boxes - k-means idea
- Hierarchical classification
- Pros & Cons
- Corresponding papers
- http://blog.csdn.net/g110802008/article/details/52611956
- https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21412911?refer=dlclass
- http://www.tuicool.com/wx/YZ3uAze?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0
- http://blog.csdn.net/standing_on_giant/article/details/60333329
- http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ckiw/postscript/ijcv_voc09.pdf
- http://www.qingpingshan.com/bc/jsp/163450.html
- http://blog.csdn.net/garfielder007/article/details/51867343
- http://www.tuicool.com/articles/eEfm2mv
- http://blog.csdn.net/wy250229163/article/details/56837189