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Visual Studio Add-ins: [color=red]API to .NET Mapping
Maps common Win32API functions to their .NET CLR equivalents; and, allows the developer to search either MSDN online or Google for more information on either the Win32 function or its .NET counterpart.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Add Copyright Notice Allows the developer to specify a custom header that can be added to each code file in the current VS.NET project. Requires SharpTools.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Assemblur A simple and reliable obfuscator for the .NET platform. Assemblur provides comprehensive analysis of type and method hierarchies and ensures that the code will not be accidentally broken or behave differently after obfuscation. Simplified, intuitive user interface and seamless Visual Studio integration make it easy to make obfuscation a transparent part of the Visual Studio build process.

Visual Studio Add-ins: BE.pinvoke BE.pinvoke is the PINVOKE.NET Add-In for Visual Studio 2005. The UI looks very similar to original PINVOKE.NET Addin for Visual Studio 2003 (1.0), but it is totally new designed and it takes advantage from the new features of the .NET Framework 2.0. Have fun inserting PInvoke signatures into your Visual Studio Project.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Bordecal.ImportsSorter Visual Studio 2005 introduces new functionality for automatic generation of imports and using directives when types cannot be resolved. This is a great little addition to the coding UI, but it can pose a bit of a problem for the anal-retentive nit-pickers amongst us since the new directives simply get added to the end of the imports/using directive block. Of course, this causes no problem whatsoever for the compiler, but it's not particularly pretty either. This add-in automates the sorting into this order: System namespace and descendants, Microsoft namespace and descendants, third party namespaces, own namespaces.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CR ClassCleaner CR_ClassCleaner is a DXCore plug-in that adds functionality to Visual Studio to help organize and clean classes.
Visual Studio Add-ins: Change Case Toggles the case of selected text. It explains both options of accessing the functionality from the Tools menu or the context menu.

Visual Studio Add-ins: ClipBoard Manager Prevents whitespace from being copied to the clipboard. More importantly, it manages your clipboard history, so you can go back and recover data you copied onto the clipboard hours ago. Additionally, you can query your history simply by entering text in the "Search" field. This will filter your history down to items that match. Once you've found your data, double-click and it will be moved onto the clipboard.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Code Project Browser This Visual Studio add-in lets you browse Code Project directly in Visual Studio 2005. When you click on a link that would normally download a zip file, it asks you instead if you'd like to open the sample up using the Code Project Browser. If you say yes, the add-in will download the file, unzip it to a base "My documents\My Code Project Samples" directory, then load it directly. It also provides a sidebar where you can view, reload and delete all of the projects you've downloaded. Finally, it allows you to keep Code Project favorites, just like any respectable web browser would.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Code Templates For code template completion from keyword. If you've used SharpDevelop, Homesite, or Cold Fusion Studio, it works exactly like in those products.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeKeep Manages your CodeKeep code snippets and search for other code snippets without ever having to leave Visual Studio. Works with all versions of Visual Studio 2005, including the Visual Studio Team System editions. Supports dockable tool windows for "My Snippets", "Browse Snippets", and "Search Snippets". Supports drag-and-drop functionality for "My Snippets", "Browse Snippets", and "Search Snippets". In either of those tool windows, you can drag a snippet from the datagrid onto the IDE text editor and the code for that snippet will get copied into your document at the cursor location. In fact, you can drag-and-drop snippets onto anything that supports OLE drag-and-drop automation, such as Word, Excel, etc. When using "Add to CodeKeep", automatically recognizes the language you're using (C#, VB.NET, and J# only).

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodePsy A code writer based on the analyzed coding context. The current implementation is an add-in for C# in Visual Studio .NET. It features the Statement Writer, which allows the programmer to write the code of conditional and iteration statements by simply pressing the Tab key next to the related keyword. It then dynamically positions the caret through completion steps by pressing Tab again. The Statement Writer can even add the logical following statement and as it can add an optional block in the current one.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeRush Helps create sophisticated code blocks in seconds and extend code templates instantly. CodeRush will complete identifiers as you type and expand or contract selections logically. With CodeRush, you will be able to instantly place selected code inside Try/Catch blocks, Regions and your own custom wrappers with ease. You can even reverse the logic of selected code and revisit important points within your code instantly (and effortlessly swap between locations).

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeSMART G2 CodeSMART for Visual Studio .NET adds many new features to Visual Studio including: general itegration notes, Explorer tools, code location tools, code checking tools, coding efficiency tools, code building and generating tools, code formatting and documenting tools, designer helper tools, AutoSave, AutoBackup code statistics, file differences, snippets manager, and iterative code.
Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeShare For sharing code snippets in an enterprise. It provides menu options within the IDE to contribute and find code snippets from a central repository.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeSmith A template-based code generator that can produce code for any text-based language. Whether your target language is C#, Visual Basic .NET, T-SQL, Java or even FORTRAN, CodeSmith can help you produce higher-quality, more consistent code in less time than writing code by hand. CodeSmith's familiar ASP.NET-based template syntax means that you can be writing your first templates within minutes of installing the package. The advanced CodeSmith Studio integrated development environment (IDE) helps you create and test new templates in a rapid development setting. CodeSmith Explorer is available as an addin within Visual Studio. CodeSmith can be used as a custom tool to generate code within Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CodeXchange Provides integrated access to an online repository of .NET code snippets.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Collection Builder Allows the developer to create a strongly-typed collection from any class in the current Visual Studio project. Requires SharpTools.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CommentMakerPro A template-based comment generation tool designed to work in Visual C++ under Visual Studio 2002, 2003, 2005. It creates customizable function header that you can adjust to most companies' documentation requirements.

Visual Studio Add-ins: CoolCommands Set of commands and Reference Manager for Visual Studio 2005.
Visual Studio Add-ins: Copy Folder to Project Allows you to browse for any folder, and copy that folder and all of it's files to your project's folder, and automatically include the folder and it's contents into your project.

Visual Studio Add-ins: DB Connection Visualizer This is a debugger visualizer add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. It gives you a quick way to run a SQL statement against a database connection and view the results in a grid while debugging your code.

Visual Studio Add-ins: DevForce Express A free developer productivity solution for .NET that is fully integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio for developing data-intensive client/server applications. DevForce Express is a "must have" for .NET development. It will improve your productivity and increase application quality from development to deployment. This ensures that you meet the needs of your users, reduce overall costs, and accelerate time-to-market. DevForce Express includes a core RAD framework, an integrated ORM, advanced UI DataBinding, MVC architecture, and one-click deployment and versioning. It includes all product documentation including "Quickstart" tutorials and demos. Applications built with DevForce Express may be developed, deployed, and even resold royalty-free. More powerful commercial versions include DevForce Professional and DevForce Enterprise.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Dexter Extends and enhances the functionality of several Microsoft development tools by providing automatic code completion, including Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, Visual InterDev, Visual J++, Visual Studio 2002, Visual Studio 2003, and Visual Studio .NET for Applications.
Visual Studio Add-ins: EiffelEnvision Enables use of the powerful features of the Eiffel language within Visual Studio .NET, including Design by ContractTM (a means for producing bugfree software, native only to Eiffel), multiple inheritance, generics, and many others.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Explorer Opens the folder of a solution to do some tasks with Windows Explorer like copy, rename files, etc.

Visual Studio Add-ins: GhostDoc A free add-in for Visual Studio that automatically generates XML documentation comments. Either by using existing documentation inherited from base classes or implemented interfaces, or by deducing comments from name and type of e.g. methods, properties or parameters.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Google search Allows the developer to search Google from Visual Studio. Searches Google for the text that is selected in the current source code document window. Requires SharpTools.

Visual Studio Add-ins: HTML addin Generator for Windows Forms This is a product that can help the basic VS2005 developer to improve his application in a fast way by adding a basic HTML HELP project, that can be customized further. For each form, it generates an image map that you can click on each container control on the form and be translated to the corresponding page of the control.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Help Generator Context-sensitive Help can do much to improve the usability of your Visual Studio applications by making it easier for users to find out how to use them. Users will be able to use more features of the application. The Help Generator for Visual Studio reduces the time needed for making help and user documentation by 80%. No longer special help authoring expertise is needed. The Help Generator not only lets you make the online Help, but also user and technical documentation in Word or you can publish the help on the web. The Help Generator scans the WinForms and creates all needed files with content. No other help authoring has this feature. In the edit step the descriptions are added to the prefabricated help sections. The help generator can be used with programming languages in Visual Studio.NET that are WinForms based:, C# and j#.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Line Counter An add-in for Visual Studio.NET (v2002-2005) and Visual C++ (5, 6) that counts all the code and comment lines in your open project.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Macros Manager A Visual Studio .NET 2003 add-in that launches specified macros from a Windows Form.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Paste as Visual Basic A Visual Studio add-In that converts C# code to Visual Basic.

Visual Studio Add-ins: PowerToys This set of add-ins augments existing functionality in the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer and the Distributed Systems Designers. The Design Tools Enhancements add-in provides a common set of features that can be used by both the Class Designer and the Distributed System Designers, such as pan/zoom window and rich formatting commands. The Class Designer Enhancements add-in provides additional functionality for the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer, such as HTML export and nested type creation commands. This download includes all necessary source code and a Visual Studio project template for creating your own add-ins for the Visual Studio 2005 designers. The Class Designer is a developer productivity tool available in Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and above, which allows developers to easily visualize, design, refactor, and document their code. The Distributed System Designers enable software architects, operations managers, and developers to visually design service-oriented solutions and validate them at design time against their operational environments. The Distributed System Designers are a core component of Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects and the Visual Studio 2005 Team System.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Project Explorer For Microsoft Developer Studio. It has been tested with Version VC++ 6 and Service Pack 3. It adds the ability to launch windows explorer in the directory of the currently active project. Although only a very simple ability, it is one that is very handy and I use all the time.

Visual Studio Add-ins: ReSharper An add-in to Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 with intelligent coding assistance, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick error correction, as well as unmatched support for code refactoring, unit testing, and more: Error Highlighting and Quick-Fixes, Advanced Coding Assistance, Numerous Refactorings, Navigation and Search, Unit Testing, ASP.NET Editing, NAnt and MS Build Scripts Editing.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Reflector Allows you to inspect assemblies, browse objects, disassemble, and has more very useful features.

Visual Studio Add-ins: RegExInator Supports easier development of RegEx statements from within the Visual Studio IDE.

Visual Studio Add-ins: RegexDesigner .NET A powerful visual tool for helping you construct and test .NET Regular Expressions. When you are happy with your regular expression, RegexDesigner.NET lets you integrate it into your application through native C# or VB.NET code generation and compiled assemblies (usable from any .NET language).

Visual Studio Add-ins: Resource Refactoring Tool A project to develop an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard or above that allows developers to refactor string literals in to resource files directly from the code window.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Sandcastle Suite Features: Sandcastle documentation, Classdiagram renamer and exporter, solution stats, file types and there count, lines of code, statistics log and graphical view, FTP upload HTML document.
Visual Studio Add-ins: Screen Capture Allows the developer to capture snapshots of the application being debugged or of any open window. Includes C# source, Hotkey support, capture your application, capture full screen, capture active window, select window to capture with mouse.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SharpTools An extensible add-in to the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET development environment, and a software development kit (SDK) supporting the rapid development of further extensions which will run within SharpTools. These further extensions to SharpTools are called SharpTool plug-ins. SharpTools also includes several specific plug-ins, implemented to assist programmers in developing, debugging, testing and documenting code developed within the Visual Studio.NET development environment. Includes: Code Library Plugin, DataViewer Plugin, RSS Blog Reader Plugin.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SlickEdit Gadgets Some of the gadgets provide useful utilities and some of them are just for fun. Includes: Editor Gadgets, Command Spy, File Explorer, Data Object Analyzer, SLOC Report.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SlickEdit Tools SlickEdit Tools v1.1 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 seamlessly integrates the following features into your preferred development environment. SlickEdit Tools only integrates with Visual Studio 2005, and will not run with previous versions or Express editions of Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Smart Paster This valuable free add-in features the Paste As… command in the pop-up context menu. Paste as comment, String, StringBuilder, or region.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SmartOutline A utility that enables enhanced region outlining. SmartOutline regions are supported with any VS2005 programming language and file type that can be opened in Visual Studio editor. The utility is developed as VSIP package and integrated with Visual Studio 2005.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SolutionZipper Cleans and zips a Solution in one step. Provides a simplified version of these add-ins: ProjectZip, ZipStudio.

Visual Studio Add-ins: SqlScripter A conversion of the SqlScripter product to a SharpTools plugin, which allows you to generate a SQL script of all table data, which can be useful for data migration, versioning, deployment, etc.

Visual Studio Add-ins: StudioSpell Speller add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2005, 2003, 2002), provides a user friendly tool for checking Web page HTML and strings in source code - StudioSpell analyzes only the text that could appear in-front of a user.

Visual Studio Add-ins: TFS Follow Branch History The goal of this project is to fulfill the missing feature of full branch history of items in the Team Foundation Server (TFS) explorer GUI.

Visual Studio Add-ins: VFPX A Visual FoxPro Community effort to create open source add-ons for Visual FoxPro 9.0. Includes ClassBrowserX, Code Analyst, ctl32_scontainer, ctl32_statusbar, GDIPlusX, JustBehave, New Property and Method Replacement, OOP Menu Project, Outlook2003Bar.

Visual Studio Add-ins: VFPy Visual FoxPro Community effort to create open source add-ons for Microsoft Visual FoxPro. Projects include: ActiveVFP, MTmyVFP, FullTextVFP, VFPWebSpider, VFPRobotics, VFPGoogled.

Visual Studio Add-ins: VS.Php A PHP integrated development environment based on Visual Studio. Design, develop, debug and deploy PHP applications within the Visual Studio IDE. VS.Php key features are around providing rich PHP and Smarty editing capabilities as well as its ability to debug PHP scripts locally as well as remotely.
Visual Studio Add-ins: VSFileFinder2005 An updated version of the file finder tool for Visual Studio 2005. This version is completely rewritten in C# and includes a new setting screen that integrates with the Visual Studio Options dialog.

Visual Studio Add-ins: VSHelper Registers 10 new commands, which you can map to key combinations or access from the toolbar including Cut and copy, Close all secondary windows, FindNext and FindPrev, Show the Output and Find Results windows, Sswitch between C/CPP and H files, find document in the Solution Explorer, Go to the first column (VS 2003 version only), Settings, and more.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Visual Assist X Read, write, refactor, and navigate faster than ever with more than 50 powerful features integrated seamlessly into your Microsoft development environments.

Visual Studi[/color]o Add-ins: [color=red]VsCommander VsCommander is an add-in for Visual Studio 2005 that allows you to associate file extensions in Solution Explorer with user-defined commands. The commands are added as context menu items on the file in Solution Explorer.

Visual Studio Add-ins: WSCF - Schema-Based Contract-First Web Services WSCF offers a simple yet powerful WSDL Wizard that abstracts away all the nitty-gritty details of WSDL and therefore does not give room for making errors and wrong assumptions just by trying to use and applying everything that can be done stated by the original WSDL specification.

Visual Studio Add-ins: WebReports8 After installing, there are new commands available in the command window as well as in the context menu of the Solution Explorer. Most of them use a new Tool window to output the results of the commands and to offer new functionalities in the context of the reported items.

Visual Studio Add-ins: XML Visualizer XML Visualizer for Visual Studio .NET 2005) allows you to visualize most XML and XML-backed data sources during runtime a la Whidbey's "debugger visualizers".

Visual Studio Add-ins: XPathmania XPathmania is a way to write and test your XPath statements to either create your own console or Window application, create a test XSLT (using the XSLT debugger), or worse, put break points in your code, and use the edit and continue feature. Part of the open source Mvp.Xml project (

Visual Studio Add-ins: Zip Project Allows the developer to create a ZIP archive of project files from within the VS.NET IDE. Includes the compiled assembly for those who only want the plugin, just copy the assembly to your SharpTools installation folder, next time you start VS.NET it will appear. Requires SharpTools.
Visual Studio Add-ins: ZipStudio Provides a means of zipping up complete or partial Visual Studio solutions and projects and associated files, directly from in Visual Studio itself.

Visual Studio Add-ins: dbManager Allows you to execute T-SQL scripts, modify database schemas, backup and restore databases, and a host of other necessary functions. With dbManager, you have the power to manage your databases effectively.
Visual Studio Add-ins: devAdvantage A refactoring tool coupled with a static code analyzer to create a unique tool that understands code for the purpose of improving it. When integrated into Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET and fueled with a knowledgebase of rules and standards, devAdvantage can work with you to pinpoint issues, transform your C# code and lower your total cost of development.

Visual Studio Add-ins: devMetrics Gathers source code metrics. By measuring important attributes of your code, such as quality and complexity, devMetrics can help manage work and identify problem areas.

Visual Studio Add-ins: tangible architect Generates persistent object models from UML or C# interfaces, O/R mapping, and many other features.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Work Item Paste Attachment from Clipboard Project to develop a Visual Studio add-in so you can "paste" items directly as Team Foundation work item attachments from your clipboard. The most common use case are screen shots. Currently, there is no stable release.

Visual Studio Add-ins: vsPropertyGenerator This Visual Studio 2005 add-in creates and removes properties to C# classes. It works like "Generate Getters/Setters" feature in the Eclipse IDE.

Visual Studio Add-ins: x.doc x.doc is short for "External Documentation". It is a Visual Studio (VS) 2005 add-in that provides a means to manage and visualize source-code comment documentation interactively in the IDE. Its main feature is that it provides an easy way to 'externalize' the documentation comments using the documentation XML <include> tag. x.doc is completely developed in C#, uses no third-party libraries, and is built specifically for VS2005/.NET 2.0. Currently, x.doc only supports documentation management for C# code files, but sufficient place-holders have been coded to make this add-in work for the other languages.

Visual Studio Add-ins: Code Style Enforcer A DXCore plug-in for Visual Studio that checks the code against a configurable code standard and best practices. It is developed for C#, but some of the rules will also work for VB .NET, though not tested. The default rules are based on the C# Coding Standard from IDesign


posted on 2011-05-10 18:48  HackerVirus  阅读(535)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报