Conditional Object Mapper Conditional Object Mappers make new type maps based on conditional between the source and the destination type. Member Confi 阅读全文
AutoMapper supports the ability to construct [[Custom Value Resolvers]] and [[Custom Type Converters]] using static service location: Or dynamic servi 阅读全文
AutoMapper can map to destination constructors based on source members: If the destination constructor parameter names don't match, you can modify the 阅读全文
Hand rolled mapping code, though tedious, has the advantage of being testable. One of the inspirations behind AutoMapper was to eliminate not just the 阅读全文
Configuration Create a instance and initialize configuration via the constructor: The instance can be stored statically, in a static field or in a dep 阅读全文
AutoMapper allows you to add conditions to properties that must be met before that property will be mapped. This can be used in situations like the fo 阅读全文
Occasionally, you might need to perform custom logic before or after a map occurs. These should be a rarity, as it's more obvious to do this work outs 阅读全文
Initialization You now must use either or to initialize AutoMapper. If you prefer to keep the static usage, use . If you have a lot of calls everywher 阅读全文