Add the Multiple machines for the PVS Machine Catalog

1. Create the PVS machine catalog:

New-BrokerCatalog -AllocationType Random -CatalogKind PVS -Description "PVS Catalog Desc" -Name "PVS Catalog Name" -PvsAddress "" -PvsDomain "" -PvsForVM $($farmGuid:$schemeGuid) -MachinesArePhysical $false

For the Server OS(MultiSession Support) as below:

New-BrokerCatalog  -Name "PVS_catalog" -Description "PVS_catalog" -AllocationType "Random" -IsRemotePC $False -MachinesArePhysical $false -ProvisioningType "PVS" -SessionSupport "MultiSession"  -PvsAddress "xfpvsserver77@xf.local" -PvsDomain "xf.local" -PersistUserChanges "onLocal"

2. Insert the machines data of devices in database:

@num INT
set @i=0
set @num=1000
while @i<@num
    insert into ProvisioningServices.dbo.Device(
values ('EE8C7139-5175-4DF2-80EB-D8265198C630',

'2018-05-16 06:49:02.450',
        SET @i=@i+1;

3. Import the machines id and name columns from database:

$Database   = 'ProvisioningServices'  
$Server     = 'xfPVSSERVER77'  
$UserName   = 'sa'
$Password   = '1qaz!QAZ'
$SqlConn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$Server;Initial Catalog=$Database;user id=$UserName;pwd=$Password"

# 确认状态


# 确认状态-again  
# 确认切换到指定的数据库  

$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$SqlCmd.connection = $SqlConn
$SqlCmd.commandtext = "select deviceid,devicename from ProvisioningServices.dbo.device where devicename like 'BaseNameSer%'"
Write-Host $SqlCmd.commandtext
$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
$set = New-Object data.dataset
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\machines.txt"
$set.Tables[0] | Format-Table -Auto |Out-File -FilePath  $path
$set.Tables[0] | Export-Csv "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\machines_500.csv"

#Write-Host "Just try"
#foreach ($machine in $set.Tables[0])
#    $machine.DeviceId
#    $machine.DeviceName
#    break
#foreach ($machine in $set.Tables[0]) {
#        New-BrokerMachine -CatalogUid 1009 -MachineName $machine.DeviceName -HypervisorConnectionUid  1 -HostedMachineId $machine.DeviceId        

4. New-BrokerMachine command to add the machines for the machine catalog:

$machines = Import-Csv -Path $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\machines.csv
foreach ($machine in $machines)

foreach ($machine in $machines) {
        New-BrokerMachine -CatalogUid 1003 -MachineName $machine.DeviceName -HypervisorConnectionUid  1 -HostedMachineId $machine.DeviceId        




posted @ 2018-05-23 16:19  Linazhu  阅读(324)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报