


MarkDown Usage

date: 2023-10-23 author: Barbara

1.Six levels headings

# means heading level
# HEAD1 ----- #head

try to end the area

2. Italic and bold

* or _ means italic(1) or bold(2) or both
*italic* --------------- italic
__bold__ ------------- bold
___italicBold___ ------ bold

3.Superscript and subscript

^super^---------- super
~sub~------------ sub

4.Code area

use `xxx` and ```\n xxx \n```to obtain the code

void method(String args[]){   
  return 'hello world'

posted on 2023-10-23 20:47  BarbaraLee  阅读(17)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报