mysql 初始化脚本
1. 确认mysql的数据目录,二进制日志目录,中继日志的目录,安装目录的位置
2. 初始化会对前三个目录执行清空操作,不过清空前该脚本对其进行了压缩打包统一存放在/tmp目录下
3. 脚本运行完应该查看服务是否启动正常,如果不正常请检查配置文件/etc/my.cnf和相关目录的权限属主问题
4. 此脚本对需要快速恢复mysql到初始状态的情况比较适宜 比如(主从复制出现问题,已经不能简单的靠2进制日志解决,此时可以用该脚本初始化mysql salve
服务器 然后用完全备份加2进制重新与主mysql完成同步)
1 #!/bin/bash 2 # 3 4 # function 5 clean_dir(){ 6 cd $1 7 name=`echo $1 | sed 's@/@@' | sed 's@/@_@g'` 8 tar -jcf $name.tar.bz2 * &> /dev/null 9 \mv -f $name.tar.bz2 /tmp/ 10 rm -rf * 11 } 12 13 mysql_init(){ 14 $basedir/scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf \ 15 --basedir=$basedir \ 16 --datadir=$datadir \ 17 --user=mysql 18 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 19 echo "----------->initiate is finished" 20 else 21 echo "------------>initiate is failed" 22 return 7 23 fi 24 } 25 26 info_check(){ 27 read -p "Please give the MySQL data directory: " datadir 28 if [ ! -d $datadir ];then 29 echo 'directory does not exist !' 30 exit 1 31 fi 32 read -p "Please give a binary file directory: " bindir 33 if [ ! -d $bindir ];then 34 echo 'directory does not exist !' 35 exit 2 36 fi 37 read -p "Please give the relay log directory: " relaydir 38 if [ ! -d $relaydir ];then 39 echo 'directory does not exist !' 40 exit 3 41 fi 42 read -p "Please give the Mysql Install directory: " basedir 43 if [ ! -d $basedir ];then 44 echo 'directory does not exist !' 45 exit 4 46 fi 47 echo -e "\033[31mPlease verify your give Mysql information:\n\ 48 MySQL data directory: $datadir\n\ 49 MySQL Install directory: $basedir\n\ 50 Binary file directory: $bindir\n\ 51 Relay log directory: $relaydir\n\033[0m" 52 } 53 54 # main 55 info_check 56 sleep 1 57 while true;do 58 read -p "Confirm please enter yes, change directory information please input C: " ans 59 if [ $ans == "yes" ];then 60 break 61 elif [ $ans == "c" -o $ans == "C" ];then 62 info_check 63 sleep 1 64 else 65 echo "Option only supports: yes | c" 66 continue 67 fi 68 done 69 echo -e "\033[31mMySQL database initialization......\033[0m" 70 service mysqld stop &> /dev/null || kill 9 `cat /var/run/mysqld/` 71 dir=`echo $datadir $bindir $relaydir | xargs -n 1 echo | sort -u` 72 for i in $dir ;do 73 clean_dir $i 74 done 75 # If the MySQL service is started 76 # ps -ef | grep -E "mysqld[[:space:]]+" | awk -F ' ' '{ print $8 }' | xargs dirname | sed -r 's@[^/]+/?$@@' 77 mysql_init $datadir $basedir 78 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 79 chown -R mysql.mysql {$datadir,$bindir,$relaydir} 80 service mysqld start 81 fi