bzoj 1862: [Zjoi2006]GameZ游戏排名系统 & bzoj 1056: [HAOI2008]排名系统
const maxn=250550; mm=2000000; var hash,size,left,right,fix,value,time,num,shi,cost:array[0..maxn]of longint; who:array[0..maxn,0..10]of longint; trie:array[0..maxn,'A'..'Z']of longint; n,tot,total,peo,u,i,j,k,ii,t:longint; s:string; ch:char; procedure lt(var t:longint); var k:longint; begin k:=right[t]; right[t]:=left[k]; left[k]:=t; size[k]:=size[t]; size[t]:=size[left[t]]+size[right[t]]+1; t:=k; end; procedure rt(var t:longint); var k:longint; begin k:=left[t]; left[t]:=right[k]; right[k]:=t; size[k]:=size[t]; size[t]:=size[left[t]]+size[right[t]]+1; t:=k; end; procedure insert(var t:longint;y,z,l:longint); begin if t=0 then begin inc(total); t:=total; value[t]:=y; fix[t]:=random(mm); time[t]:=z; hash[t]:=l; left[t]:=0; right[t]:=0; size[t]:=1; exit; end; inc(size[t]); if y<=value[t] then begin insert(right[t],y,z,l); if fix[right[t]]<fix[t] then lt(t); end else begin insert(left[t],y,z,l); if fix[left[t]]<fix[t] then rt(t); end; end; procedure delete(var t:longint;y,z:longint); begin if t=0 then exit; dec(size[t]); if (value[t]=y) and (time[t]=z) then begin if left[t]=0 then t:=right[t] else if right[t]=0 then t:=left[t] else if fix[right[t]]<fix[left[t]] then begin lt(t); delete(left[t],y,z); end else begin rt(t); delete(right[t],y,z); end; exit; end; if (y>value[t]) or (y=value[t]) and (z<time[t]) then delete(left[t],y,z) else delete(right[t],y,z); end; function rank(t,y,z:longint):longint; begin if t=0 then exit(0); if (y=value[t]) and (z=time[t]) then exit(size[left[t]]+1); if (y>value[t]) or (y=value[t]) and (z<time[t]) then exit(rank(left[t],y,z)); exit(size[left[t]]+1+rank(right[t],y,z)); end; procedure outs(x:longint); var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to who[x][0] do write(chr(who[x][i])); end; procedure find(t,x:longint;var y:longint); begin if (t=0) or (y=0) then exit; if x<=size[left[t]] then begin find(left[t],x,y); if y>0 then begin dec(y); if y=0 then begin outs(hash[t]); writeln; exit; end; outs(hash[t]); write(' '); find(right[t],1,y); end; end else begin if x=size[left[t]]+1 then begin dec(y); if y=0 then begin outs(hash[t]); writeln; exit; end; outs(hash[t]); write(' '); inc(x); end; find(right[t],x-size[left[t]]-1,y); end; end; begin readln(n); randomize; peo:=0; total:=0; tot:=0; for ii:=1 to n do begin read(ch); if ch='+' then begin u:=0; s:=''; read(ch); repeat s:=s+ch; if trie[u][ch]=0 then begin inc(tot); trie[u][ch]:=tot; end; u:=trie[u][ch]; read(ch); until ch=' '; readln(j); if num[u]=0 then begin inc(peo); num[u]:=peo; cost[peo]:=j; shi[peo]:=ii; who[peo][0]:=length(s); for i:=1 to who[peo][0] do who[peo][i]:=ord(s[i]); insert(t,j,ii,peo); end else begin delete(t,cost[num[u]],shi[num[u]]); cost[num[u]]:=j; shi[num[u]]:=ii; insert(t,j,ii,num[u]); end; end else if ch='?' then begin readln(s); if (ord(s[1])>=65) and (ord(s[1])<=90) then begin u:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do u:=trie[u][s[i]]; writeln(rank(t,cost[num[u]],shi[num[u]])); end else begin val(s,i); j:=10; if i+j>peo then j:=peo-i+1; find(t,i,j); end; end; end; end.
因疲惫而轻易入眠,是对自己一天努力的最好褒奖。 要和泪子一起努力怀抱梦想对抗残酷的现实……