通过在 Microsoft SQL Server 中托管 CLR(称为 CLR 集成),开发人员可以在托管代码中编写存储过程、触发器、用户定义函数、用户定义类型和用户定义聚合函数, 改变了以前只能通过T-SQL语言来实现这些功能的局面。因为托管代码在执行之前会编译为本机代码,所以,在有些方案中可以大大提高性能。
1. 编写C#代码,编译成.NET 3.5的dll
public class Program { [SqlTrigger(Name = @"UsersAudit", Target = "[dbo].[users]", Event = "FOR INSERT")] public static void UsersAudit() { SqlContext.Pipe.Send("UsersAudit start"); // Get the trigger context. string userName; string realName; SqlCommand command; SqlTriggerContext triggContext = SqlContext.TriggerContext; SqlDataReader reader; switch (triggContext.TriggerAction) { case TriggerAction.Insert: // Retrieve the connection that the trigger is using. using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@"context connection=true")) { connection.Open(); // Get the inserted row. command = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT * FROM INSERTED;", connection); // Get the user name and real name of the inserted user. reader = command.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); userName = (string)reader[0]; realName = (string)reader[1]; reader.Close(); // Insert the user name and real name into the auditing table. command = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT [dbo].[UserNameAudit] (userName, realName) " + @"VALUES (@userName, @realName);", connection); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userName", userName)); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@realName", realName)); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } break; } SqlContext.Pipe.Send("UsersAudit end"); } [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure] public static void HelloWorld(out string text) { SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Hello world!" + Environment.NewLine); text = "Hello world!"; } }
2. SMSS中选择“可编程性” -> "程序集"->“右键”-》“新建程序集”,将编译的dll注册
CREATE PROCEDURE hello @i nchar(25) OUTPUT AS EXTERNAL NAME SqlTriggerContextTest.Program.HelloWorld GO -- if the HelloWorldProc class is inside a namespace (called MyNS), -- the last line in the create procedure statement would be -- EXTERNAL NAME helloworld.[MyNS.HelloWorldProc].HelloWorld CREATE TRIGGER UsersAudit ON [dbo].[users] AFTER INSERT, UPDATE AS EXTERNAL NAME SqlTriggerContextTest.Program.UsersAudit GO
4. 可以执行sql语句查看效果
运行 select * from sys.assemblies 可以查看注册的程序集