Latex 语法






\caption{Traditional numeric factorization}\label{alg1}
LoopFrag $A$ , LoopFrag $B$ , ... , LoopFrag $N$
\For{LoopFrag $K=1$ to $N$}
\If {Loop dimension * Computation \textless \hspace{0.5em} CPE thread overhead }
\State Up one dimension to cut the Loop K
\State Send the Loop K to the CPE
\State Create thread to accelerate Loop K


\If {sizeOf(matrix K) \textgreater \hspace{0.3em} Available LDM}
\State Create the CPE kernel to accelerate Loop
{ Cut the matrix K to LDM }



\caption{Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient}%标题
\State $x_{0} = 0$
\State $r_{0} = b-Ax_{0}$
\State $z_{0} = M^{-1}r_{0}$\
\State $p_{0} = z_{0}$
\State $k = 0$

\State $a_{k} = \frac {r_{k}^{T}z_{k}}{p_{k}^{T}Ap_{k}} $
\State $x_{k+1} = x_{k} + a_{k}p_{k}$
\State $r_{k+1} = r_{k} - a_{k}Ap_{k}$
\State $p_{0} = z_{0}$
\State $k = 0$
\If {$r_{k+1}$ is sufficiently small }
\State exit loop
\State $z_{k+1} = M^{-1}r_{k+1}$
\State $\beta_{k} = \frac {z_{k+1}^{T}r_{k+1}}{z_{k}^{T}r_{k}}$
\State $p_{k+1} = z_{k+1} + \beta_{k}p_{k}$
\State $k = k + 1$





posted @ 2022-07-03 16:15  Lzxgg  阅读(197)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报