随笔分类 - AutoEncoder
摘要:Locatello F., Bauer S., Lucic M., R"{a}tsch G., Gelly S. Sch"{o}lkopf and Bachem Olivier. Challenging common assumptions in the unsupervised learning
摘要:Kingma D., Salimans T., Jozefowicz R., Chen X., Sutskever I. and Welling M. Improved Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow. NIPS, 201
摘要:Tomczak J. and Welling M. Improving Variational Auto-Encoders using Householder Flow. NIPS workshop: Bayesian Deep Learning, 2016. 概 本文介绍了一种Normalizin
摘要:Germain M., Gregor K., Murray I. and Larochelle H. MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation. ICML, 2015. 概 考虑 \[ \hat{x} = f(x) \in \mathb
摘要:Rezende D., Mohamed S. Variational Inference with Normalizing Flow. ICML, 2015. 概 VAE的先验分布很重要, 但是后验分布也很重要, 我们常常假设满足一个高斯分布, 这就大大限制了近似后验分
摘要:Tomczak J. & Welling M. VAE with a VampPrior. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2018. 概 这篇文章提出了一种新的"多模态
摘要:Hoffman M. & Johnson M. ELBO surgery: yet another way to carve up the variational evidence lower bound. NIPS, 2016. 概 这篇文章主要介绍了一种ELBO一种新的改写, 以及可以从中获得的
摘要:Nazabal A., Olmos P., Ghahramani Z. and Valera I. Handing incomplete heterogeneous data using VAEs. Pattern Recognition, 2020, 107: 107501. 概 这篇文章利用VA
摘要:Kingma D P, Welling M. Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes[J]. arXiv: Machine Learning, 2013. 主要内容 自编码, 通过引入Encoder和Decoder来估计联合分布, 其中表示隐变量(我们也