随笔分类 - Recommender Systems
摘要:He X., He Z., Du X. and Chua T. Adversarial personalized ranking for recommendation. In International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
摘要:Xiao J., Ye H., He X., Zhang H., Wu F. and Chua T. Attentional factorization machines: learning the weight of feature interactions via attention netwo
摘要:He X. and Chua T. Neural factorization machines for sparse predictive analytics. In International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
摘要:Guo H., Tang R., Ye Y., Li Z. and He X. DeepFM: a factorization-machine based neural network for CTR prediction. In International Joint Conference on
摘要:Wang R., Fu B., Fu G. and Wang M. Deep & cross network for ad click predictions. Proceedings of the ADKDD, 2017. 概 Wide & Deep 模型虽然强大, 但是其 wide 部分仍需要复
摘要:Cheng H., et al. Wide & deep learning for recommender systems. Proceedings of the 1st workshop on deep learning for recommender systems, 2016. 概 谷歌提的推
摘要:Li B., Wang Y., Singh A. and Vorobeychik Y. Data poisoning attacks on factorization-based collaborative filtering. In Advances in Neural Information P
摘要:He X., Liao L., Zhang H., Nie L., Hu X. and Chua T. Neural collaborative filtering. In International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2017. 概 对用户和物品隐变
摘要:Juan Y., Zhuang Y., Chin W. and Lin C. Field-aware factorization machines for CTR prediction. In ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2016.
摘要:Rendle S. Factorization machines. In IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2010 概 SVM在很多领域都有应用, 却在推荐系统中没有什么特别好的效果, 作者认为主要原因是推荐系统的数据过于稀疏
摘要:Linden G., Smith B. and York J. Amazon.com recommendations item-to-item collaborative filtering. IEEE Internet Computing, 2003. 概 传统的协同过滤绝大部分计算都是onlin
摘要:Wang J., Le Y., Chang B., Wang Y., Chi E. and Chen M. Learning to augment for casual user recommendation. In International World Wide Web Conference (
摘要:Shan Y., Hoens T. R., Jiao J., Wang H., Yu D. and Mao J. Deep crossing: web-scale modeling without manually crafted combinatorial features. In Interna
摘要:Sedhain S., Menon A. K., Sanner S. and Xie L. AutoRec: autoencoders meet collaborative filtering. In International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW),