解决Warning:allowzonedrifting is enabled.This is considered an insecure configuration option.It will be removed in a future release ... ling it now.


Warning:allowzonedrifting is enabled.This is considered an insecure configuration option.It will be removed  in a future release ... ling it now.


firewall-cmd status

可通过在   /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf  中禁用它。在vim编辑器命令模式输入 /AllowZoneDrifting 进行搜索,然后将yes更改为no,按ESC键退出编辑模式到命令模式,输入:wq 保存退出。



 输入 systemctl restart firewalld 重启firewalld

再输入systemctl status firewalld 查看firewalld 的状态。成功解决警告问题!!!




posted @ 2020-06-20 10:28  厸清扬  阅读(14715)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报