Automated Memory Analysis
1. 静态分析、动态分析、内存镜像分析对比 2. Memory Analysis Approach 3. volatility: An advanced memory forensics framework 4. github-djteller-MemoryAnalysis 5. Awesome Malware Analysis Projects
1. 静态分析、动态分析、内存镜像分析对比
0x1: Static Analysis Challenges
1. Time consuming 2. 35%~ of malicious samples are packed* 3. 90%~ of packed files are protected 4. Obfuscation, Cryptors, Encrypted Resources
0x2: Dynamic Analysis Challenges
1. "What you see is what you get"(根据外部传入参数改变恶意文件执行流程是sandbox最难克服的问题) 2. Subverting API functions is easy. APIs Lie. 3. Calling undocumented/native functions 4. Custom WinAPI function implementations 5. Reminder: evading dynamic analysis is out of scope
0x3: Memory Analysis Advantages
1. Discovers system inconsistencies that might indicate a rootkit 2. Collects hidden artifacts that cannot be retrieved using OS-provided API 3. Advanced malware operates solely in memory(delete source file after running) 4. Identifies system activity and overall machine state
0x4: Memory Analysis Disadvantages
1. Current solutions require manual inspection (not scalable) 2. Interpreting analysis tools output requires in-depth knowledge of OS internals 3. Anti-Forensics tools exist* to: 1) Prevent grabbing of memory dumps 2) Plant fake artifacts in memory as decoys 4. Artifacts from a single memory dump lack context, since there is no baseline to compare it with 5. Taking memory dumps requires accurate timing as memory is volatile
0x5: Current Automated Approach
1. Execute a sample in a sandbox 2. Terminate execution after X minutes 3. Grab a memory dump of the machine 4. Analyze the memory dump offline 5. Detect malicious/suspicious artifacts in-memory 6. Revert, Rinse, Repeat
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2. Memory Analysis Approach
1. Process Heap Entropy checker 1) Check for entropy changes over time 2. Anti Virus Strings 1) Check for new unpacked strings 3. Hybrid Data Extractor 1) Comparing code in-memory (dynamic) against the code on disk (static) to detect unpacked code/data 4. Modified PE Header 1) Monitor PE header modification and reconstruct it onthe-fly
0x1: Taking a (memory) Dump
1. Live Memory Introspection (libVMI/pyVMI) 2. Offline Memory Dump (libvirt)
3. volatility: An advanced memory forensics framework
The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the GNU General Public License, for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.
The extraction techniques are performed completely independent of the system being investigated but offer visibilty into the runtime state of the system. The framework is intended to introduce people to the techniques and complexities associated with extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory samples and provide a platform for further work into this exciting area of research.
0x1: Plugins
amcache - Print AmCache information apihooks - Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory atoms - Print session and window station atom tables atomscan - Pool scanner for atom tables auditpol - Prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv bigpools - Dump the big page pools using BigPagePoolScanner bioskbd - Reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory cachedump - Dumps cached domain hashes from memory callbacks - Print system-wide notification routines clipboard - Extract the contents of the windows clipboard cmdline - Display process command-line arguments cmdscan - Extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY connections - Print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only] connscan - Pool scanner for tcp connections consoles - Extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION crashinfo - Dump crash-dump information deskscan - Poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops) devicetree - Show device tree dlldump - Dump DLLs from a process address space dlllist - Print list of loaded dlls for each process driverirp - Driver IRP hook detection drivermodule - Associate driver objects to kernel modules driverscan - Pool scanner for driver objects dumpcerts - Dump RSA private and public SSL keys dumpfiles - Extract memory mapped and cached files dumpregistry - Dumps registry files out to disk editbox - Displays information about Edit controls. (Listbox experimental.) envars - Display process environment variables eventhooks - Print details on windows event hooks evtlogs - Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only) filescan - Pool scanner for file objects gahti - Dump the USER handle type information gditimers - Print installed GDI timers and callbacks gdt - Display Global Descriptor Table getservicesids - Get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID getsids - Print the SIDs owning each process handles - Print list of open handles for each process hashdump - Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory hibinfo - Dump hibernation file information hivedump - Prints out a hive hivelist - Print list of registry hives. hivescan - Pool scanner for registry hives hpakextract - Extract physical memory from an HPAK file hpakinfo - Info on an HPAK file idt - Display Interrupt Descriptor Table iehistory - Reconstruct Internet Explorer cache / history imagecopy - Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD image imageinfo - Identify information for the image impscan - Scan for calls to imported functions joblinks - Print process job link information kdbgscan - Search for and dump potential KDBG values kpcrscan - Search for and dump potential KPCR values ldrmodules - Detect unlinked DLLs limeinfo - Dump Lime file format information linux_apihooks - Checks for userland apihooks linux_arp - Print the ARP table linux_banner - Prints the Linux banner information linux_bash - Recover bash history from bash process memory linux_bash_env - Recover a process' dynamic environment variables linux_bash_hash - Recover bash hash table from bash process memory linux_check_afinfo - Verifies the operation function pointers of network protocols linux_check_creds - Checks if any processes are sharing credential structures linux_check_evt_arm - Checks the Exception Vector Table to look for syscall table hooking linux_check_fop - Check file operation structures for rootkit modifications linux_check_idt - Checks if the IDT has been altered linux_check_inline_kernel - Check for inline kernel hooks linux_check_modules - Compares module list to sysfs info, if available linux_check_syscall - Checks if the system call table has been altered linux_check_syscall_arm - Checks if the system call table has been altered linux_check_tty - Checks tty devices for hooks linux_cpuinfo - Prints info about each active processor linux_dentry_cache - Gather files from the dentry cache linux_dmesg - Gather dmesg buffer linux_dump_map - Writes selected memory mappings to disk linux_dynamic_env - Recover a process' dynamic environment variables linux_elfs - Find ELF binaries in process mappings linux_enumerate_files - Lists files referenced by the filesystem cache linux_find_file - Lists and recovers files from memory linux_getcwd - Lists current working directory of each process linux_hidden_modules - Carves memory to find hidden kernel modules linux_ifconfig - Gathers active interfaces linux_info_regs - It's like 'info registers' in GDB. It prints out all the linux_iomem - Provides output similar to /proc/iomem linux_kernel_opened_files - Lists files that are opened from within the kernel linux_keyboard_notifiers - Parses the keyboard notifier call chain linux_ldrmodules - Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl linux_library_list - Lists libraries loaded into a process linux_librarydump - Dumps shared libraries in process memory to disk linux_list_raw - List applications with promiscuous sockets linux_lsmod - Gather loaded kernel modules linux_lsof - Lists file descriptors and their path linux_malfind - Looks for suspicious process mappings linux_memmap - Dumps the memory map for linux tasks linux_moddump - Extract loaded kernel modules linux_mount - Gather mounted fs/devices linux_mount_cache - Gather mounted fs/devices from kmem_cache linux_netfilter - Lists Netfilter hooks linux_netscan - Carves for network connection structures linux_netstat - Lists open sockets linux_pidhashtable - Enumerates processes through the PID hash table linux_pkt_queues - Writes per-process packet queues out to disk linux_plthook - Scan ELF binaries' PLT for hooks to non-NEEDED images linux_proc_maps - Gathers process memory maps linux_proc_maps_rb - Gathers process maps for linux through the mappings red-black tree linux_procdump - Dumps a process's executable image to disk linux_process_hollow - Checks for signs of process hollowing linux_psaux - Gathers processes along with full command line and start time linux_psenv - Gathers processes along with their static environment variables linux_pslist - Gather active tasks by walking the task_struct->task list linux_pslist_cache - Gather tasks from the kmem_cache linux_psscan - Scan physical memory for processes linux_psxview - Find hidden processes with various process listings linux_recover_filesystem - Recovers the entire cached file system from memory linux_route_cache - Recovers the routing cache from memory linux_sk_buff_cache - Recovers packets from the sk_buff kmem_cache linux_slabinfo - Mimics /proc/slabinfo on a running machine linux_strings - Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) linux_threads - Prints threads of processes linux_tmpfs - Recovers tmpfs filesystems from memory linux_truecrypt_passphrase - Recovers cached Truecrypt passphrases linux_vma_cache - Gather VMAs from the vm_area_struct cache linux_volshell - Shell in the memory image linux_yarascan - A shell in the Linux memory image lsadump - Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry mac_adium - Lists Adium messages mac_apihooks - Checks for API hooks in processes mac_apihooks_kernel - Checks to see if system call and kernel functions are hooked mac_arp - Prints the arp table mac_bash - Recover bash history from bash process memory mac_bash_env - Recover bash's environment variables mac_bash_hash - Recover bash hash table from bash process memory mac_calendar - Gets calendar events from mac_check_fop - Validate File Operation Pointers mac_check_mig_table - Lists entires in the kernel's MIG table mac_check_syscall_shadow - Looks for shadow system call tables mac_check_syscalls - Checks to see if system call table entries are hooked mac_check_sysctl - Checks for unknown sysctl handlers mac_check_trap_table - Checks to see if mach trap table entries are hooked mac_compressed_swap - Prints Mac OS X VM compressor stats and dumps all compressed pages mac_contacts - Gets contact names from mac_dead_procs - Prints terminated/de-allocated processes mac_dead_sockets - Prints terminated/de-allocated network sockets mac_dead_vnodes - Lists freed vnode structures mac_devfs - Lists files in the file cache mac_dmesg - Prints the kernel debug buffer mac_dump_file - Dumps a specified file mac_dump_maps - Dumps memory ranges of process(es), optionally including pages in compressed swap mac_dyld_maps - Gets memory maps of processes from dyld data structures mac_find_aslr_shift - Find the ASLR shift value for 10.8+ images mac_get_profile - Automatically detect Mac profiles mac_ifconfig - Lists network interface information for all devices mac_interest_handlers - Lists IOKit Interest Handlers mac_ip_filters - Reports any hooked IP filters mac_kernel_classes - Lists loaded c++ classes in the kernel mac_kevents - Show parent/child relationship of processes mac_keychaindump - Recovers possbile keychain keys. Use chainbreaker to open related keychain files mac_ldrmodules - Compares the output of proc maps with the list of libraries from libdl mac_librarydump - Dumps the executable of a process mac_list_files - Lists files in the file cache mac_list_kauth_listeners - Lists Kauth Scope listeners mac_list_kauth_scopes - Lists Kauth Scopes and their status mac_list_raw - List applications with promiscuous sockets mac_list_sessions - Enumerates sessions mac_list_zones - Prints active zones mac_lsmod - Lists loaded kernel modules mac_lsmod_iokit - Lists loaded kernel modules through IOkit mac_lsmod_kext_map - Lists loaded kernel modules mac_lsof - Lists per-process opened files mac_machine_info - Prints machine information about the sample mac_malfind - Looks for suspicious process mappings mac_memdump - Dump addressable memory pages to a file mac_moddump - Writes the specified kernel extension to disk mac_mount - Prints mounted device information mac_netstat - Lists active per-process network connections mac_network_conns - Lists network connections from kernel network structures mac_notesapp - Finds contents of Notes messages mac_notifiers - Detects rootkits that add hooks into I/O Kit (e.g. LogKext) mac_orphan_threads - Lists threads that don't map back to known modules/processes mac_pgrp_hash_table - Walks the process group hash table mac_pid_hash_table - Walks the pid hash table mac_print_boot_cmdline - Prints kernel boot arguments mac_proc_maps - Gets memory maps of processes mac_procdump - Dumps the executable of a process mac_psaux - Prints processes with arguments in user land (**argv) mac_psenv - Prints processes with environment in user land (**envp) mac_pslist - List Running Processes mac_pstree - Show parent/child relationship of processes mac_psxview - Find hidden processes with various process listings mac_recover_filesystem - Recover the cached filesystem mac_route - Prints the routing table mac_socket_filters - Reports socket filters mac_strings - Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) mac_tasks - List Active Tasks mac_threads - List Process Threads mac_threads_simple - Lists threads along with their start time and priority mac_timers - Reports timers set by kernel drivers mac_trustedbsd - Lists malicious trustedbsd policies mac_version - Prints the Mac version mac_vfsevents - Lists processes filtering file system events mac_volshell - Shell in the memory image mac_yarascan - Scan memory for yara signatures machoinfo - Dump Mach-O file format information malfind - Find hidden and injected code mbrparser - Scans for and parses potential Master Boot Records (MBRs) memdump - Dump the addressable memory for a process memmap - Print the memory map messagehooks - List desktop and thread window message hooks mftparser - Scans for and parses potential MFT entries moddump - Dump a kernel driver to an executable file sample modscan - Pool scanner for kernel modules modules - Print list of loaded modules multiscan - Scan for various objects at once mutantscan - Pool scanner for mutex objects netscan - Scan a Vista (or later) image for connections and sockets notepad - List currently displayed notepad text objtypescan - Scan for Windows object type objects patcher - Patches memory based on page scans poolpeek - Configurable pool scanner plugin pooltracker - Show a summary of pool tag usage printkey - Print a registry key, and its subkeys and values privs - Display process privileges procdump - Dump a process to an executable file sample pslist - Print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists psscan - Pool scanner for process objects pstree - Print process list as a tree psxview - Find hidden processes with various process listings qemuinfo - Dump Qemu information raw2dmp - Converts a physical memory sample to a windbg crash dump screenshot - Save a pseudo-screenshot based on GDI windows servicediff - List Windows services (ala Plugx) sessions - List details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions) shellbags - Prints ShellBags info shimcache - Parses the Application Compatibility Shim Cache registry key shutdowntime - Print ShutdownTime of machine from registry sockets - Print list of open sockets sockscan - Pool scanner for tcp socket objects ssdt - Display SSDT entries strings - Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) svcscan - Scan for Windows services symlinkscan - Pool scanner for symlink objects thrdscan - Pool scanner for thread objects threads - Investigate _ETHREAD and _KTHREADs timeliner - Creates a timeline from various artifacts in memory timers - Print kernel timers and associated module DPCs truecryptmaster - Recover TrueCrypt 7.1a Master Keys truecryptpassphrase - TrueCrypt Cached Passphrase Finder truecryptsummary - TrueCrypt Summary unloadedmodules - Print list of unloaded modules userassist - Print userassist registry keys and information userhandles - Dump the USER handle tables vaddump - Dumps out the vad sections to a file vadinfo - Dump the VAD info vadtree - Walk the VAD tree and display in tree format vadwalk - Walk the VAD tree vboxinfo - Dump virtualbox information verinfo - Prints out the version information from PE images vmwareinfo - Dump VMware VMSS/VMSN information volshell - Shell in the memory image win10cookie - Find the ObHeaderCookie value for Windows 10 windows - Print Desktop Windows (verbose details) wintree - Print Z-Order Desktop Windows Tree wndscan - Pool scanner for window stations yarascan - Scan process or kernel memory with Yara signatures
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4. github-djteller-MemoryAnalysis
Automated malware analysis systems added memory analysis capabilities as part of their arsenal. These systems execute a sample inside a controlled environment for a configurable amount of time. When time is up, they grab a memory dump and run a set of memory analysis utilities/plugins in search for malicious artifacts. While this process yield great results and is a great technique to dissect malware, it comes with some disadvantages:
Taking memory dumps requires accurate timing - If we take it at the wrong time, we may “miss the action” - malicious artifacts may not exist yet or already disappear from memory. Also, Artifacts taken from a single memory dump lack context since there is no baseline memory dump to compare it with. This means it is difficult to make meaningful conclusions without information about when the artifact was created, modified, deleted, etc.
This project aims to solve these disadvantages by introducing Trigger-Based analysis(基于异步事件触发) - Taking multiple memory dumps during execution in "strategic moments" by analyzing API calls, CPU performance counters, and tracing execution with Dynamic Binary Instrumentation techniques. Once done executing, our system performs differential analysis on the resulting memory dumps(多dump文件综合分析).
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5. Awesome Malware Analysis Projects
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