CS Aided Complier

   If you learned c# programing, you may use Virtual Studio to  debugged your program. Perhaps you just debug a small code snippet or  a simple sample , but must start a huge VS IDE. Such as a HelloWorld sample,you can edit it with a smaller text editor,like Uedit32, even notepad.Then you can complie it by CMD,like that "csc helloword.cs ".

   When you reading MSDN , you can find lots of c# samples. Clicking copy button top of codes, you can easy paste this codes into VS. But if you want to bulid and execute the codes, you must new a project with VS  usually. So more useless files appears in your disk , like "test1", "test2","test3"......Finally, these demos full your projects folder.

   Debugging any c# code with VS IDE. It is not so efficient sometimes, I think.  User experence of VS is more comfortable than other editor, I admit. But sometimes we only  want to get the resut of the demo, just let it works.If you have similar issue, this tool(SC Download) may can help you. .

posted on 2010-03-10 15:20  LuGang  阅读(210)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
