
 1 <template>
 2     <div class="home">
 3         <h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
 4         <p>Welcome to your new single-page application, built with <a href="" target="_blank">Vue.js</a>.</p>
 5         <div>
 6             {{20>10?aaa:bbb}}
 7         </div>
 8         <ul>
 9             <li v-for='item in itemList' :key="">
10                 {{}}--{{'0'?'男':'女'}}
11             </li>
12         </ul>
13         <input type="button" value="添加数据行" @click="AddRow()">
14         <div v-for='(it,index) in inputList' :key="">
15             <input v-model=it.text >
16             <input type="button" value="删除" @click="delRow(it,index)">
17         </div>
18     </div>
19 </template>
21 <script>
22     export default {
23         name: 'Home',
24         props: {
25             msg: String,            
26         },
27         data() {
28             return {
29                 aaa: 'aaab',
30                 bbb: 'bbba',
31                 itemList: [
32                     { name: '张三', sex: '0', age: '15',id:'1' },
33                     { name: '李四', sex: '0', age: '22',id:'2' },
34                     { name: '王丽', sex: '1', age: '14',id:'3' },
35                 ],
36                 inputList:[
37                     {id:'input1',text:'111111'},                    
38                 ]
39             }
40         },
41         methods:{
42             delRow(it,index){
43                 this.inputList.splice(index,1);//删除数组
44             },
45             AddRow(){
46                 //添加数组,自动增加id和数字
47                 var ids=[];
48                 //判断数组是否有值,有的话就取出id中的数字
49                 for (let index = 0; index < this.inputList.length; index++) {
50                     const element = this.inputList[index];
51                     ids.push(parseInt('input','')))
52                 }
53                 var maxid=0;
54                 //对数组中id数字进行倒叙排序,取出最大的数字
55                 if (ids.length>0) {
56                     maxid=ids.sort((a,b)=>b-a)[0];
57                 }
58                 maxid+=1;//最大的数组+1
59                 //往数组中添加对象
60                 this.inputList.push({id:'input'+maxid.toString(),text:maxid.toString()});
61             }
62         }
63     };
64 </script>
66 <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
67 <style scoped>
68 </style>


posted @ 2022-02-09 20:45  厚颜无耻之徒  阅读(256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报