BizTalk CRM Adapter dynamic port unexpected message type

// NOTE: These are dynamic port assignments.
// These can changed at runtime without any impact!
CRMAdapterRequestMsg(PropertySchema.ServerUrl) = CRM_URL;
CRMAdapterRequestMsg(PropertySchema.UserName) = CRM_UserName;
CRMAdapterRequestMsg(PropertySchema.Password) = CRM_Password;
CRMAdapterRequestMsg(PropertySchema.CrmOrganization) = CRM_Organization;
CRMAdapterRequestMsg(PropertySchema.AuthType) = CRM_AuthType;

// NOTE: Specify the CRM full URL endpoint.
CRMDynamicSendPort(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address) = CRM_URL; // NOTE: match this with the adapter name in BizTalk Server
// Administration Console (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0)
CRMDynamicSendPort(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.TransportType) =
CRM_TransportType; // "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0"

//Note: It is ok to configure the Send Pipeline as PassThrough, but the receive pipeline should XmlReceive unless the type of response message is System.Xml.XmlDocument


posted @ 2013-02-20 15:53  Leo Tang  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报