Something about technical writing and documentation

Effective communications require quality content, language, format, and more. The entire point of communications is to disseminate information; this is where written content comes in. To present the appropriate content, it is imperative to understand audience and writing purpose. If a document does not communicate the information that the writer intends and what he or she wants the reader to understand, then the communication is meaningless.

The writer has self-interest in making the extra effort: Looking credible is as important as being credible and getting results in business. Respect and credibility of the writer/speaker are integral to effective communications. Readers will not trust the information from an author if they do not believe that author is a valuable source of information or the purveyor of worthwhile ideas. Furthermore, being respected is essential to being persuasive, a key ingredient in business.


I noticed that my blog entries have few page views and RSS reading, thanks for reading! Unfortunately, I am writing this blog mainly for myselft, so the content is not so quality, language mixed and etc. It would be improved in the future, but not coming soon, sorry for that!

posted @ 2012-06-08 12:02  Leo Tang  阅读(158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报