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Wrox Professional Enterprise .NET Book Project Case Study (C#)

Wrox Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns Project Details

Agatha's e-commerce store application has been designed using the Gang of Four Design Patterns, Martin Fowlers Enterprise Patterns and Robert Martins S.O.L.I.D. Design Principles, all of which are featured in the Wrox ASP.NET Design Patterns book.

Architectural Overview


Agatha's Clothing Store - Screen Shots




Wrox Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns - The Book

Table of Contents:

Part 1: Introducing Patterns & Design Principles
Part 2: The Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application: Learning and Applying Patterns
  • 3. Layering Your Application
  • 4. Business Logic Layer: Organisation
  • 5. Business Logic Layer: Patterns
  • 6. Service Layer
  • 7. Data Access Layer
  • 8. Presentation Layer
  • 9. User Experience Layer

Part 3: Case Study: The Online E-Commerce Store
  • 10. Requirements & Infrastructure
  • 11. Product Catalogue Browsing
  • 12. Shopping Basket
  • 13. Membership
  • 14. Ordering and Payment

Implement proven solutions to recurrent design problems

This unique book takes good ASP.NET application construction
one step further by emphasizing loosely coupled and highly cohesive
ASP.NET web application architectural design. Each chapter
addresses a layer in an enterprise ASP.NET application and shows
how proven patterns, principles, and best practices can be leveraged
to solve problems and improve the design of your code. In addition,
a professional-level, end-to-end case study is used to show how to
use best practice design patterns and principles in a real website.

Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns:
  • Demonstrates how to use the Gang of Four design patterns to improve your ASP.NET code
  • Shows how Fowler’s Enterprise patterns and the S.O.L.I.D. design principles fit into an enterprise-level ASP.NET site
  • Provides details on how to layer an ASP.NET application and separate your concerns and responsibilities
  • Details AJAX patterns using JQuery and Json, and messaging patterns with WCF
  • Shares best practice tools for ASP.NET such as AutoMapper, NHibernate, StructureMap, Entity Framework, and Castle MonoRail
  • Uncovers tips for separating a site’s UX and presentation layer using MVC, MVP and the Front Controller patterns
  • Features code examples that are applicable to all versions of ASP.NET

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posted on 2013-03-15 09:32  HackerVirus  阅读(149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报