错误记录:[Place 30-681] Sub-optimal placement for a global clock-capable IO pin and MMCM pair.
[Place 30-681] Sub-optimal placement for a global clock-capable IO pin and MMCM pair. As a workaround for this error, please insert a BUFG in between the IO and the MMCM.
instance_name/inst/clkin1_ibuf/IBUFCTRL_INST (IBUFCTRL.O) is locked to IOB_X1Y101
instance_name/inst/mmcme3_adv_inst (MMCME3_ADV.CLKIN1) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on MMCME3_ADV_X1Y1
The above error could possibly be related to other connected instances. Following is a list of
all the related clock rules and their respective instances.
Clock Rule: rule_mmcm_bufg
Status: PASS
Rule Description: A MMCM driving a BUFG must be placed in the same clock region of the device as the
instance_name/inst/mmcme3_adv_inst (MMCME3_ADV.CLKOUT1) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on MMCME3_ADV_X1Y1
instance_name/inst/clkout2_buf (BUFGCE.I) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on BUFGCE_X1Y47
Clock Rule: rule_bufgce_bufg_conflict
Status: PASS
Rule Description: Only one of the 2 available sites (BUFGCE or BUFGCE_DIV/BUFGCTRL) in a pair can be
used at the same time
instance_name/inst/clkout2_buf (BUFGCE.O) is provisionally placed by clockplacer on BUFGCE_X1Y47
在usr_clk进入clk_wiz_0 IP核之前添加一个 BUFG。
module ex_module (
input usr_clk,
output wire clk_out1,
output wire clk_out2,
output wire clk_out3
wire usr_clk_bufg; // 新增 BUFG 的输出信号
BUFG usr_clk_bufg_inst (.I(usr_clk), .O(usr_clk_bufg)); // 插入 BUFG
clk_wiz_0 instance_name
// Clock out ports
.clk_out1(clk_out1), // output clk_out1 5Mhz
.clk_out2(clk_out2), // output clk_out2 10Mhz
.clk_out3(clk_out3), // output clk_out3 50Mhz
// Clock in ports
.clk_in1(usr_clk_bufg) // input clk_in1, 连接到 BUFG 的输出