UE4 使用UGM制作血条
将上面的资源拖到UE4中(使用UE4自带的颜色也可实现效果,具体参考官方教程 https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/CHN/Engine/UMG/QuickStart/2/index.html)
1. 在内容浏览器中添加一个控件蓝图,并命名为HP_Widget。 (控件蓝图,即:widget Blueprint)
2. 双击刚创建的控件蓝图,并拖进一个Progress Bar
3. 按照下图设置progress Bar后,保存
二、 创建可以添加到游戏中的3D Actor 蓝图类,并命名为HP_Blueprint
直接粘贴了部分官方教程, 见谅。 (对官方教程 感兴趣的可以看下Creating and Adding the 3D Actor to the Game World ,具体见官方教程)
In this step, we will create the Actor that will contain and display our UI Menu we created in game.
Right-click in the Content Browser, then choose Blueprint from the context menu that appears to create a new Blueprint.
Select Actor from the pop-up menu that appears, give the new Blueprint a name, then save the Blueprint.
Double-click on the new Blueprint to open it up in the Editor, it should open to the Components tab.
If it does not open up on the Components tab, click the Components tab to jump to it.
Click the Add Component button, then find and select the Widget option.
Give the component a name (such as MainMenu), then click the Compile and Save buttons.
In the Details panel for the new widget component, scroll down to the UI section and under Widget Class, select the MainMenuWidget Blueprint.
You can adjust the Draw Size settings to increase the scale of the widget.
There is also a Max Interaction option which will determine how far away the player can be to interact with the widget.
There are additional options for rendering under the Rendering section (below we have set the component to two sided so the component is visible from behind).
3. 新建一个变量Progress Bar,存储进度条对象
4. 新建一个函数GetProgressBar,用来获得进度条对象
5. 新建一个函数HpBarLookAtCamera,每帧都使血条朝向摄像机
6. 在事件图标中调用各个函数。