04 2010 档案
摘要:有大量的信息在那里的各种接口的设计方法和模式的起草时,可以使用你的用户界面和网站,为共同的问题和一般建议的解决方案的可用性。经过专家的指引,将可能导致对创造一个良好的用户界面,你 - 但到底什么是良好的界面?什么是一个有效的用户界面的特点?这里有8个事情,我认为一个良好的用户界面需要:明确简洁熟悉响应一贯吸引力高效宽恕让我们看一看在每一个仔细看看。1。明确清晰度是用户界面设计中最重要的因素。事实上...
摘要:As web technologies progress, websites and web applications are becoming more responsive, providing us with more ways and techniques to interact with the users. Form, more than ever, has been supersed...
摘要:What is simplicity?Simplicity is the quality of being natural, plain and easy to understand.It is not surprising then that simplicity is often thrived for in user interface design. Most people natural...
摘要:Users make mistakes, no matter how good your user interface is designed. But there is something you can do about it. There are approaches you can use to allow userstorecover from errors, or even bette...
摘要:There seems to be this idea going around that usability testing is bad, or that the cool kids don’t do it. That it’s old skool. That designers don’t need to do it. What if I told you...
摘要:Breathtaking and useful designs happen because the UI has been worked on tirelessly. It takes a real UI Master to understand how to make a terrific user experience on a website. Here are 10 extremely ...
摘要:Principles of User Interface Designare intended to improve the quality of user interface design. According toLarry Constantineand Lucy Lockwood in their usage-centered design, these principles are:[1]...