[Training Video - 3] [Groovy in Detail] Non-static and Static functions, initializing log inside class

log.info "starting"

// we use class to create  objects of a class
Planet p1 = new Planet()
Planet p2 = new Planet()

//Planet.name = "Pluto"  illegal
Planet.shape = "Circle"    // static variable
Planet.log = log

p1.name = "earth"  // non static variable
p2.name = "jupiter"

p1.printName()   // non static has to be called with reference
Planet.revolve()  // static can be called with class

class Planet{
// variables and functions
	def name    // non static variable
	def static shape  // static variable
	def static log

	public void printName(){   // non static function
		log.info ("Name of planet is $name. Shape is $shape")
		xyz()  // non static can access static

	public static void revolve(){  // static function
		//log.info (name)    // error, static cannot access non static
		xyz()  // call one function from another function
		log.info ("Planet revolving. Shape is $shape")

	public static void xyz(){
		log.info "inside xyz"

 Test Result:

Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:starting
Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:Name of planet is earth. Shape is Circle
Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside xyz
Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:inside xyz
Tue Oct 06 18:30:29 CST 2015:INFO:Planet revolving. Shape is Circle

 Note :

Static cannot access non static

posted on 2015-10-06 17:46  张缤分  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
