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我的MVVM框架 v3教程——todos例子

我的MVVM框架 v3教程——todos例子

我的MVVM框架 v3教程——todos例子



<!--[if IE 6]><center style="display:inline-block;zoom:1;text-align:left;"> <![endif]-->
     <div id="todoapp">
             <input id="new-todo" type="text" placeholder="What needs to be done?" data-on-keypress="addPost">
         <section id="main" data-display="show">
             <input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-on-click="checkAll">
             <label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
             <ul id="todo-list" data-each-post="posts">
                 <li data-on-dblclick="edit" >
                     <div class="view">
                         <input class="toggle" type="checkbox" data-on-click="togglePost"  />
                         <label data-text="post.title"></label>
                         <a class="destroy" data-on-click="removePost"></a>
                     <input class="edit" type="text" data-value="post.title" data-on-blur="blur" />
         <footer data-display="show">
             <a id="clear-completed" data-on-click="remove" data-display="donePosts">Clear completed</a>
             <div id="todo-count" data-html="leftPosts">
     <!--[if IE 6]></center> <![endif]-->
     <div id="instructions">
         Double-click to edit a todo.
     <div id="credits">
         Created by
         <br />
         <a href="">Jérôme Gravel-Niquet</a>.
         <br />Rewritten by: <a href="">TodoMVC</a>.
require("avalon,ready", function($) {
    var $$ = $.MVVM
    var VM = $$.toViewModel({
        posts: [],//这是评论列表
        addPost: function(e){//添加评论
            if(this.value && e.keyCode == 13){
                    title: this.value
                this.value = "";
        leftPosts: $$.compute( function(){//还剩下多少评论没打勾
            var len = this.posts.length -  $(".toggle:checked").length;
            return "<b>" + len +"</b>" + (len <= 1 ?  "item" : "items") +" left"
        donePosts:  $$.compute( function(){//有多少评论被打勾
            return  $(".toggle:checked").length
        removePost: function(){//移除单条评论
            var index = $("#main .destroy").index(this)
            if(index != -1){
        remove: function(){//移除所有被打勾的评论,通过erase方法,它传入一个元素,会找到它对应的VM中的数据
            var array = VM.posts, array2 = []
            $(".toggle:checked").each(function(el, i){
        edit: function() {//让那条评论可编辑
        show: $$.compute( function(){//如果存在评论就把列表显示出来
            return this.posts.length;
        blur: function(){//失去焦点就失去编辑状态
        checkAll: function(){//勾选或不勾选所有评论
            var els = $(".toggle").attr("checked", this.checked)
            for(var i = 0,el; el = els[i++];){
        togglePost: function(){
            $(this).parents("li").toggleClass( "done" );

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<script src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.config.level = 6

require("avalon20121214,ready", function($) {

var $$ = $.MVVM
var VM = $$.toViewModel({
posts: [],
addPost: function(e){
if(this.value && e.keyCode == 13){
title: this.value
this.value = "";
leftPosts: $$.compute( function(){
var len = this.posts.length - $(".toggle:checked").length;
return "<b>" + len +"</b>" + (len <= 1 ? "item" : "items") +" left"
donePosts: $$.compute( function(){
return $(".toggle:checked").length
removePost: function(){
var index = $("#main .destroy").index(this)
if(index != -1){

remove: function(){
var array = VM.posts, array2 = []
$(".toggle:checked").each(function(el, i){
edit: function() {
show: $$.compute( function(){
return this.posts.length;
blur: function(){
checkAll: function(){
var els = $(".toggle").attr("checked", this.checked)
for(var i = 0,el; el = els[i++];){;
togglePost: function(){
$(this).parents("li").toggleClass( "done" );





<!--[if IE 6]><center style="display:inline-block;zoom:1;text-align:left;"> <![endif]-->
<div id="todoapp">
<input id="new-todo" type="text" placeholder="What needs to be done?" data-on-keypress="addPost">

<section id="main" data-display="show">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-on-click="checkAll">
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id="todo-list" data-each-post="posts">
<li data-on-dblclick="edit" >
<div class="view">
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" data-on-click="togglePost" />
<label data-text="post.title"></label>
<a class="destroy" data-on-click="removePost"></a>
<input class="edit" type="text" data-value="post.title" data-on-blur="blur" />

<footer data-display="show">
<a id="clear-completed" data-on-click="remove" data-display="donePosts">Clear completed</a>
<div id="todo-count" data-html="leftPosts">

<!--[if IE 6]></center> <![endif]-->

<div id="instructions">
Double-click to edit a todo.

<div id="credits">
Created by
<br />
<a href="">Jérôme Gravel-Niquet</a>.
<br />Rewritten by: <a href="">TodoMVC</a>.



标签: mass
posted on 2012-12-17 17:32  HackerVirus  阅读(184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报