目录概Search-based Interest Model (SIM)子序列抽取Exact Search Unit Qi P., Zhu X., Zhou G., Zhang Y., Wang Z., Ren L., Fan Y. and Gai K. Search-based user inte 阅读全文
目录概LinCIR代码 Gu G., Chun S., Kim W., Kang Y. and Yun S. Language-only efficient training of zero-shot composed image retrieval. CVPR, 2024. 概 本文提出了一种仅在 阅读全文
目录概Spherical Linear Interpolation (Slerp)Text-Anchored-Tuning (TAT)代码 Jiang Y. K., Huynh D., Shah A., Chen W. and Lim S. Spherical linear interpolatio 阅读全文
目录概KEDs代码 Suo Y., Ma F., Zhu L. and Yang Y. Knowledge-enhanced dual-stream zero-shot composed image retrieval. CVPR, 2024. 概 以往的 zero-shot Composed Im 阅读全文
目录概Pic2Word代码 Saito K., Sohn K., Zhang X., Li C., Lee C., Saenko K., and Pfister T. Pic2Word: Mapping pictures to words for zero-shot composed image r 阅读全文
目录概符号说明Popularity bias 和 具有高相似度相似度随着维度降低而增加相似度随着训练的变化ReSN: Regulartion with Spectral Norm Lin S., Gao C., Chen J., Zhou 阅读全文
目录概1-bit Adam1-bit SGD代码 Seide F., Fu H., Droppo J., Li G. and Yu D. 1-bit stochastic gradient descent and its application to data-parallel distribute 阅读全文
目录概MotivationZeROZeRO-OffloadZeRO-InfiniteZeRO++代码 Rajbhandari S., Rasley J., Ruwase O. and He Y. ZeRO: Memory optimizations toward training trillion 阅读全文
目录概符号说明思路 Li H., Jadbabaie A. and Rakhlin A. Convergence of adam under relaxed assumptions. NeurIPS, 2023. 概 本文探讨了 Adam 再较弱的假设下的收敛性. 作者的证明思路非常有趣, 虽然条件 阅读全文
目录概符号说明4-bit FQTLearned Step Size QuantizationHadamard QuantizationBit Splitting and Leverage Score Sampling代码 Xi H., Li C., Chen J. and Zhu J. Traini 阅读全文
目录概主要内容Radix-4 FP4 formatGradScaleTwo-Phase Rounding (TPR) Sun X., Wang N., Chen C., Ni J., Agrawal A., Cui X., Venkataramani S. and Maghraoui K. E. a 阅读全文
目录概Range Batch Normalization代码 Banner R., Hubara I., Hoffer E. and Soudry D. Scalable methods for 8-bit training of neural networks. NeurIPS, 2018. 概 阅读全文
目录概主要内容 Wang N., Choi J., Brand D., Chen C. and Gopalakrishnan K. Training deep neural networks with 8-bit floating point numbers. NeurIPS, 2018. 概 本文 阅读全文
目录概主要内容 Narang S., Diamos G., Elsen E., Micikevicius P., Alben J., Garcia D., Ginsburg B., Houston M., Kuchaiev O., Venkatesh G. and Wu H. Mixed preci 阅读全文
目录概HAWQ (Hessian AWare Quantization) Dong Z., Yao Z., Gholami A., Mahoney M. W. and Keutzer K. HAWQ: Hessian aware quantization of neural networks wit 阅读全文
目录概主要内容 Choi J., Wang Z., Venkataramani S., Chuang P. I., Srinivasan V. and Gopalakrishnan K. PACT: Parameterized clipping activation for quantized ne 阅读全文
目录概主要思想代码 Zhou A., Yao A., Guo Y., Xu L. and Chen Y. Incremental network quantization: Towards lossless cnns with low-precision weights. ICLR, 2017. 概 阅读全文
目录概Logarithmic Unbiased Quantization代码 Chmiel B., Banner R., Hoffer E., Yaacov H. B. and Soundry D. Accurate neural training with 4-bit matrix multipl 阅读全文
目录概LPMM代码 Li B., Chen J. and Zhu J. Memory efficient optimizers with 4-bit states. NeurIPS, 2023. 概 本文介绍了一种支持 4-bit 的优化器量化方法. LPMM 这篇文章的工作主要继承自 [8-bit 阅读全文
目录概8-bit Optimizers Dettmers T., Lewis M., Shleifer S. and Zettlemoyer L. 8-bit optimizers via block-wise quantization. ICLR, 2022. 概 本文提出了一种 8-bit 的优 阅读全文