AtCoder Beginner Contest 171 D - Replacing
Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB
Score : 400400 points
Problem Statement
You have a sequence AA composed of NN positive integers: A1,A2,⋯,ANA1,A2,⋯,AN.
You will now successively do the following QQ operations:
- In the ii-th operation, you replace every element whose value is BiBi with CiCi.
For each ii (1≤i≤Q)(1≤i≤Q), find SiSi: the sum of all elements in AA just after the ii-th operation.
- All values in input are integers.
- 1≤N,Q,Ai,Bi,Ci≤1051≤N,Q,Ai,Bi,Ci≤105
- Bi≠CiBi≠Ci
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
NN A1A1 A2A2 ⋯⋯ ANAN QQ B1B1 C1C1 B2B2 C2C2 ⋮⋮ BQBQ CQCQ
Print QQ integers SiSi to Standard Output in the following format:
S1S1 S2S2 ⋮⋮ SQSQ
Note that SiSi may not fit into a 3232-bit integer.
Sample Input 1 Copy
4 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 2 4
Sample Output 1 Copy
11 12 16
Initially, the sequence AA is 1,2,3,41,2,3,4.
After each operation, it becomes the following:
- 2,2,3,42,2,3,4
- 2,2,4,42,2,4,4
- 4,4,4,44,4,4,4
Sample Input 2 Copy
4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 5
Sample Output 2 Copy
8 4 4
Note that the sequence AA may not contain an element whose value is BiBi.
Sample Input 3 Copy
2 1 2 3 1 100 2 100 100 1000
Sample Output 3 Copy
102 200 2000
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #define maxn 100005 #define ll long long using namespace std; ll n,q,a[maxn],sum; int tm[maxn]; int main(void) { while(~scanf("%lld",&n)) { sum=0; for(int i=0;i<n;++i) { scanf("%lld",&a[i]); sum+=a[i];//求和 tm[a[i]]++;//a[i]出现的次数自增 } scanf("%lld",&q); ll b,c; for(int i=0;i<q;++i) { scanf("%lld %lld",&b,&c); sum+=(c-b)*tm[b]; tm[c]+=tm[b];//更新tm[c] tm[b]=0;//更新tm[b] printf("%lld\n",sum); } } return 0; }