脚本下载地址 : https://files.cnblogs.com/Mac_Hui/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.7z
Add a simple datetimepicker to jQuery UI's datepicker
Add only a timepicker:
Format the time:
$('#basic_example_3').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: "hh:mm tt" });
Using Timezones
Simplest timezone usage:
$('#timezone_example_1').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt z', showTimezone: true });
Define your own timezone options:
$('#timezone_example_2').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm z', showTimezone: true, timezoneList: [ { value: '-0500', label: 'Eastern'}, { value: '-0600', label: 'Central' }, { value: '-0700', label: 'Mountain' }, { value: '-0800', label: 'Pacific' } ] });
Use timezone string abbreviations for values:
$('#timezone_example_3').datetimepicker({ timeFormat: 'HH:mm z', showTimezone: true, timezone: 'MT', timezoneList: [ { value: 'ET', label: 'Eastern'}, { value: 'CT', label: 'Central' }, { value: 'MT', label: 'Mountain' }, { value: 'PT', label: 'Pacific' } ] });
Slider Modifications
Add a grid to each slider:
$('#slider_example_1').timepicker({ hourGrid: 4, minuteGrid: 10, timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt' });
Set the interval step of sliders:
$('#slider_example_2').datetimepicker({ showSecond: true, timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss', stepHour: 2, stepMinute: 10, stepSecond: 10 });
Add sliderAccess plugin for touch devices:
$('#slider_example_3').datetimepicker({ addSliderAccess: true, sliderAccessArgs: { touchonly: false } });
Use dropdowns instead of sliders. By default if slider is not available dropdowns will be used.
$('#slider_example_4').datetimepicker({ controlType: 'select', timeFormat: 'hh:mm tt' });
Create your own control by implementing the create, options, and value methods. If you want to use your new control for all instances use the $.timepicker.setDefaults({controlType:myControl}). Here we implement jQueryUI's spinner control (jQueryUI 1.9+).
var myControl= { create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){ $('<input class="ui-timepicker-input" value="'+val+'" style="width:50%">') .appendTo(obj) .spinner({ min: min, max: max, step: step, change: function(e,ui){ // key events tp_inst._onTimeChange(); tp_inst._onSelectHandler(); }, spin: function(e,ui){ // spin events tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, obj, unit, ui.value); tp_inst._onTimeChange(); tp_inst._onSelectHandler(); } }); return obj; }, options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){ if(typeof(opts) == 'string' && val !== undefined) return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts, val); return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner(opts); }, value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){ if(val !== undefined) return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value', val); return obj.find('.ui-timepicker-input').spinner('value'); } }; $('#slider_example_5').datetimepicker({ controlType: myControl });
Alternate Fields
Alt field in the simplest form:
$('#alt_example_1').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_1_alt" });
With datetime in both:
$('#alt_example_2').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_2_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false });
Format the altField differently:
$('#alt_example_3').datetimepicker({ ampm: true, altField: "#alt_example_3_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false, altFormat: "yy-mm-dd", altTimeFormat: "h:m t", altSeparator: " @ " });
With inline mode using altField:
$('#alt_example_4').datetimepicker({ altField: "#alt_example_4_alt", altFieldTimeOnly: false });
Time Restraints
Set the min/max hour of every date:
$('#rest_example_1').timepicker({ hourMin: 8, hourMax: 16 });
Set the min/max date numerically:
$('#rest_example_2').datetimepicker({ numberOfMonths: 2, minDate: 0, maxDate: 30 });
Set the min/max date and time with a Date object:
$('#rest_example_3').datetimepicker({ minDate: new Date(2010, 11, 20, 8, 30), maxDate: new Date(2010, 11, 31, 17, 30) });
Restrict a start and end date (also shows using onSelect and onClose events):
var startDateTextBox = $('#rest_example_4_start'); var endDateTextBox = $('#rest_example_4_end'); startDateTextBox.datetimepicker({ onClose: function(dateText, inst) { if (endDateTextBox.val() != '') { var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); if (testStartDate > testEndDate) endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testStartDate); } else { endDateTextBox.val(dateText); } }, onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){ endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'minDate', startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') ); } }); endDateTextBox.datetimepicker({ onClose: function(dateText, inst) { if (startDateTextBox.val() != '') { var testStartDate = startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); var testEndDate = endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate'); if (testStartDate > testEndDate) startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('setDate', testEndDate); } else { startDateTextBox.val(dateText); } }, onSelect: function (selectedDateTime){ startDateTextBox.datetimepicker('option', 'maxDate', endDateTextBox.datetimepicker('getDate') ); } });
Get and Set Datetime:
var ex13 = $('#utility_example_1'); ex13.datetimepicker({ dateFormat: "D MM d, yy", separator: ' @ ' }); $('#utility_example_1_setdt').click(function(){ ex13.datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date()) ); }); $('#utility_example_1_getdt').click(function(){ alert(ex13.datetimepicker('getDate')); });
Use the utility function to format your own time. $.datepicker.formatTime(format, time, options)
- format
- required - string represenation of the time format to use
- time
- required - hash: { hour, minute, second, millisecond, timezone }
- options
- optional - hash of any options in regional translation (ampm, amNames, pmNames..)
Returns a time string in the specified format.
$('#utility_example_2').text( $.datepicker.formatTime('HH:mm z', { hour: 14, minute: 36, timezone: '+2000' }, {}) );
Use the utility function to parses a formatted time. $.datepicker.parseTime(format, timeString, options)
- format
- required - string represenation of the time format to use
- time
- required - time string matching the format given in parameter 1
- options
- optional - hash of any options in regional translation (ampm, amNames, pmNames..)
Returns an object with hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, timezone.
$('#utility_example_3').text(JSON.stringify( $.datepicker.parseTime('HH:mm:ss:l z', "14:36:21:765 +2000", {}) ));