Values, Types, Operators and Type Coercion

All Types All the Time

In this set of slides, we'll take a look at:

  1. JavaScript's types
  2. Numbers and numeric operators
  3. Strings and string operators
  4. Booleans and logical and comparison operators
  5. undefined and null

Some Definitions

  • value - data
  • type - a category or classification of values
  • operator - a language construct that allows the manipulation or combination of a value or values to yield another value
  • operand - a value that an operator works on; the subject of an operator
  • unary operator - an operator that only has one operand
  • binary operator - an operator that has two operands
  • prefix operator - an operator that goes before (to the left) of its operand(s)
  • infix operator - an operator that goes between its operands


Before we delve into these data types, let's check out a unaryprefix operator:


As you might expect, typeof returns a string that represents the operand's type:

> typeof 317.0

We'll be using typeof extensively for the next few slides….


Seriously, stop messing around. Types Really:

Functions are actually just objects, but typeof gives back function when its operand is a function. Arrays are objects too, so typeof returns object for an Array.

Primitives vs Objects

Hey… those two terms should sound familiar… →

  • booleans, numbers, strings, null and undefined are primitive values:
    • they're immutable
    • they're compared by value
    • note that wrapper objects for primitives do exist (we'll see this later)
  • objects, on the other hand:
    • are compared by reference
    console.log({} === {}) // false!
    const foo = {};
    const bar = foo;
    console.log(foo === bar); // true (because "aliasing")
    • are mutable (by default, though they can be made immutable-ish) 

More About Numbers

  • So how many values can 64 bits hold? (Um… a lot?) →
  • 2 to the power of 64! About 18 with 18 0's after it. However, this doesn't exactly indicate what numbers can be stored. Why? →
  • This just means that number of possible values. This has to include negative numbers, decimals, etc…
    • 52 bits for the value (er really 53 … because of the sign)
    • used to represent both integers and real numbers
    • 11 bits for the exponent (for placing the decimal point)
    • 1 bit for the sign

Some Special Numbers…

Try the following operations… →

9e300 * 25874481
  • JavaScript has some special number values:
    • NaN (Not a Number) - this results from any numeric operation that doesn't give back a meaningful result…
    • Infinity, -Infintity - positive and negative infinities
  • Note that these special values are actually numbers! (really!)
    • that is, both NaN and Positive/Negative Infinity are of type Number! →
      typeof NaN      // --> number (what??? ok)
      typeof Infinity // --> number

More About NaN

Again, NaN stands for not a number

  • NaN is toxic …
  • using it in any other numeric operations always results in NaN →
    • NaN + 1 → NaN
  • the only way to check if a value is NaN is by using the built-in function isNaN(val)
  • oddly, NaN === NaN is false (!? … as specified by IEEE)

More About Infinity

So, there's  Infinity and  -Infinity

  • Infinity + 1 or Infinity + Infinity→ is still Infinity
  • Infinity represents all values greater than 1.79769313486231570e+308
  • dividing by 0 yields infinity
  • equality operators and the global function isFinite can be used to determine if a value is Infinity

Strings Continued

string can be composed of any characters: numbers, letters, punctuation, spaces, etc.

The following is a string with nothing in it… or an empty string: ""

String Operators

A few string operators:

  • string concatenation, or +, is an operator that takes two strings and joins them:
    "hello " + "there"
  • indexing, or []… can be used to retrieve the character at an index, such as 'emoji'[3] (or use charAt)
  • comparison operators, you can use <<=, etc. … unicode code points are compared 'B' > 'A' // true


boolean is a data type that has two possible values: true or false.

As one would expect, the literals for these values are (all lowercase):


Inherent Truthiness

When non-boolean types are converted to booleans, the followings rules are used →

  • 0NaN, empty string (""), and undefined/null are false
  • other values are true-ish


Let's test this out… →

// outputs "in here"
if("this string says false, but...!?") {
	console.log("in here!");

// no output
var myString = "";

if(myString) {
	console.log("you shouldn't see me!");

Logical Operators

Boolean values can be combined and manipulated using logical operators.  What are some logical operators, and what do they do? →

  • and - && - returns true if and only if both operands are true, otherwise, returns false
  • or - || - returns false if and only if both operands are false, otherwise, returns true
  • not - ! - returns the opposite boolean value of its single operand to the right

And and Or With Non Boolean Values

Some details about && and ||:

  • if operands are not actually boolean, convert the value on the left side to a boolean
    • ||
      • will return the left operand's value if it's true
      • otherwise, return the value on the right
      • can be used as a way to fall back to a default value potentially_falsey || default_value
    • &&
      • will return the left operand's value if it's false
      • otherwise, return the value on the right
  • also… short-circuit evaluation applies

And and Or Continued

Based on the previous slide, what are the values produced by the following expressions? →

5 - 5 || 2
5 - 5 && 2
"hello" || "goodbye"
"hello" &&  "goodbye"

This syntax is actually sometimes used to assign a default value if a value doesn't exist:

// we haven't seen objects yet, but you get the idea
const obj = {prop1: "a value"}; 
const val1 = obj.prop1 || "default value"
const val2 = obj.prop2 || "default value"

Ternary Operator

What will this code return?

true ? "ok" : "not ok!"
  • "ok"
  • format is test (boolean expression) ? value to return if true : value to return if false

The ternary operator works like an if/else statement, but it's one line and it evaluates to a value:

// ternary followed by equivalent if/else
let x = 5 > 2 ? 'yes' : 'no';

let x;
if(5 > 2) {
    x = 'yes';
} else {
    x = 'no';

Comparison Operators

Booleans can be produced from comparison operators. Without knowing anything about JavaScript, what do you think are some available comparison operators? →

  • <><=>= - greater than, less than, etc.
  • === - equals, checks both type and value
  • !== - not equals, checks both type and value
  • == - equals, coerces operands to appropriate types
  • != - not equals, coerces operands

Comparison Operators Continued

Comparison Operators are binary , infix operators that can be used to compare two operands:

  • numbers are obvious: 5 > 2 →
  • strings are compared from left to right (by character code): "aardvark" > "bison" (more or less, alphabetic) →
  • NaN is the only value not equal to itself →
  • You'll probably always want to use === →

undefined and null

See the section on undefined and null in our book

  • undefined means no value
    • think of a function that doesn't return a value
    • or the value of a declared variable that hasn't been given a value yet
    • or a missing argument to a function
  • null means "no object"… it's a value that can be assigned to a variable to represent "no object" →
  • the subtle differences between undefined and null are an accident of language design!
    • you'll typically find undefined when something wasn't initialized
    • you'll find null if an object is explicitly set to null

Type Coercion

What values would you expect from the following lines of code? →

5 + 5
"5" + 5
"five" + 5
5 == "5"
5 === "5"
5 * undefined
5 * null


How do we know? We can read the ECMAScript specifications!

Type Coercion With Numeric Operators

  • for addition:
    • when one operand is a string and the other is not, the other operand is converted into a string, and the two strings are concatenated
    • for all other cases, the operands are converted to numbers
      • true → 1
      • false → 0
      • null → 0
      • undefined is still undefined, and result gives back NaN
  • for other numeric operators, such as subtraction:
    • will usually try to convert to number
    • if something cannot be converted easily (like the string, "hello"), the result is NaN

Type Coercion With Equality Operators

  • JavaScript will do its best to convert types so that they can be checked for equality - these all return true →
    • "10" == 10
    • 0 == false
    • "" == false
  • this is Usually an unwanted behavior; to avoid this, use: === and !==
    • these operators check type and value
    • use these three-character comparison operators to prevent unexpected type conversions

If you want to see the details for every possible operand combination for double equalscheck out mdn's table👀


Use === Instead of ==



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