随笔分类 - Causal Inference
摘要:Liu C., Gao C., Jin D. and Li Y. Improving location recommendation with urban knowledge graph. In ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Dis
摘要:Schnabel T., Swaminathan A., Singh A., Chandak N., Joachims T. Recommendations as treatments: debiasing learning and evaluation. In International Conf
摘要:目录概符号说明Structural Causal Models and the Causal HierarchyStructural Causal Model (SCM)Causal HierarchyLayer1-SeeingLayer2-DoingLayer3–Imagining例子Expres
摘要:Wei T., Feng F., Chen J., Wu Z., Yi J. and He X. Model-agnostic counterfactual reasoning for eliminating popularity bias in recommender system. In ACM
摘要:Wang W., Lin X., Feng F., He X., Lin M. and Chua T. Causal representation learning for out-of-distribution recommendation. In International World Wide
摘要:Ng I., Fang Z., Zhu S., Chen Z. and Wang J. Masked Gradient-Based Causal Structure Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.10500, 2019. 概 非线性, 自动地学习因果图. 主
摘要:DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning Zheng X., Aragam B., Ravikumar P. and Xing E. DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimi
摘要:Rosenbaum P. and Rubin D. The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies For Causal Effects. Biometrika, 1983, 70(1): 41-55. Propen
摘要:Niu Y., Tang K., Zhang H., Lu Z., Hua X. and Wen J. Counterfactual VQA: A Cause-Effect Look at Language Bias. CVPR, 2021. 概 利用因果分析消除VQA(Visual Questio
摘要:Zhang D., Zhang H., Tang J., Hua X. and Sun Q. Causal Intervention for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation. NIPS, 2020. 概 这篇文章从因果关系的角度剖析如何提升弱监督语义分
摘要:Judea Pearl. Direct and indirect effects. In Proceedings of the 17th conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
摘要:Hernn M. and Robins J. Causal Inference: What If. Neal B. Introduction to Causal Inference. graph LR A(A) --> Y(Y) graph LR L(L) -->A(A) --> Y(Y