了解ExevntLoop和Thread后,对One Loop Per Thread思想,就有了一个大体的轮廓,这种设计思想,真的很高效,因为,每个线程都有自己的资源,比如epoll、IO事件处理,定时器、任务队列等。每个线程内部资源都是自我维护的(自己的事情自己做), 除了对线程的任务队列进行操作时有一段极小的临界区需要加锁外,不涉及任何锁的竞争。这里为每个线程设置自己的任务队列的思想特别关键,正是利用每个线程只处理自己任务队列里面的回调任务,实现了将并行任务串行化的效果。 将原本的并发(涉及线程安全,需要加锁)操作,封装成任务(无需加锁)回调,添加到各自的任务队列中,交给线程自己处理。实现了线程的隔离、无锁化编程,巧妙的利用单线程天生串行执行的优势。活该Muduo高性能、高并发。
class EventLoop : noncopyable{ public: typedef std::function<void()> Functor; EventLoop(); ~EventLoop(); // force out-line dtor, for std::unique_ptr members. /// /// Loops forever. /// /// Must be called in the same thread as creation of the object. /// void loop(); /// Quits loop. /// /// This is not 100% thread safe, if you call through a raw pointer, /// better to call through shared_ptr<EventLoop> for 100% safety. void quit(); /// Runs callback immediately in the loop thread. /// It wakes up the loop, and run the cb. /// If in the same loop thread, cb is run within the function. /// Safe to call from other threads. void runInLoop(Functor cb); /// Queues callback in the loop thread. /// Runs after finish pooling. /// Safe to call from other threads. void queueInLoop(Functor cb); size_t queueSize() const; // timers // ... // internal usage void wakeup(); void updateChannel(Channel* channel); void removeChannel(Channel* channel); // pid_t threadId() const { return threadId_; } void assertInLoopThread() bool isInLoopThread() const { return threadId_ == CurrentThread::tid(); } // 获取当前线程的EventLoop static EventLoop* getEventLoopOfCurrentThread(); private: void abortNotInLoopThread(); void handleRead(); // waked up void doPendingFunctors(); typedef std::vector<Channel*> ChannelList; bool looping_; /* atomic */ // 在loop()中? std::atomic<bool> quit_; // EventLoop是否退出 bool eventHandling_; /* atomic */ // 正在处理事件? bool callingPendingFunctors_; /* atomic */ // 正在处理任务回调? int64_t iteration_; // loop()循环的次数 const pid_t threadId_; // EventLoop和哪个线程绑定? Timestamp pollReturnTime_; // epoll_wait返回时的时间戳 std::unique_ptr<Poller> poller_; // epoll/poll std::unique_ptr<TimerQueue> timerQueue_; // 定时器 int wakeupFd_; // tickleFd,用于手动唤醒epoll_wait,以便即使处理任务 // unlike in TimerQueue, which is an internal class, // we don't expose Channel to client. std::unique_ptr<Channel> wakeupChannel_; // 管理tickleFd的channel boost::any context_; // 待定 // scratch variables ChannelList activeChannels_; // poller_收集到的fd(channel)事件 Channel* currentActiveChannel_; // loop()正在处理的channel mutable MutexLock mutex_; // 只对pendingFunctors_提供保护 std::vector<Functor> pendingFunctors_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_); // 任务队列 };
// 线程全局变量,for将线程和EventLoop绑定 __thread EventLoop* t_loopInThisThread = 0; EventLoop::EventLoop() : // ... threadId_(CurrentThread::tid()), poller_(Poller::newDefaultPoller(this)), // epoll timerQueue_(new TimerQueue(this)), // Muduo定时器采用的是timerfd的接口,TimerQueue对象内部也构造了对应的channel,在构造时,会向EventLopp的Poller中注册该fd。 wakeupFd_(createEventfd()), // 创建一个非阻塞eventfd,作为tickle wakeupChannel_(new Channel(this, wakeupFd_)){ // 将eventfd封装成channel LOG_DEBUG << "EventLoop created " << this << " in thread " << threadId_; if (t_loopInThisThread){ LOG_FATAL << "Another EventLoop " << t_loopInThisThread << " exists in this thread " << threadId_; }else{ t_loopInThisThread = this; // 设置线程局部变量 } // 为eventfd设置读回调 wakeupChannel_->setReadCallback( std::bind(&EventLoop::handleRead, this)); // we are always reading the wakeupfd wakeupChannel_->enableReading(); } EventLoop::~EventLoop(){ // 善后 LOG_DEBUG << "EventLoop " << this << " of thread " << threadId_ << " destructs in thread " << CurrentThread::tid(); wakeupChannel_->disableAll(); wakeupChannel_->remove(); ::close(wakeupFd_); t_loopInThisThread = NULL; } void EventLoop::loop(){ assert(!looping_); assertInLoopThread(); // 在自己的线程中? looping_ = true; quit_ = false; // FIXME: what if someone calls quit() before loop() ? LOG_TRACE << "EventLoop " << this << " start looping"; while (!quit_){ activeChannels_.clear(); pollReturnTime_ = poller_->poll(kPollTimeMs, &activeChannels_); // epoll_wait ++iteration_; if (Logger::logLevel() <= Logger::TRACE){ printActiveChannels(); } // TODO sort channel by priority eventHandling_ = true; // 开始处理每一个fd被触发的事件 for (Channel* channel : activeChannels_){ currentActiveChannel_ = channel; currentActiveChannel_->handleEvent(pollReturnTime_); // 利用channel处理事件 } currentActiveChannel_ = NULL; eventHandling_ = false; // 所有fd的事件被处理完 doPendingFunctors(); // 处理任务回调 } LOG_TRACE << "EventLoop " << this << " stop looping"; looping_ = false; } void EventLoop::quit(){ quit_ = true; // 有线程安全问题 // There is a chance that loop() just executes while(!quit_) and exits, // then EventLoop destructs, then we are accessing an invalid object. // Can be fixed using mutex_ in both places. if (!isInLoopThread()){ // 其他线程调用quit,不确定线程是否是Active的,需要调用wakeup(); wakeup(); } // 在处理事件或者任务回调时,内部自己调用了quit,说名此时线程是Active的,不用去唤醒 } void EventLoop::runInLoop(Functor cb){ if (isInLoopThread()) {// 线程自己调用runInLoop,本来就是Active,直接顺手处理 cb(); }else{ // 其他线程调用runInLoop,需要加锁 queueInLoop(std::move(cb)); } } void EventLoop::queueInLoop(Functor cb){ { MutexLockGuard lock(mutex_); pendingFunctors_.push_back(std::move(cb)); // 任务放入任务队列 } if (!isInLoopThread() || callingPendingFunctors_){ // 其他线程调用queueInLoop || 线程在处理任务队列中的任务时调用了queueInLoop //以便让线程不要阻塞在epoll_wait上从而及时处理任务回调。 wakeup(); } } void EventLoop::updateChannel(Channel* channel){ assert(channel->ownerLoop() == this); assertInLoopThread(); poller_->updateChannel(channel); } void EventLoop::removeChannel(Channel* channel){ assert(channel->ownerLoop() == this); assertInLoopThread(); if (eventHandling_){ // channel只有自己能remove自己,其他的channel禁止删除并非自己的channel assert(currentActiveChannel_ == channel || std::find(activeChannels_.begin(), activeChannels_.end(), channel) == activeChannels_.end()); } poller_->removeChannel(channel); } // 唤醒线程 void EventLoop::wakeup(){ uint64_t one = 1; // tickle一下 ssize_t n = sockets::write(wakeupFd_, &one, sizeof one); if (n != sizeof one){ LOG_ERROR << "EventLoop::wakeup() writes " << n << " bytes instead of 8"; } } void EventLoop::handleRead(){ uint64_t one = 1; // tickle 回调处理 ssize_t n = sockets::read(wakeupFd_, &one, sizeof one); if (n != sizeof one){ LOG_ERROR << "EventLoop::handleRead() reads " << n << " bytes instead of 8"; } } void EventLoop::doPendingFunctors(){ std::vector<Functor> functors; callingPendingFunctors_ = true; // 写时置换,同异步日志,即减少持锁时间,又减少死锁可能。 { MutexLockGuard lock(mutex_); functors.swap(pendingFunctors_); } for (const Functor& functor : functors){ functor(); } callingPendingFunctors_ = false; }
class EventLoopThread : noncopyable{ public: typedef std::function<void(EventLoop*)> ThreadInitCallback; EventLoopThread(const ThreadInitCallback& cb = ThreadInitCallback(), const string& name = string()); ~EventLoopThread(); EventLoop* startLoop(); private: void threadFunc(); EventLoop* loop_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_); // 依赖EventLoop bool exiting_; // 线程是否living Thread thread_; // 线程实体 MutexLock mutex_; Condition cond_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_); ThreadInitCallback callback_; };
EventLoopThread::startLoop() ->
Thread::start() ->
pthread_create(…, &detail::startThread,…) ->
startThread(void* obj) ->
ThreadData::runInThread() ->
Thread::func_() ->
EventLoopThread::threadFunc() ->
EventLoopThread::EventLoopThread(const ThreadInitCallback& cb, const string& name) : loop_(NULL), exiting_(false), thread_(std::bind(&EventLoopThread::threadFunc, this), name), mutex_(), cond_(mutex_), callback_(cb){ } EventLoopThread::~EventLoopThread(){ exiting_ = true; if (loop_ != NULL){ // not 100% race-free, eg. threadFunc could be running callback_. // still a tiny chance to call destructed object, if threadFunc exits just now. // but when EventLoopThread destructs, usually programming is exiting anyway. loop_->quit(); thread_.join(); } } EventLoop* EventLoopThread::startLoop(){ assert(!thread_.started()); thread_.start(); EventLoop* loop = NULL; { MutexLockGuard lock(mutex_); while (loop_ == NULL){ // 解决条件变量惊群效应/虚唤醒 cond_.wait(); } loop = loop_; } return loop; } void EventLoopThread::threadFunc(){ EventLoop loop; if (callback_){ callback_(&loop); } { MutexLockGuard lock(mutex_); loop_ = &loop; cond_.notify(); } loop.loop(); //assert(exiting_); MutexLockGuard lock(mutex_); loop_ = NULL; }
在Muduo网络库的设计中,EventLoop 统一使用文件描述符(file descriptor)的方式来处理事件,主要是基于以下一些好处和设计原则:
一致性: 使用文件描述符作为事件的抽象,使得对于不同类型的事件(包括套接字、定时器等)的处理方式一致。这种一致性简化了 EventLoop 内部的设计和实现,使得对于事件的处理更加通用。
多路复用: 文件描述符是多路复用(Multiplexing)机制的核心。通过将多个文件描述符注册到同一个 EventLoop 中,可以使用诸如 select、poll、epoll 等多路复用技术,实现同时监听多个事件并进行有效的事件分发。
高效性: 文件描述符的处理在操作系统层面已经高度优化,使用多路复用机制可以高效地管理和调度大量的事件。这对于实现高性能的网络库尤为重要。
如果读者有阅读其他网络库源码就会不可思议的发现,Muduo的One Loop Per Thread设计思想太精妙了,这种设计几乎不存在锁的竞争!!!
posted on 2024-01-16 16:36 LunarCod 阅读(20) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报 来源
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