SqlZoo.net习题答案:How to do joins.【Table Tennis】
表结构: ttms(games, color, who, country)
country(id, name)
ttms.county = county.id
1b.Show the who and the color of the medal for the medal winners from 'Sweden'.
select who, color from ttms join country on (ttms.country = country.id) where country.name = 'Sweden'
1c.Show the years in which 'China' won a 'gold' medal.
select games from ttms join country on (ttms.country = country.id) where country.name = 'China' and ttms.color = 'gold'
表结构: ttws(games, color, who, country)
games(yr, city, country)
ttws.games = games.yr
2a.Show who
won medals in the 'Barcelona' games.
select who from ttws join games on (ttws.games=games.yr) where city = 'Barcelona'
2b.Show which city 'Jing Chen' won medals. Show the city
and the medalcolor
select games.city, color from ttws join games on (ttws.games = games.yr) where ttws.who = 'Jing Chen'
2c.Show who
won the gold medal and the city
select ttws.who, games.city from ttws join games on (ttws.games = games.yr) where ttws.color = 'gold'