随笔分类 - Neural Networks
摘要:Austin J., Johnson D. D., Ho J., Tarlow D. and van den Berg R. Structured denoising diffusion models in discrete state-spaces. In Advances in Neural I
摘要:Chen R. T. Q., Rubanova Y., Bettencourt J. and Duvenaud D. Neural ordinary differential equations. In Advances in Neural Information Processing System
摘要:Zhu D., Zhang Z., Cui P. and Zhu W. Robust graph convolutional networks against adversarial attacks. In ACM International Conference on Knowledge Disc
摘要:Olatunji I. E., Funke T. and Khosla M. Releasing graph neural networks with differential privacy guarantees. In ACM Symposium on Neural Gaze Detection
摘要:Zhu J., Yan Y., Zhao L., Heimann M., Akoglu L. and Koutra D. Beyond homophily in graph neural networks: current limitations and effective designs. In
摘要:Alon U. and Yahav E. On the bottleneck of graph neural networks and its practical implications. In International Conference on Learning Representation
摘要:Ma Y., Liu X., Zhao T., Liu Y., Tang J. and Shah N. A unified view on graph neural networks as graph signal denoising. In International Conference on
摘要:Gilmer J., Schoenholz S. S., Riley P. F., Vinyals O. and Dahl G. E. Neural message passing for quantum chemistry. In International Conference on Machi
摘要:Zuo Y., Liu G., Lin H., Guo J., Hu X. and Wu J. Embedding temporal network via neighborhood formation. In ACM International Conference on Knowledge Di
摘要:Zhou L., Yang Y., Ren X., Wu F. and Zhuang Y. Dynamic network embedding by modeling triadic closure process. In AAAI Conference on Advancement of Arti
摘要:Grover A. and Leskovec J. node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks. In ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KD
摘要:Ishida T., Yamane I., Sakai T., Niu G. and Sugiyama M. Do we need zero training loss after achieving zero training error? In International Conference
摘要:[1] Monti F., Frasca F., Eynard D., Mannion D. and Bronstein M. M. Fake news detection on social media using geometric deep learning. In International
摘要:[Bruna J., Zaremba W., Szlam A. and LeCun Y. Spectral networks and deep locally connected networks on graphs. In International Conference on Learning
摘要:Wang Z., Zhang W, Liu N. and Wang J. Transparent classification with multilayer logical perceptrons and random binarization. In AAAI Conference on Art
摘要:Yam J. Y. F. and Chow T. W. S. Feedforward networks training speed enhancement by optimal initialization of the synaptic coefficients. 概 和 here 超级像的一个
摘要:Shimodaira H. and Ltd N. M. C. A weight value initialization method for improving learning performance of the backpropagation algorithm in neural netw
摘要:Wessels L. F. A. and Barnard E. Avoiding False local minima by proper initialization of connections. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1992. 概
摘要:Nguyen D. and Widrow B. Improving the learning speed of 2-layer neural networks by choosing initial values of the adaptive weights. In International J
摘要:Huster T., Chiang C. J. and Chadha R. Limitations of the lipschitz constant as a defense against adversarial examples. In European Conference on Machi