Hall Of Shame, 羞愧大厅,糟糕代码合集
在CodeProject上面看到一片文章: Hall of shame
public void Some_Method(){try
{}catch (Exception x)
2:if not null, return value else return null
public DataTable GetFooByID(int memberID)//MethodID #210{try
{string query = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM Foo WHERE bar=" + barId;DataTable dt = Utils.ExecuteReader(query);//这是个神奇
if (dt != null){return dt;
{return null;}}catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("MethodID:= #210, Error:=" + ex.Message);}}
上周我正在为一个非常简单的变更做code review,这个变更是我以前让团队成员做的。
foreach(MyfileInfo fil from files)
{switch (fil.MyFileType)
{case A:
//Do some work for file A
case B:
//Do some work for file B
所有我所要求他修改的是针对File B 的处理。下面就是我得到的:
foreach(MyfileInfo fil from files)
{switch (fil.MyFileType)
{case A:
//Do some work for file A
case B:
foreach(MyfileInfo fil2 from files)
{switch (fil2.MyFileType)
{case A:
case B:
//Do new work for File B.
无助的Case// ... switch(getRodzajSprawy()){ case Biletowa: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); prepareTrainCombo(true); trainCombo.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(Common.nullLongComboModel)); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dwaDniTemu); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput("zwrot za bilet"); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ //someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Biletowa) && !register3911ChangeToTheSame) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); prepareTrainCombo(true); trainCombo.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(Common.nullLongComboModel)); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dwaDniTemu); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput("zwrot za bilet"); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case BiletowaMiedzynarodowa: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); prepareTrainCombo(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.BiletowaMiedzynarodowa) && !register3911ChangeToTheSame) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case Bezbiletowa: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); prepareTrainCombo(true); trainCombo.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(Common.nullLongComboModel)); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dwaDniTemu); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput("anulowanie wezwania"); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ //someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); prepareTrainCombo(true); trainCombo.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(Common.nullLongComboModel)); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dwaDniTemu); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForCallsToPay); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForCallsToPay); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case RoszczeniaKomMiedzynarodowa: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); prepareTrainCombo(false); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.RoszczeniaKomMiedzynarodowa)) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); prepareTrainCombo(false); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case RoszczeniaKomKrajowa: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); prepareTrainCombo(false); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.RoszczeniaKomKrajowa)) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); prepareTrainCombo(false); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case Odstapienie: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); prepareTrainCombo(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); //prepareTrainCombo(true); prepareDokUlgCombo(true); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(true); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Odstapienie)) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); //prepareTrainCombo(true); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(true); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(true); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case Skargi: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); prepareTrainCombo(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); //prepareTrainCombo(true); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Skargi) && !register51ChangeToTheSame) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); //prepareTrainCombo(true); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); receiversTableTemp.removeAll(); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case Wnioski: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); prepareTrainCombo(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); //prepareTrainCombo(true); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Wnioski) && !register51ChangeToTheSame) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); //prepareTrainCombo(true); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); receiversTableTemp.removeAll(); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; case PytaniaInf: someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editTravelDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); editIncomeDate.getDateValidatableViewer().getTrigerButton().setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setRequired(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setRequired(false); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setExpanded(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); prepareTrainCombo(true); // Druki ścisłej rejestracji / Wezwanie do zapłaty if(initData){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); //prepareTrainCombo(true); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setInput(dzis); editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); } if(isEdit && previousComplaintType != null){ someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); someControl.setInput(null); if(!previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.PytaniaInf) && !register51ChangeToTheSame) editNumerReklamacjiText.setInput(createComplaintNumber(rodzSpr)); else someControl.setInput(prevComplaintNumber); //prepareTrainCombo(true); tmpSel = editDokUlgCombo.getSelection(); prepareDokUlgCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); tmpSel = editOryginalBiletuCombo.getSelection(); prepareOryginalBiletuCombo(false); someControl.setSelection(tmpSel); //someControl.setInput(dzis); //editTrescReklamacjiText.setInput(""); if(previousComplaintType.equals(ComplaintTypeEnum.Bezbiletowa)) editDrukScRejList.setItems(new ArrayList(0)); receiversTableTemp.removeAll(); } someControl.setText(textForTickets); drukiScRejSection.layout(); someControl.setDrukiScRejSection(textForTickets); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(true); someControl.setEnabled(false); someControl.setEnabled(false); break; default: // ...
5:Or “Else”…
Public Sub SetWrite(ByVal CmdVal As String)Select Case UCase(CmdVal)Case "T"
m_WriteOutErrorLog = TrueCase "F"
m_WriteOutErrorLog = FalseCase "Else"
MsgBox("Error: Error Logging Parameter not recognised, should be 'T' or 'F'")
End SelectEnd Sub
6: 聪明的码工 还是 恼人的蠢驴
for (; (Var1 < Var2) && (Var3 == FALSE) && ( ( Var4 < 0 ) || (Var5 <= Var6) ); Var7++)
{..//700 lines of code
<% int i = 1; foreach (Fatthallah.Web.HttpHandler.PetraMainMenu mainMenuItem in mainMenuCollection) { Response.Write…
<%int i = 1;
foreach (Fatthallah.Web.HttpHandler.PetraMainMenu mainMenuItem in mainMenuCollection){Response.Write("<li style=\"float:"
+ (lang == "en" ? "left" : "right")+ "\"><a id =\"a" + i
+ "\" name=\"a" + i
+ "\" href=\"" + (mainMenuItem.MainMenuLink.Trim().Length > 0 ? ResolveUrl("~/" + mainMenuItem.MainMenuLink.Split('?')[0]+ "lang=" + lang
+ "&" + mainMenuItem.MainMenuLink.Split('?')[1]) : "javascript:void(0)") + "\" onclick=\"fetchData('menuHandler.axd','hml','menu=true&id=" + mainMenuItem.MainMenuId+ "&lang=" + lang + "',this);return false;\" onmouseout=\"hidebox(this);\" >"+ (mainMenuItem.MainMenuTitleEnglish.Trim().Length > 0 && lang == "en" ? mainMenuItem.MainMenuTitleEnglish : mainMenuItem.MainMenuTitleArabic)
+ "</a></li>");
i++;}Response.Write("<script language="'javascript'" type='text/javascript'>mainMenuCounter =" + mainMenuCollection.ToArray().Length + "; var rtl=" + (lang == "en" ? "false" : "true") + ";</script>");%>
'''根据index 返回View
Protected Overrides Function GetViewAt(ByVal index As Integer) As _
System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
If (index = 0) ThenReturn GetView0
End IfIf (index = 1) ThenReturn GetView1
End IfIf (index = 2) ThenReturn GetView2
End IfIf (index = 3) ThenReturn GetView3
End IfIf (index = 4) ThenReturn GetView4
End IfIf (index = 5) ThenReturn GetView5
End If' ...lots and lots of lines...
If (index = 1461) ThenReturn GetView1461
End IfIf (index = 1462) ThenReturn GetView1462
End IfIf (index = 1463) ThenReturn GetView1463
End IfThrow New System.IndexOutOfRangeException()End Function
9:Check for True to return True...
Dim bool as Boolean = FalseIf someExpression Thenbool = True
bool = False
End IfIf bool ThenReturn TrueElse
Return FalseEnd If
10:What do you think of my small game made in Windows API RAW?
#include <windows.h> HDC hdc; HWND hwnd; PAINTSTRUCT ps; bool room1 = 0; short constupdate() { while(1) { InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } } int floor; static int x, y; int jmpjmp = x+5; int atpos = jmpjmp; bool right = 1; bool left = 0; void first(); bool keyinroom = 1; bool havekey = 0; bool inmenu = 0; /* Declare Windows procedure */ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); /* Make the class name into a global variable */ char szClassName[ ] = "CodeBlocksWindowsApp"; int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hThisInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszArgument, int nCmdShow) { HWND hwnd; /* This is the handle for our window */ MSG messages; /* Here messages to the application are saved */ WNDCLASSEX wincl; /* Data structure for the windowclass */ /* The Window structure */ wincl.hInstance = hThisInstance; wincl.lpszClassName = szClassName; wincl.lpfnWndProc = WindowProcedure; /* This function is called by windows */ wincl.style = CS_DBLCLKS; /* Catch double-clicks */ wincl.cbSize = sizeof (WNDCLASSEX); /* Use default icon and mouse-pointer */ wincl.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wincl.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wincl.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); wincl.lpszMenuName = NULL; /* No menu */ wincl.cbClsExtra = 0; /* No extra bytes after the window class */ wincl.cbWndExtra = 0; /* structure or the window instance */ /* Use Windows's default colour as the background of the window */ wincl.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) COLOR_BACKGROUND+7; /* Register the window class, and if it fails quit the program */ if (!RegisterClassEx (&wincl)) return 0; /* The class is registered, let's create the program*/ hwnd = CreateWindowEx ( 0, /* Extended possibilites for variation */ szClassName, /* Classname */ "Window's GDI Pixel Game", /* Title Text */ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, /* default window */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Windows decides the position */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* where the window ends up on the screen */ 544, /* The program's width */ 375, /* and height in pixels */ HWND_DESKTOP, /* The window is a child-window to desktop */ NULL, /* No menu */ hThisInstance, /* Program Instance handler */ NULL /* No Window Creation data */ ); /* Make the window visible on the screen */ ShowWindow (hwnd, nCmdShow); /* Run the message loop. It will run until GetMessage() returns 0 */ while (GetMessage (&messages, NULL, 0, 0)) { /* Translate virtual-key messages into character messages */ TranslateMessage(&messages); /* Send message to WindowProcedure */ DispatchMessage(&messages); } /* The program return-value is 0 - The value that PostQuitMessage() gave */ return messages.wParam; } /* This function is called by the Windows function DispatchMessage() */ LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(wParam) { case VK_SHIFT: if(havekey == 1 && jmpjmp > 1000) { MessageBox(NULL, "Door is unlocked! Proceeding...", "Pixel Game", MB_OK); } if(jmpjmp > 1000) { MessageBox(NULL, "You cannot go any further to the right. Perhaps there is some OTHER way to continue...", "Pixel Game", MB_OK); break; } else if(jmpjmp < 0) { MessageBox(NULL, "You cannot go any further to the left. Perhaps there is some OTHER way to continue...", "Pixel Game", MB_OK); break; } else if(havekey == 0 && jmpjmp > 475) { if(jmpjmp < 525) { MessageBox(NULL, "You found a key!", "Pixel Game", MB_OK); havekey = 1; break; } } else{MessageBox(NULL, "Nothing to observe at this current point.", "Pixel Game", MB_OK); break;} case VK_SPACE: if(keyinroom == 1) if(room1 == 1) if(right == 1 && jmpjmp < 1000) { x = 50; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 497, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); POINT pt2[2]; pt2[0].x = 0; pt2[0].y = 200; pt2[1].x = 1080; pt2[1].y = 200; Polyline(hdc, pt2, 2); SetPixel(hdc, atpos, 152, RGB(0,50,20)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+1, 151, RGB(100,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+2, 150, RGB(255,0,0)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+3, 149, RGB(1,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 165, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 166, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 167, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 168, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 169, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 170, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 171, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 172, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 173, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 174, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 175, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 176, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 177, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 178, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 179, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 180, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 181, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 182, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 183, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 184, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 185, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 186, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 187, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 188, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 189, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 190, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 191, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 192, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 193, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 194, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 195, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 196, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 197, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 198, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 199, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 200, RGB(80, 100, 125)); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } if(keyinroom == 1) if(left == 1 && jmpjmp > -10) { x = 50; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 497, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); POINT pt3[2]; pt3[0].x = 0; pt3[0].y = 200; pt3[1].x = 1080; pt3[1].y = 200; Polyline(hdc, pt3, 2); SetPixel(hdc, atpos, 152, RGB(0,50,20)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+1, 151, RGB(100,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+2, 150, RGB(255,0,0)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+3, 149, RGB(1,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 165, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 166, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 167, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 168, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 169, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 170, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 171, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 172, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 173, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 174, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 175, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 176, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 177, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 178, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 179, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 180, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 181, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 182, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 183, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 184, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 185, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 186, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 187, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 188, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 189, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 190, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 191, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 192, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 193, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 194, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 195, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 196, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 197, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 198, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 199, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 200, RGB(80, 100, 125)); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } case VK_RIGHT: right = 1; left = 0; if(keyinroom == 1) if(jmpjmp < 1010) { x = 5; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 497, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 165, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 166, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 167, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 168, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 169, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 170, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 171, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 172, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 173, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 174, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 175, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 176, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 177, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 178, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 179, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 180, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 181, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 182, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 183, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 184, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 185, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 186, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 187, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 188, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 189, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 190, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 191, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 192, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 193, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 194, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 195, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 196, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 197, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 198, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 199, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 200, RGB(80, 100, 125)); POINT pt[2]; pt[0].x = 0; pt[0].y = 200; pt[1].x = 1080; pt[1].y = 200; Polyline(hdc, pt, 2); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } case VK_LEFT: left = 1; right = 0; if(keyinroom == 1) if(jmpjmp > -10) { x = 50; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 165, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 166, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 167, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 168, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 497, 169, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 496, 170, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 495, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 494, 171, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 172, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 173, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 174, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 175, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 176, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 177, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 493, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 492, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 491, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 485, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 187, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 186, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 185, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 481, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 482, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 483, 178, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 484, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 490, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 489, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 488, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 487, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 179, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 180, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 181, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 182, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 183, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 486, 184, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 165, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 166, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 167, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 168, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 169, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 170, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 171, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 172, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 173, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 174, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 175, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 176, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 177, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 178, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 179, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 180, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 181, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 182, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 183, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 184, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 185, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 186, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 187, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 188, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 189, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 190, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 191, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 192, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 193, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 194, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 195, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 196, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 197, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 198, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 199, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp--, 200, RGB(80, 100, 125)); POINT pt1[2]; pt1[0].x = 0; pt1[0].y = 200; pt1[1].x = 1080; pt1[1].y = 200; Polyline(hdc, pt1, 2); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; POINT pt2[2]; pt2[0].x = 0; pt2[0].y = 200; pt2[1].x = 1080; pt2[1].y = 200; Polyline(hdc, pt2, 2); SetPixel(hdc, atpos, 152, RGB(0,50,20)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+1, 151, RGB(100,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+2, 150, RGB(255,0,0)); SetPixel(hdc, atpos+3, 149, RGB(1,50,200)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 22, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 23, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 24, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 25, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 26, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 27, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 28, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 29, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 42, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 41, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 40, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 39, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 38, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 37, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 36, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 35, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 34, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 33, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 32, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 31, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 30, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 122, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 123, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 124, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 125, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 126, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 127, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 128, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 129, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 108, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 109, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 110, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 111, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 112, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 113, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 114, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 115, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 116, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 117, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 142, 118, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 141, 119, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 120, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 140, 121, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 122, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 123, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 139, 124, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 138, 125, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 137, 126, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 136, 127, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 128, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 129, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 130, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 131, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 132, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 133, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 134, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 135, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 136, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 137, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 138, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 139, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 140, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 141, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 142, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 143, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 144, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 145, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 146, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 147, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 148, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 149, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 150, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 151, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 152, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 153, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 154, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 135, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 134, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 133, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 132, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 131, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, 130, 155, RGB(0, 0, 90)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 165, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 166, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 167, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 168, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 169, RGB(80, 0, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 170, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 171, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 172, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 173, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 174, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 175, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 176, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 177, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 178, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 179, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 180, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 181, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 182, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 183, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 184, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 185, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 186, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 187, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 188, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 189, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 190, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 191, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 192, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 193, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 194, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 195, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 196, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 197, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 198, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 199, RGB(80, 100, 125)); SetPixel(hdc, jmpjmp++, 200, RGB(80, 100, 125)); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } } switch (message) /* handle the messages */ { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage (0); /* send a WM_QUIT to the message queue */ break; case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); SetPixel(hdc, 50, 50, RGB(0, 50, 0)); TextOut(hdc, 20, 40, "Press the right and left arrow keys to move. Also, press space to sprint and press shift to observe any aspects of the game.", 124); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; default: return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
11:Another coding horror
Code from one of my junior ----
this is Page-A.aspx
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){Response.Redirect("Page-A.aspx");
Above piece of code when load, it keeps browser busy to keep loading the same page....
12:After All My Years
I have only just found out what this would do:
<!-- <my:control runat="server" /> -->
这行代码导致其中一个页面加载超慢,并且我也不确定为什么会这样,看来似乎是在asp.net 页面中使用HTML 注释仍然会导致代码被执行,所以通过上面的代码输出的HTML代码可能是:
<!-- <p>Hello</p> -->
<%-- <my:control runat="server" /> --%>
13:PHP form processing: the easy way
他尝试着处理来自搜索表单中的选项,例如(price range, state size, zone location, bla, bla.. )
所有的代码都f***ing 糟透了,但是下面的这一段比其他的代码更给力。
$filter=''; $type=$_POST['type']; // Home, Flat... $admin=$_POST['admin']; // Buy, Rent $zone=$_POST['zone']; // Situation area $m2=$_POST['m2']; // Size, stands for square meter $price=$_POST['price']; if(($type!="selec") AND ($admin!="selec") AND ($zone!="selec") AND ($m2!="selec") AND ($price!="selec")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin=\"$admin\" AND price>=\"$pricemin\" AND price<=\"$pricemax\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($admin!="selec") AND ($pricemin!="") AND ($pricemax!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin=\"$admin\" AND price>=\"$pricemin\" AND price<=\"$pricemax\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($admin!="selec") AND ($pricemin!="") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin=\"$admin\" AND price>=\"$pricemin\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($admin!="selec") AND ($pricemax!="") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin=\"$admin\" AND price>=\"$pricemax\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($pricemin!="") AND ($pricemax!="") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin=\"$pricemin\" AND price>=\"$pricemax\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($pricemax!="") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND price>=\"$pricemax\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($pricemax!="") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND price>=\"$pricemax\" AND city=\"$city\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($admin!="selec")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND admin>=\"$admin\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($pricemin!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND price>=\"$pricemin\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($pricemax!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND price>=\"$pricemax\""; }elseif(($type!="selec") AND ($city!="")){ $filter="type=\"$type\" AND city>=\"$city\""; }elseif($type!="selec"){ $filter="type=\"$type\""; }elseif($admin!="selec"){ $filter="admin=\"$admin\""; }elseif($pricemin!=""){ $filter="price=\"$pricemin\""; }elseif($pricemax!=""){ $filter="price=\"$pricemax\""; }elseif($city!=""){ $filter="city=\"$city\""; } $filter=""; }
14:完美的老师(The perfect teacher )
class Person
{private string name;private string sname;public Person(string argName, string argSName){name = argName;sname = argSName;}public string getName(){return name;
}public string getSName(){return sname;
}public override string ToString(){return name + " " + sname;}}
-这段代码是他给学生的一个“像这样敲代码 “的例子
-他从来没有使用过属性(Java风格的getXXX() 和setXXX()方法可能他更要擅长一点)
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