摘要:Delphi Socket Architecture- Felix John COLIBRI.abstract: The architecture of theScktCompsocketCLASSeskey words: Sockets, WinSock, Windows Socket, ScktComp, socket UML class diagram, socket file transfer,tClientSocket,tServerSocket, HTTP serversoftware used: Windows XP, Delphi 6hardware used: Pentium
摘要:A Brief History of Strings Delphi strings in depth Strings are a bit of a mystery to most Delphi developers. The fact that new features are added in almost every new release probably does not help the situation. For example, few developers know the difference between string,...
摘要:不同于TList类,TObjectList类的Add, Remove, IndexOf, Insert等方法都需要传递TObject对象作为参数,由于有了编译期的强类型检查,使得TObjectList比TList更适合保存对象。此外TObjectList对象有OwnsObjects属性。当设定为True (默认值),同TList类不同,TObjectList对象将销毁任何从列表中删除的对象。无论是调用Delete, Remove, Clear 方法,还是释放TObjectList对象,都将销毁列表中的对象。有了TObjectList类,我们就再也不用使用循环来释放了对象。这就避免了释放链...
摘要:I just came by a fairly new set of Delphi tools by CodeGear and RemObjecs, and being an ex Delphi programmer, my mind was flooded with intriguing ideas. How easy would it be to port old Delphi applications into this century, i.e. the .NET world, without the need of a complete rewrite? This would no.
摘要:Delphi Prism - Visual Studio Pascal For .NET by Huw Collingbourne Delphi through the looking glass? Monday 27 October 2008. On October 27th, 2008, CodeGear launches a new version of its flagship product, Delphi - for the first time ever hosted inside Microsoft’s Visual Studio. Or is it really the fi
摘要:As we know, now that the future of Delphi.NET is Delphi Prism (based on the RemObjects Oxygene compiler) we have to migrate our Delphi.NET projects to be compatible with the Prism compiler. The Easiest way to get started is to look at the free Oxidizer tool provided on the RemObjects Wiki. The tool.
摘要:在多线程中使用UDP kraft @ 2005-05-10 21:20 来自:painboy, 时间:2004-8-8 11:34:40, ID:2754268 type TUdpThread = class(TThread) private FData : PChar; //数据区 FBytes : Integer; //数据区大小 FFromIP : string; //UDP的源地址 FFromPort : Integer; //UDP的源端口 public constructor Create(Buffer: PChar; NumberBytes: Integer; FromIP: S
摘要:DemoCode highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/--unitMainFrm;interfaceusesWindows,Messages,SysUtils,Classes,Graphics,Controls,Forms,Dialogs,StdCtrl...
摘要:{VER10: Turbo Pascal 1VER20: Turbo Pascal 2VER30: Turbo Pascal 3VER40: Turbo Pascal 4VER50: Turbo Pascal 5VER60: Turbo Pascal 6VER70: Turbo Pascal 7 / Borland Pascal 7VER80: Delphi 1VER90: Delphi 2VER...
摘要:对象的方法能定义成静态(static)、虚拟(virtual)、动态(dynamic)或消息处理(message)。请看下面 的例子: TFoo = class procedure IAmAStatic; procedure IAmAVirtual; virtual; procedure IAmADynamic; dynamic; procedure IAmAMessage(var...
摘要:在多线程下面,有时候我们会希望等待某一线程完成了再继续做其他事情,要实现这个目的,可以使用Windows API函数WaitForSingleObject,或者WaitForMultipleObjects这两个函数都会等待Object被标为有信号(signaled)时才返回的那么,什么是信号呢?简单来说,Windows下创建的Object都会被赋予一个状态量。如果Object被激活了,或者正在使用...
摘要:在Delphi项目中,通常有一个与项目名称主文件名相同的.RES文件,该文件用于保存应用程序图标等资源,对应于此文件,在项目文件中一定含有编译指示“{$R *.res}”,告诉编译器编译时需要包含与项目主文件名相同的.RES文件。同样,如果需要在应用程序中以资源形式包含任何文件类型,也可以利用.RES文件。本文将告诉你如何利用RES文件在Delphi程序内部包含文件。一创建...
摘要:******************************** 运 行 错 误 信 息 ** 运行时出现的错误信息形式为: ** Run-time error nnn at xxxx ** 其中 nnn 是运行时的错误编号 ** xxxx 是运行时的错误地址 ********************************运行时的错误分为以下三类:* I/O错误:错误编号为100-149编号 说...
摘要:很简单,首先到这里www.codegear.com/downloads/regusers/delphi 下载组件BDE_Pro.msm放到c:\program files\Common Files\MergeModules然后新建一个InstallAware工程,在Deployment下添加MergeModules,把刚刚的BDE_Pro.msm添加进来接着编译新工程,搞定收工