2、有手指触点处理:首先判断当前触点与上一个触点是否在误差范围内(#define TP_ERR_RANGE 20);
#include "math.h" #define PI 3.1415926f //返回角度 float GetSlideAngle(int dx, int dy) { /* atan2()接受两个参数x和y: angel=Math.atan2(y,x) x 指定两个点横坐标的差 y 指定两个点纵坐标的差 计算出来的结果angel是一个弧度值,要换算成角度,也必须乘以180/PI。 */ return(atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / PI); } //根据起点和终点返回方向 1:向上,2:向下,3:向左,4:向右, 0:未滑动 MMP_UBYTE GetSlideDirection(MMP_USHORT startX, MMP_USHORT startY, MMP_USHORT endX, MMP_USHORT endY) { MMP_UBYTE result = TP_SlideDirection_NONE; int dy = startY - endY; int dx = endX - startX; float angle; //如果滑动距离太短 if (abs(dx) < 2 && abs(dy) < 2) { return result; } angle = GetSlideAngle(dx, dy); if (angle >= -45 && angle < 45) { result = TP_SlideDirection_RIGHT;// 4; } else if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) { result = TP_SlideDirection_UP;// 1; } else if (angle >= -135 && angle < -45) { result = TP_SlideDirection_DOWN;// 2; } else if ((angle >= 135 && angle <= 180) || (angle >= -180 && angle < -135)) { result = TP_SlideDirection_LEFT;// 3; } return result; }
注意:没有 #include "math.h" 也能编译通过,却不能产生正确的结果。
#include "math.h" #define PI 3.1415926f #define TP_ERR_RANGE 20 //误差范围 STPBUTTON TPButton = {TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS, TOUCH_PANEL_REL, 0, 15, KEYPAD_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, TP_ERR_RANGE, "TouchPanel"}; //返回角度 float GetSlideAngle(int dx, int dy) { /* atan2()接受两个参数x和y: angel=Math.atan2(y,x) x 指定两个点横坐标的差 y 指定两个点纵坐标的差 计算出来的结果angel是一个弧度值,要换算成角度,也必须乘以180/PI。 */ return(atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / PI); } //根据起点和终点返回方向 1:向上,2:向下,3:向左,4:向右, 0:未滑动 MMP_UBYTE GetSlideDirection(MMP_USHORT startX, MMP_USHORT startY, MMP_USHORT endX, MMP_USHORT endY) { MMP_UBYTE result = TP_SlideDirection_NONE; int dy = startY - endY; int dx = endX - startX; float angle; //如果滑动距离太短 if (abs(dx) < 2 && abs(dy) < 2) { return result; } angle = GetSlideAngle(dx, dy); if (angle >= -45 && angle < 45) { result = TP_SlideDirection_RIGHT;// 4; } else if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) { result = TP_SlideDirection_UP;// 1; } else if (angle >= -135 && angle < -45) { result = TP_SlideDirection_DOWN;// 2; } else if ((angle >= 135 && angle <= 180) || (angle >= -180 && angle < -135)) { result = TP_SlideDirection_LEFT;// 3; } return result; } AHC_BOOL AHC_TouchPanel_CheckUpdate(MMP_ULONG* pulKeyEvent, MMP_ULONG* pulPosition, MMP_UBYTE dir, MMP_UBYTE* finger, MMP_UBYTE* pucSlideDirection) { MMP_ERR status = MMP_ERR_NONE; static MMP_ULONG ulPosition = 0; MMP_ULONG ulNow; if (*pulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS || *pulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_REL || *pulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_MOVE) { // Read position MMP_USHORT uwX = 0; MMP_USHORT uwY = 0; UINT16 x1, y1;//last pos UINT16 x2, y2;//now pos *finger = AHC_TouchPanel_ReadPosition(&uwX, &uwY, dir); *pulKeyEvent = KEYPAD_NONE; MMPF_OS_GetTime(&ulNow); if (*finger != 0) { x1 = TPButton.uwLastPosX; y1 = TPButton.uwLastPosY; x2 = uwX; y2 = uwY; if ((((x2 <= x1) && (x1 < x2 + TPButton.uwErrRange)) || ((x1 <= x2) && (x2 < x1 + TPButton.uwErrRange))) && \ (((y2 <= y1) && (y1 < y2 + TPButton.uwErrRange)) || ((y1 <= y2) && (y2 < y1 + TPButton.uwErrRange)))) { //前后两次采样在+-20内 if (ulNow - TPButton.ulKeyLastTime > TPButton.ulDebounceTime) { if (TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent == KEYPAD_NONE) { *pulKeyEvent = TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS; TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent = *pulKeyEvent; TPButton.uwPressPosX = (x1 + x2) >> 1; TPButton.uwPressPosY = (y1 + y2) >> 1; printc("--Harry-- PRESS: xPos = %d, yPos = %d --1\r\n", TPButton.uwPressPosX, TPButton.uwPressPosY); } TPButton.uwLastPosX = x2; TPButton.uwLastPosY = y2; TPButton.ulKeyLastTime = ulNow; } } else { //前后两次采样大于+-20 if ((ulNow - TPButton.ulKeyLastTime) > (TPButton.ulDebounceTime >> 1)) { //printc("--Harry-- MOVE: xPos = %d, yPos = %d --2\r\n", uwX, uwY); if (TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS) { #if 0//Moveing x1 = TPButton.uwPressPosX; y1 = TPButton.uwPressPosY; if ((x1 > (x2 + TPButton.uwErrRange * 2)) || (x2 > (x1 + TPButton.uwErrRange * 2)) || \ (y1 > (y2 + TPButton.uwErrRange * 2)) || (y2 > (y1 + TPButton.uwErrRange * 2))) { *pulKeyEvent = TOUCH_PANEL_MOVE; TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent = *pulKeyEvent; TPButton.uwPressPosX = (x1 + x2) >> 1; TPButton.uwPressPosY = (y1 + y2) >> 1; } #endif } else { *pulKeyEvent = KEYPAD_NONE; TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent = *pulKeyEvent; TPButton.uwPressPosX = 0; TPButton.uwPressPosY = 0; } TPButton.uwLastPosX = x2; TPButton.uwLastPosY = y2; TPButton.ulKeyLastTime = ulNow; } } } else { //按键松开 x1 = TPButton.uwPressPosX; y1 = TPButton.uwPressPosY; x2 = TPButton.uwLastPosX; y2 = TPButton.uwLastPosY; if (TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS) { if ((((x2 <= x1) && (x1 < x2 + TPButton.uwErrRange)) || ((x1 <= x2) && (x2 < x1 + TPButton.uwErrRange))) && \ (((y2 <= y1) && (y1 < y2 + TPButton.uwErrRange)) || ((y1 <= y2) && (y2 < y1 + TPButton.uwErrRange)))) { //按下时的点与松开时的点小于容错范围 *pulKeyEvent = TOUCH_PANEL_REL; uwX = (x1 + x2) >> 1; uwY = (y1 + y2) >> 1; } else { //按下时的点与松开时的点大于容错范围 *pulKeyEvent = TOUCH_PANEL_MOVE; //printc("--Harry-- MOVE: x1=%d, y1=%d x2=%d, y2=%d --22\r\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); *pucSlideDirection = GetSlideDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2); uwX = x2; uwY = y2; } } else { *pulKeyEvent = KEYPAD_NONE; } TPButton.uwLastPosX = 0; TPButton.uwLastPosY = 0; TPButton.uwPressPosX = 0; TPButton.uwPressPosY = 0; TPButton.ulKeyLastTime = ulNow; TPButton.ulKeyLastEvent = *pulKeyEvent; } if (*pulKeyEvent != KEYPAD_NONE) { ulPosition = uwY; ulPosition = (ulPosition << 16) + uwX; *pulPosition = ulPosition; status = AHC_TOUCHPANEL_RET_TRUE; } else { *pulPosition = 0; status = AHC_TOUCHPANEL_RET_FALSE; } } AHC_TOUCHPANEL_CHECK_RETURE_VALUE(status, AHC_TOUCHPANEL_NO_ERROR, AHC_TOUCHPANEL_RET_TRUE, AHC_TOUCHPANEL_RET_FALSE) }
typedef enum { TP_SlideDirection_NONE = 0, TP_SlideDirection_UP, TP_SlideDirection_DOWN, TP_SlideDirection_LEFT, TP_SlideDirection_RIGHT } TP_SlideDirection_Enum; /* For Touch Panel Button */ typedef struct tagTPButton { int iPressId; int iReleaseId; unsigned int ulKeyLastTime; unsigned int ulDebounceTime; unsigned int ulKeyLastEvent; unsigned short uwLastPosX; unsigned short uwLastPosY; unsigned short uwPressPosX; unsigned short uwPressPosY; unsigned short uwErrRange; unsigned char ubkeyname[16]; } STPBUTTON;
typedef struct _TP_Position { unsigned short xPos; unsigned short yPos; } TP_Position; /* For Touch Panel Event */ typedef struct _TouchPanel { TP_Position PrevPosition; TP_Position CurrPosition; unsigned char SlideDirection; void (*PressEvent)(void); void (*ReleaseEvent)(void); void (*MoveEvent)(void); } TouchPanelEvent; static TouchPanelEvent TouchPanel; static void TouchPanel_PressEvent(void) { printc("--Harry-- %s Line:%d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__); TouchPanel.PrevPosition.xPos = TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos; TouchPanel.PrevPosition.yPos = TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos; } static void TouchPanel_ReleaseEvent(void) { printc("--Harry-- %s Line:%d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__); TouchPanel.PrevPosition.xPos = TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos; TouchPanel.PrevPosition.yPos = TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos; } static void TouchPanel_MoveEvent(void) { //printc("--Harry-- %s Line:%d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__); } static void TouchPanelEventInit(void) { TouchPanel.PrevPosition.xPos = 0; TouchPanel.PrevPosition.yPos = 0; TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos = 0; TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos = 0; TouchPanel.SlideDirection = 0; TouchPanel.PressEvent = TouchPanel_PressEvent; TouchPanel.ReleaseEvent = TouchPanel_ReleaseEvent; TouchPanel.MoveEvent = TouchPanel_MoveEvent; } void UIKeyTask(void) { MMP_ULONG ulKeyEvent; MMPF_OS_FLAGS flags; MMPF_OS_FLAGS waitflags; MMP_ULONG ulNow; MMP_ULONG ulPosition; #if (KEYPAD_DETECT_METHOD == KEYPAD_DETECT_TASK) UITaskReady = MMP_TRUE; #endif #if (TASK_MONITOR_ENABLE) memcpy(&gsTaskMonitorUIKey.TaskName[0], __func__, TASK_MONITOR_MAXTASKNAMELEN); gsTaskMonitorUIKey.sTaskMonitorStates = MMPF_TASK_MONITOR_STATES_WAITING; gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ulExecTime = 0; memset((void *)gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ParaArray, 0x0, sizeof(gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ParaArray)); gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ulParaLength = 0; gsTaskMonitorUIKey.pTimeoutCB = (TASK_MONITOR_TimeoutCallback *)NULL; MMPF_TaskMonitor_RegisterTask(&gsTaskMonitorUIKey); #endif waitflags = CDV_KEYPAD_FLAG | CDV_TIME_FLAG; #if (UPDATE_UI_USE_MULTI_TASK) waitflags |= CDV_UI_FLAG; #endif #if (SUPPORT_TOUCH_PANEL) TouchPanelEventInit(); #endif while(1){ MMPF_OS_WaitFlags(CDV_UI_Flag, waitflags, MMPF_OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ANY|MMPF_OS_FLAG_CONSUME, 0, &flags); #if (TASK_MONITOR_ENABLE) MMPF_OS_GetTime(&gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ulExecTime); gsTaskMonitorUIKey.sTaskMonitorStates = MMPF_TASK_MONITOR_STATES_RUNNING; *(MMP_ULONG *)(gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ParaArray) = (MMP_ULONG)flags; gsTaskMonitorUIKey.ulParaLength = sizeof(MMP_ULONG); #endif if (flags & CDV_TIME_FLAG) { // The KeyTask priority is higher then NETWORK to update Video Time Stamp for better performance. UpdateVideoCurrentTimeStamp(); } #if (UPDATE_UI_USE_MULTI_TASK) if (flags & CDV_UI_FLAG) { DrawStateVideoRecUpdate(EVENT_VIDREC_UPDATE_MESSAGE); } #endif if (flags & CDV_KEYPAD_FLAG) { MMPF_OS_GetTime(&ulNow); GetKeyPadEvent(&ulKeyEvent); #if (SUPPORT_TOUCH_PANEL) if ((ulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS) || (ulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_REL)) { UINT32 dir; MMP_UBYTE finger; MMP_ERR status; MMP_UBYTE slide = 0; AHC_GetParam(PARAM_ID_LCD_STATUS, &dir); status = AHC_TouchPanel_CheckUpdate(&ulKeyEvent, &ulPosition, dir, &finger, &slide); if (ulKeyEvent != KEYPAD_NONE) { if (ulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_PRESS) { TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos = ulPosition & 0x0000FFFF; TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos = ulPosition >> 16; TouchPanel.PressEvent(); } else if (ulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_REL) { TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos = ulPosition & 0x0000FFFF; TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos = ulPosition >> 16; TouchPanel.ReleaseEvent(); } else if (ulKeyEvent == TOUCH_PANEL_MOVE) { TouchPanel.CurrPosition.xPos = ulPosition & 0x0000FFFF; TouchPanel.CurrPosition.yPos = ulPosition >> 16; TouchPanel.SlideDirection = slide; TouchPanel.MoveEvent(); } ulKeyEvent = KEYPAD_NONE; } } #endif if (ulKeyEvent != KEYPAD_NONE) { AHC_SendAHLMessage(AHLM_GPIO_BUTTON_NOTIFICATION, ulKeyEvent, ulNow); } } #if (TASK_MONITOR_ENABLE) gsTaskMonitorUIKey.sTaskMonitorStates = MMPF_TASK_MONITOR_STATES_WAITING; #endif } }
注意:TouchPanel 事件在调用前必须先初始化 TouchPanelEventInit();
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