CM4 systick 时钟源设置

CM4 systick 时钟源设置



systick 时钟源设置方法

systick 的时钟源可以从两个地方选择。

  • internal源
  • external源

The Cortex System Timer (SysTick) external clock is clocked with the AHB clock
(HCLK) divided by 8. The SysTick can work either with this clock or with the AHB clock
(HCLK), configurable in the systick control and status register.

上述是CM4 vendor(GD32)手册中表述的。

  • 如果systick 选择external源那么就是AHB clock的8分频
  • 如果systick 选择internal源就是AHB clock


在SysTick Control and Status Register的中


Indicates the clock source:

  • 0 = external clock
  • 1 = processor clock
posted @ 2023-07-31 15:47  LogicBai  阅读(36)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报