bzoj 2140: 稳定婚姻 (二分图)
蒟蒻Macaulish: 转载要声明!

type arr=record toward,next,cap,from:longint; end; const maxn=100000; maxm=1000000; var edge:array[0..maxm]of arr; first,cur,d,p,gap,num,e,belong,dfn,low:array[0..maxn]of longint; chose:array[0..maxn]of boolean; trie:array[0..maxn,'A'..'z'] of longint; n,esum,s,t,tot,total,peo,time,scc,top:longint; procedure add(j,k,l:longint); begin inc(esum); edge[esum].toward:=k; edge[esum].next:=first[j]; first[j]:=esum; edge[esum].from:=j; edge[esum].cap:=l; end; procedure addedge(j,k,l:longint); begin add(j,k,l); add(k,j,0); end; function find(ss:string):longint; var i,u:longint; begin u:=0; for i:=1 to length(ss) do u:=trie[u][ss[i]]; exit(num[u]); end; function min(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x<y then exit(x); exit(y); end; procedure into; var i,j,k,m,u,boy,girl:longint; ss:string; begin esum:=-1; tot:=0; total:=0; peo:=0; fillchar(first,sizeof(first),255); readln(n); s:=n<<1+1; t:=n<<1+2; tot:=n<<1+2; for i:=1 to n do begin readln(ss); ss:=ss+' '; u:=0; j:=1; while (ss[j]<>' ') do begin if trie[u][ss[j]]=0 then begin inc(total); trie[u][ss[j]]:=total; end; u:=trie[u][ss[j]]; inc(j); end; inc(peo); num[u]:=peo; girl:=peo; inc(j); u:=0; while (ss[j]<>' ') do begin if trie[u][ss[j]]=0 then begin inc(total); trie[u][ss[j]]:=total; end; u:=trie[u][ss[j]]; inc(j); end; inc(peo); num[u]:=peo; boy:=peo; e[i]:=esum+1; addedge(girl,boy,1); addedge(s,girl,1); addedge(boy,t,1); end; readln(m); while m>0 do begin dec(m); readln(ss); i:=pos(' ',ss); j:=find(copy(ss,1,i-1)); k:=find(copy(ss,i+1,length(ss)-i)); addedge(j,k,1); end; end; function sap(x,flow:longint):longint; var now,more,i,too:longint; begin if x=t then exit(flow); now:=0; i:=cur[x]; while i>=0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if (d[x]=d[too]+1) and (edge[i].cap>0) then begin more:=sap(too,min(flow-now,edge[i].cap)); dec(edge[i].cap,more); inc(edge[i xor 1].cap,more); inc(now,more); cur[x]:=i; if flow=now then exit(flow); end; i:=edge[i].next; end; dec(gap[d[x]]); if gap[d[x]]=0 then d[s]:=tot; inc(d[x]); inc(gap[d[x]]); cur[x]:=first[x]; exit(now); end; procedure maxflow; var i:longint; begin fillchar(gap,sizeof(gap),0); fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); gap[0]:=tot; for i:=1 to tot do cur[i]:=first[i]; while d[s]<tot do sap(s,maxlongint); end; procedure tarjan(x:longint); var i,j,too:longint; begin inc(time); dfn[x]:=time; low[x]:=time; inc(top); p[top]:=x; chose[x]:=true; i:=first[x]; while i>=0 do begin if edge[i].cap>0 then begin too:=edge[i].toward; if dfn[too]=0 then begin tarjan(too); low[x]:=min(low[x],low[too]); end else if chose[too] then low[x]:=min(low[x],low[too]); end; i:=edge[i].next; end; if low[x]=dfn[x] then begin inc(scc); repeat j:=p[top]; dec(top); chose[j]:=false; belong[j]:=scc; until j=x; end; end; procedure work; var head,tail,i,j,k,l,x,too:longint; flag:boolean; begin time:=0; fillchar(chose,sizeof(chose),false); fillchar(dfn,sizeof(dfn),0); top:=0; for i:=1 to tot do if dfn[i]=0 then tarjan(i); for i:=1 to n do begin j:=e[i]; k:=edge[j].from; l:=edge[j].toward; if (belong[k]=belong[l]) or (edge[j].cap>0) then writeln('Unsafe') else writeln('Safe'); end; end; begin into; maxflow; work; end.

type arr=record toward,next,from:longint; flag:boolean; end; const maxn=100000; maxm=1000000; var edge:array[0..maxm]of arr; first,cur,d,p,gap,num,e,match,matche:array[0..maxn]of longint; chose:array[0..maxn]of boolean; trie:array[0..maxn,'A'..'z'] of longint; n,esum,s,t,tot,total,peo,time,scc,top:longint; procedure addedge(j,k:longint); begin inc(esum); edge[esum].from:=j; edge[esum].toward:=k; edge[esum].next:=first[j]; edge[esum].flag:=true; first[j]:=esum; end; function find(ss:string):longint; var i,u:longint; begin u:=0; for i:=1 to length(ss) do u:=trie[u][ss[i]]; exit(num[u]); end; procedure into; var i,j,k,m,u,boy,girl:longint; ss:string; begin esum:=0; tot:=0; total:=0; peo:=0; fillchar(first,sizeof(first),0); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(ss); ss:=ss+' '; u:=0; j:=1; while (ss[j]<>' ') do begin if trie[u][ss[j]]=0 then begin inc(total); trie[u][ss[j]]:=total; end; u:=trie[u][ss[j]]; inc(j); end; inc(peo); num[u]:=peo; girl:=peo; inc(j); u:=0; while (ss[j]<>' ') do begin if trie[u][ss[j]]=0 then begin inc(total); trie[u][ss[j]]:=total; end; u:=trie[u][ss[j]]; inc(j); end; inc(peo); num[u]:=peo; boy:=peo; e[i]:=esum+1; addedge(girl,boy); end; readln(m); while m>0 do begin dec(m); readln(ss); i:=pos(' ',ss); j:=find(copy(ss,1,i-1)); k:=find(copy(ss,i+1,length(ss)-i)); addedge(j,k); end; end; function dfs(x:longint):boolean; var i,too:longint; begin i:=first[x]; while i>0 do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if edge[i].flag and chose[too] then begin chose[too]:=false; if (match[too]=0) or dfs(match[too]) then begin edge[matche[too]].flag:=true; matche[too]:=i; match[too]:=x; edge[i].flag:=false; exit(true); end; end; i:=edge[i].next; end; exit(false); end; procedure work; var i,j,boy,girl:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin fillchar(chose,sizeof(chose),true); dfs(edge[e[i]].from); end; //for i:=1 to n do writeln(match[i<<1]); for i:=1 to n do begin fillchar(chose,sizeof(chose),true); j:=e[i]; if edge[j].flag then begin writeln('Unsafe'); continue; end; boy:=edge[j].toward; girl:=edge[j].from; match[boy]:=0; if not dfs(girl) then begin match[boy]:=girl; matche[boy]:=j; writeln('Safe'); end else writeln('Unsafe'); end; end; begin into; work; end.
因疲惫而轻易入眠,是对自己一天努力的最好褒奖。 要和泪子一起努力怀抱梦想对抗残酷的现实……