echarts 通过源码方法 传入对应data数据获取分割步长值




 * Quantity of a number. e.g. 0.1, 1, 10, 100
 * @param  {number} val
 * @return {number}
function quantity(val) {
    return Math.pow(10, quantityExponent(val));

function quantityExponent(val) {
    return Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.LN10);

 * find a “nice” number approximately equal to x. Round the number if round = true,
 * take ceiling if round = false. The primary observation is that the “nicest”
 * numbers in decimal are 1, 2, and 5, and all power-of-ten multiples of these numbers.
 * See "Nice Numbers for Graph Labels" of Graphic Gems.
 * @param  {number} val Non-negative value.
 * @param  {boolean} round
 * @return {number}
function nice(val, round) {
  console.log('get real splitNum==1111===>', val, round);
    var exponent = quantityExponent(val);
    var exp10 = Math.pow(10, exponent);
    var f = val / exp10; // 1 <= f < 10
    var nf;
    if (round) {
        if (f < 1.5) {
            nf = 1;
        else if (f < 2.5) {
            nf = 2;
        else if (f < 4) {
            nf = 3;
        else if (f < 7) {
            nf = 5;
        else {
            nf = 10;
    else {
        if (f < 1) {
            nf = 1;
        else if (f < 2) {
            nf = 2;
        else if (f < 3) {
            nf = 3;
        else if (f < 5) {
            nf = 5;
        else {
            nf = 10;
    val = nf * exp10;

    // Fix 3 * 0.1 === 0.30000000000000004 issue (see IEEE 754).
    // 20 is the uppper bound of toFixed.
  const nice = exponent >= -20 ? +val.toFixed(exponent < 0 ? -exponent : 0) : val;
    return nice;




// val 传递的是: (你当前data数组中的最大值 / (splitNumber | 5))
// splitNumber 是你写的分割段数 如果没有设置 则使用5相除 
// round 传false

// 例如 我这里传24
nice(24,false); // 返回20, 其中20 就是 步长值

// 如果是堆叠图表 需要进行数据相加后 获取相加后的数组的最大值 然后进行计算
nice(37, false); //



posted @ 2019-09-12 13:27  飞尽堂前燕  阅读(540)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报