HDU - 4821 String hash算法 O(n)查重判斷
Time limit 1000
msMemory limit 32768 kB
Given a string S and two integers L and M, we consider a substring of S as “recoverable” if and only if
(i) It is of length M*L;
(ii) It can be constructed by concatenating M “diversified” substrings of S, where each of these substrings has length L; two strings are considered as “diversified” if they don’t have the same character for every position.
Two substrings of S are considered as “different” if they are cut from different part of S. For example, string "aa" has 3 different substrings "aa", "a" and "a".
Your task is to calculate the number of different “recoverable” substrings of S.
(i) It is of length M*L;
(ii) It can be constructed by concatenating M “diversified” substrings of S, where each of these substrings has length L; two strings are considered as “diversified” if they don’t have the same character for every position.
Two substrings of S are considered as “different” if they are cut from different part of S. For example, string "aa" has 3 different substrings "aa", "a" and "a".
Your task is to calculate the number of different “recoverable” substrings of S.
InputThe input contains multiple test cases, proceeding to the End of File.
The first line of each test case has two space-separated integers M and L.
The second ine of each test case has a string S, which consists of only lowercase letters.
The length of S is not larger than 10^5, and 1 ≤ M * L ≤ the length of S.OutputFor each test case, output the answer in a single line.
Sample Input
3 3
Sample Output
給出M,L,和一個字符串。求該字符串的長度為M*L的子串中,有幾個是由M個長度為L的不同的小串組成的,如樣例:找長度3*3=9的子串,其中一個“bcabcbcaa"就由“bca" "bcb" "caa"
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 100009 #define bas 27 using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; char s[N]; int l,m; ull has[N],base[N]; map<ull,int> mp; int main() { base[0]=1; for(int i=1;i<N;i++) base[i]=base[i-1]*bas; //freopen("a.txt","r",stdin); while(~scanf("%d%d",&m,&l)) { scanf("\n%s",s+1); int t=l*m; int len=strlen(s+1); has[0]=0; for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) has[i]=has[i-1]*bas+s[i]-'a'+1; int cnt=0; for(int i=1;i+t-1<=len;i++)//M*L的範圍在主串上移動 { mp.clear(); for(int j=l-1;j<t;j+=l)//在範圍中不斷計算相鄰的長度為L的子串的hash值 { ull temp=has[i+j]-has[i+j-l]*base[l]; mp[temp]++; } if(mp.size()==m) //判斷條件 cnt++; } printf("%d\n",cnt); } }
為什麼會TLE呢?上面的代碼在L很小,而主串很長的時候,複雜度會達到O(n^2) 在1e5的數據上跑是會T掉的。無奈之下,我去參考了一些大神的AC代碼。咋一看,他們的代碼,也是在主串上跑一邊
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define N 100020 #define bas 27 using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; char s[N]; ull base[N],has[N]; int m,l; int main() { //freopen("a.txt","r",stdin); map<ull,int> mp; base[0]=1; for(int i=1;i<N;i++) base[i]=base[i-1]*bas; while(~scanf("%d%d",&m,&l)) { scanf("%s",s+1); int len=strlen(s+1); int ans=0,t=m*l; has[0]=0; for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) has[i]=has[i-1]*bas+s[i]-'a'+1; for(int i=1;i<=l&&i+t-1<=len;i++)//起點每次移動一字符 { mp.clear(); for(int j=i-1;j+l<=i-1+t;j+=l) //從計算出從起點開始長度為M*L的子串的hash值 mp[has[j+l]-has[j]*base[l]]++; if(mp.size()==m) //判斷是否滿足條件 ans++; for(int j=i-1+t;j+l<=len;j+=l)//每次移動L個字符的過程 { int a=j-t; ull temp=has[a+l]-has[a]*base[l];//計算最左邊的L長度的子串hash值 mp[temp]--; //把這個小段的哈希值取出 if(mp[temp]==0) mp.erase(temp); mp[has[j+l]-has[j]*base[l]]++;//再從右邊放入長度為L的子串的hash值 //這樣只用兩步操作,就把整個範圍向右移動了L的距離。 if(mp.size()==m) //移動后判斷是否滿足條件 ans++; } } //至此一個起點的情況已經判斷完了,回到外層循環,起點前進一個字符 printf("%d\n",ans); } }
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