I was busy with dealing with something else the other day, but I will continue in this blog from now on :) This time I will talk about another techniq 阅读全文
Linked List is composed of a series of nodes. The list is terminated when a node's link is null. The last node in this linked list is called the 'tail 阅读全文
An individual node contains two type of things: data it stores and links to other nodes. The link or links within the nodes are sometimes referred as 阅读全文
Primitive Types vs Reference Types: the former stands for value, the latter stores the address e.g. int x = 10; In the diagram it looks like: x |__10 阅读全文
In the last session, we discovered a kind of data structure whose name is IntList. Below is its code: public class IntList{ public int first; pubic In 阅读全文
I am going to create an array which is similar to the list in python by using Java. It turns out that a very basic list is trivial to implement, as sh 阅读全文
In python,we have something like the list, say L[1,2,3]. We can also add the last digit to the list by doing so:L.append(i) However, in JAVA, we do no 阅读全文
本篇文章主要综合了https://fa20.datastructur.es/materials/guides/using-git.html#b-local-repositories-narrative-introduction(UCB CS61B) 以及廖雪峰的博客https://www.liaox 阅读全文
本文是撰写于笔者正式学习计算机原理前。当然本人于伯克利的CS61A课程中已经有一个初步的认识,但是今天有机会仔细思考一番,作出以下记录,权当学习笔记,必多有粗陋之处,还望读者海涵~ 首先是定义: 计算机有三种码:原码(true form)、反码(Inverse form)和补码(2's comple 阅读全文
Client Programs and Main Methods. A Java program without a main method cannot be run directly using the java command. However, its methods can still b 阅读全文