A Closer Look Let's check out: global object methods and this The Global Object What's the name of the global object in node (pssst… the answer is rig 阅读全文
Object-Oriented Programming Describe the following object oriented programming concepts: → inheritance - basing a class off of another class so that i 阅读全文
Higher Order Functions Greeeaaaat. What's a higher order function, though? → A higher order function is a function that does at least one of the follo 阅读全文
Abstractions Abstraction is: the process of hiding away necessary, but immaterial details … to allow for a programmer to work more closely with the pr 阅读全文
A Quick Review on Hoisting What's hoisting? → hoisting is the processing of declarations before any code is executed. what's a declaration? a declarat 阅读全文