希望工程:Project Hope 公益事业:public good 贫困地区:poverty stricken areas 希望小学:Hope Primary School
资助贫困学生:fund poor students 6-14岁的孩子:children between the ages of 6-14 上学:attend school 辍学:drop out
一大批:a large number of 基础教育:basic education 优良传统:fine tradition 助人为乐:take pleasure in helping others
端午节:The Dragon Boat Festival 农历:the Chinese lunar calendar 最广为认可的:the most widely accepted
commemorate:纪念 龙舟赛:dragon-boat race 中国传统家庭:traditional Chinese family 成年子女:adult children
实行政策:implement policy 独身子女:the only child 四五十岁:in the forties or fifties 心理的:psychological
生理的:physiological 降低生活质量:worse the living quality self-important:高傲的
相处融洽:get along with sb 食品安全问题:food safety problem 千千万万人民群众:thousands of people
频繁发生:occur frequently 日益严峻:increasingly serious 一个人:a single person 共同职责:the shared responsibility
全社会:the whole society 共同努力:make a joint effort
最具影响力的:the most influential 剧种:drama 起源于:originating from 徽剧:Anhui Opera 被称作:be regarded as
分类:type 性格:character 体现在:be reflected in 形象:image 传播:spread
春秋时期:The Spring and Autumn period 鲁国人:lived in State of Lu 思想家:thinker 教育家:educator 政治家:politician
创始人:founder 他一生大部分时间:most of his life 从事:engaged 培养出:educated 知识渊博、有才能的人:knowledgeable and talented
学说:theory 精华:essence 收录于:be recorded in 完整学说:the complete system of his theories
父辈:the elder generation 在网络平台上:on the network platforms 社交网络:social network 游逛:hang out 发帖:post comments
信息化时代: easy access to information 辨别能力:judgment 适应:adapt sb to
神话故事:fairy tale 圣经:Bible 化身:stand for 为人类造福:bring people blessedness 珍稀:rareness 心目中:in their minds
有崇高的地位:has a high position 自称:call themselves 龙的传人:descendant of the dragon 成语:idiom 有出息:with great ambition
光明的前途:promising future
20世纪80年代:in the 1980s 提出:put forward ...条件下:on the condition of 当代的需求:need of the present 后代人:future generation
核心思想:core idea 协调发展:harmonious development 节能减排:energy saving and emission reduction 工业体系:industrial system
迅速上升:growing rapid 1/4的成人:25% of adults 未来20年:in the next 20 years 无疑:undoubtedly 中国的卫生保健体系:Chinese health care system
造成很大压力:put great pressure on 有趣的是:interestingly 到去年年底:by the end of last year 达到了:have reached up to
丰厚利润:generous profits 呈圆形:have a round shape 祭拜:worship 烤制:bake 面粉:flour 客户:client 亲朋好友:relatives
不断壮大的:the ever-increasing 有实力的:powerful 推动中国经济演变:drive China's economic evolution 增长模式:growth mode
中国各族人民:all ethnic groups in China 官方语言和工作语言:official and working language 追溯到10年前:date back 10 years 汉语学习热潮:Chinese learning craze
开设汉语课程:offer the Chinese course 中国文明:Chinese civilization 30年来:over the past 30 years 中国经济的快速发展:China's rapid economic development